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Thank You!

If any of these sites closed, I'm sorry, but I really can't control, though I really do love these sites all the same! :)

Thank you to Angelfire who allowed me to build my page! I would reccomend it to both begginers and advanced people who are into web page making.

And to Princess Serenity's Moon Kingdom from which I got several pictures that I used on my site. You can visit this wonderful site that is a personal fave of mine at Princess Serenity's Moon Kingdom.

To Beseen from which I got my search enging, navigating tool bar, counter, and pop-up quizzes for my page! Visit and get some neat things for your page at

To Hotmail where I got the screen name that you all e-mail me at. They can get you one too! So simple to use click

A huge thank you to
Bravenet for their wonderful voting booth, chat, and everything else! They are a wonderful service and deserve a lot. (I'm also doin' greeting cards there!)

A big thank you to one of THE best web graphic shops around, Serenity. Their web graphics are great and are my category corner layouts. They have buttons and banners galore!

Thank you very much to Chibi Tenshi, which provided me with over 30 of my angels! They are da bomb for little angels. I especially have to thank you guys! I know this is only a small credit, but what the heck!

Thank you to the unconditional support of my buddies who always supported me. Especially Kathleen and Savy, you two are the best! Kathleen, who made my link banners and has sent me some cute pix that I'm working on putting up. Savy, you know that you have done more than your share in support and being my friend! Also, my sis, Nat. I know that we don't always get along, but you're working your butt off to make me some awards that I haven't gotten up yet, because you're still working on 'em. :k Kitty face! You'll are so sweet to help me. I never would've gotten this thing done without ya'. Oh, and I almost forgot Katie Kitty Kat, :) (I know you hate me calling you that, gomen!) You've been a great buddy, and I love your moral support! It's the best. :p

Thank you to for the inspiration I got after reading your fan fiction to write some myself. Though, they aren't as good as yours... I'm getting better at least! :p

To Neko-Chan's Kawaii Anime Page for some of the pictures that I have on my kawaii page!

Thank you very much to Lycentia's Web Graphics for the lovely buttons and a lot of neat stuff! I love her page soo much

Thanks to Sailor Pluto's Temple for some of the pictures I have in the Sailor Pluto gallery.

To Neo's Sailor Moon Heaven for some of the Sailor Moon pictures in the picture gallery, and for many more pix. She has a great site!

To all of my role players! Especially the ones that have stuck with me from the beginning, you know who you are. The ones that IM and E-mail me only good things and are there when I need you! :)

ToSailor Moon, they provided me with lots of the pictures that you see in the galleries, and though it hasn't been updated for some time, it's still cool!