Super Alien
Super Alien
- Ways to get it-Wish for it
- You Must be a Alien to become a Super Alien you get 450pl and 450mp plus a new move called virgo shot.
Super Alien x 2
- Ways to Get it- wish for it
- You must be a Super Alien to become a Super Alien x 2 your your pl and mp go up 600 plus a new move called Transform.
Super Alien x 3
- Ways to get it-wish for it
- You must be a super alien x 2 to become a super alien x 3. your pl and mp go up 800 plus you get a new move called Aires Blast.
Super Alien x 4
- Ways to get it-wish for it
- You must be a super alien x 3 to become a super alien x 4. your pl and mp go up 1300 plus you get a new move called Kienzan Disk!!!