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Sailor Moon Episode Guide

Here are episode lists aranged by seasons. I've sorted them so you could see the original Japanese titles (translated to english of course!) or the dub titles (if the season was dubbed).
Check out the illustrated episode summery of episode 45 & 46!

Original Sailor Moon Titles & Dub Sailor Moon Titles

Original Sailor Moon R Titles & Dub Sailor Moon R Titles

Original Sailor Moon S Titles & Dub Sailor Moon S Titles

Original Sailor Moon Super S Titles & Dub Sailor Moon Super S Titles

Original Sailor Stars Titles
(a dub of Sailor Stars does not exist)

*Illustated Episode Summeries*
Did you know that the 'Day of Destiny' episode that DIC dubbed was not the whole battle!? Actually That episode was originally 2 episodes! DIC edited for violent content. Here is the real 2 part 'Day of Destiny'. The only violent content in this is scouts being thrown around and tortured. There is no blood just tattered and torn sailor suits. Enjoy!

45: Death of the Sailor Warriors. Gallent Final Battle

46: Usagi's Eternal Wish. Renewed Reencarnation

~Other Illustrated Episode Summery Sites!~
