Episode 45 continued...
Sailor Jupiter stalls and vines burst from Motoki's chest. They reach Sailor Jupiter and wrap her up.
Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars prepare their attacks to save Sailor Jupiter.
Moon: "Moon Tiara..."
Mars: "Fire..."
The DD Girls are at the ends of the vines and rise up to Sailor Jupiter.
Mars: "We can't fire. Jupiter is to close to them."
Jupiter: "I'll be fine. Go get Queen Byrel."
The DD Girls begin to electricute Sailor Jupiter.
Jupiter: "You got some guts trying to attack me with thunder."
DD: "What?"
Jupiter: "Prepare to die."
Jupiter: "Supreme Thunder!"
Sailor Jupiter's attack increases in power as she yells.
DD: "That's nothing."
The thunder grows until a big ball of light blasts the DD Girls away.
DD: "Curse you!"
There is a big explosion and a tower of ice crystals form.
Sailor Jupiter is drapped over the ice dying.
Jupiter: "Everyone..."
Usagi runs up to Sailor Jupiter.
Moon: "I'll get you out of there."
Jupiter: "Go on... hurry and get Byrel...
Moon: "No! We'll go together! You told me you'd fall in love when this is over."
Moon: "You can't lie! The devil will tear out your tongue."
Jupiter: "There's no time to cry princess. So please... cheer up..."
Then Sailor Jupiter dies. An illusion of her appears in the sky.
Sailor Moon is below Sailor Jupiter and she's crying. She yells for Sailor Jupiter.
Moon: "Mako! You can't die!"
Venus: "Let's get going"
Moon: "No..."
Venus: "Sailor Moon."
Moon: "I think it would be better to give up the Silver Crystal."
Mars: "What are you saying?"
Moon: "That's what I should've done from the begining. Here Queen Byrel, take the Silver Crystal!"
Sailor Mercury grabs Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon is crying and talking nonsense.
Moon: "Let go of me! It's the crystal's fault that Mako was..."
Sailor Mercury slaps Sailor Moon across the face so she'll calm down.
Mercury: "I'm sorry. But don't let Jupiter's death go to waste."
Sailor Mercury is scanning the area with her data computer.
Mercury: "They're coming."
Mercury: "You three go ahead, I'll stop them here."
Mars: "But..."
Mercury: "From here on, the offensive power is a must. That means you three. Go on"
Moon: "Ami, you aren't..."
Mercury: "I won't die."
Moon: "Promise me."
Sailor Mercury is on her own, scanning the area.
Mercury: "Come and get me."
An illusion of Urawa appears in front of Sailor Mercury.
Mercury: "So I have the priviledge of seeing an illusion too."
Out of the ground comes lava, rushing towards Sailor Mercury.
Mercury: "Bubble Spray!"
The lava cools off and stops from Sailor Mercury's attack. Three of the DD Girls fly above Sailor Mercury and form a lava ball which comes crashing down, Sailor Mercury runs out of the way.
Mercury: "The illusion has heat energy like a real one?"
Sailor Mercury scans the lava ball and figures out something.
Mercury: "The source of the illusions is the stone on her forehead... I'll have to dystroy the source of the illusions."
Mercury: "Bubble Spray!"
Sailor Mercury is then trapped inside the ball of lava. The DD Girls wrap her up.
DD: "We'll make a roast pig out of you."
Mercury: "That's rude."
DD: "Oh, a roast potato then?"
The DD Girls burn Sailor Mercury and she screams with pain.
DD: "Die!"
Sailor Mercury is now limp and then she looks down at her data computer in her hand.
Mercury: "Today is the last day I use this..."
Sailor Mercury looks up at the DD Girl and smashes the jewel on her forehead that makes the illusions.
The lava ball illusion disappears and the DD Girls fly away.
DD: "We can't make illusions anymore."
Sailor Mercury is dead on a sheet of ice.
An illusion of Ami appears in the sky.