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A New Enemy? Four Soldiers Awaken

A young girl, maybe 13, entered the hallways of her new boarding school. "So," she thought. "this is the Tokyo Dreams Academy" She looked down at her new school uniform. "Well, at least the uniform looks good on me" She studied the black vest with red arm-bands and lining, with a silver bow and collar, the white, long, full-sleeved white-silver shirt under it, and the short, pleated, stylish silver skirt with red edgings.

"Kia Tenaiou!" a sharp voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Here!" she called back, shouldering her small duffel. Her other things had already been sent to her room.

"Room 17!" called the headmistress. Kia walked up to the lady who was taking them to their rooms. Two other girls, one with shoulder-length, black hair, the grown-out bangs pulled into a ponytail, and one with brown-blonde hair cut to just above her ears, were waiting there for her. Kia nervously tightened the band on her own hair, silvery in color with a curious gold streak and tied into a single odango with a long ponytail.

"Hi," she greeted her roommates, "I’m Kia Tenaiou, in 7th grade."

The black-haired one replied,

"Hi. I’m Himekio Tayora, and I’m in 7th grade, also."

"Lauroku Tomeiou, 8th grade. It’s a pleasure."

"Come on, girls!" said the woman. They shouldered their small bags and followed her to the 3rd floor, the girls dormitories. She pointed them to a red door with a black 17 on it. They stepped inside and started unpacking.

"Mako-chan, these cookies are really good!" exclaimed Usagi, stuffing 3 of them into her mouth at once. All of the 9 soldiers were at Mako-chan’s house, supposedly having a meeting.

"Usagi! Stop that!" yelled Rei.

"I can’t! They’re too good!" Rei and Usagi started yelling and fighting. The other girls stared at them.

"Guys! Stop it! Really! We’re supposed to be having a Sailor meeting!" said Ami. They stopped and looked at her, with big sweatdrops on their faces.

"Awww, Ami-chan, what’s the difference? Galaxia’s gone, isn’t she?"

"Still, we can’t be too careful! I’ve been reading a strange energy that concerns me!"

"Can’t we do this later? I wanted to go shopping today!"

Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru stood to one side, watching them argue.

"Well," began Setsuna, "I don’t think a little break would hurt. It’s only been 2 weeks since the battle, we all need to unwind."

"Yay!" said Hotaru, "I wanna go shopping with Usagi-chan!"

Usagi smiled.

"Wouldn’t you rather go with Chibi-Usa?"

"Well, sure, but she’s back in the 30th century, isn’t she?"

"She’s coming back for a visit for a week! We’re meeting her at the park in 10 minutes!"

"All right!" All of the girls headed down to the park to pick up Chibi-Usa and go shopping.

Back at Tokyo Dreams Academy, the girls had finished had finished unpacking and were sprawled out on 3 of the 4 beds in the dorm. They were talking about where they had come from, when the door opened and a girl with long, crimped, brown, wet hair wearing a silver, black and red bikini stepped inside.

"Oh, hello. You must be my new roomies! I’m Sestina Uranku and I’m in 8th grade. I’ve been here for 3 years."

"Hi, Sestina. I’m Kia Tenaiou, 7th grade, this is Himekio Tayora, 7th grade, and Lauroku Tomeiou, 8th grade."

"Hi, girls! Hey, lets change into our street clothes and go shopping! How does that sound?"

"Allright! Awesome! Cool! Let’s go!"

In the mall, the now 10 girls were eating in a music café, when they saw Mamoru come in.

"Mamo-chan! Over here!" Usagi stood up and shouted. He headed over and gave Usagi a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, Usa-ko. Hey, everyone." He sat down and they all shared a plate of nachos.

An announcer said over the loudspeaker,

"And now, for your pleasure, back after touring the world, The Starlights!" Usagi choked and said,

"What?!" The others looked just as surprised. The Starlights came out onto the stage and started singing their trademark song(was it Nagreboshi he? I don’t remember) The scouts and Mamoru looked at each other, worry showing on their faces. After the show was over, everyone rushed to the stage and caught the Starlights’ eyes. They nodded back and indicated a door marked ‘backstage’.

"Wow, that song was great!" exclaimed Sestina, "The Starlights are such cool guys!" The four girls were sitting at a table in the café,sipping milkshakes and watching the Starlights perform.

"Hey, wanna go see if we can get their autographs?"


Backstage, Usagi said, "Why are you guys back here? And where’s Kakyuu?"

Yaten replied, "There is a large dark energy slowly enveloping the Earth once again. We came back to help. Kakyuu is busy being a princess, though."

A triumphant Ami said "Ha! I knew it! I knew there was something wrong!" The others stared at her.

"Is that something to be happy about?"

That evening, the girls were getting ready for bed, talking as they did.

Sestina said "It’s a pity that we couldn’t get those idols’ autographs,"

"Oh, don’t worry so much, Sestina. There was no way we could’ve got one!"

"Hey, what’re you doing, Himekio?" The dark-haired girl was tugging at the flap on a black shoulder purse, trying to open it.

"I was never able to open this purse, even though I’ve had it since I was born!" she said dispiritedly.

"Hey, I’ve got one like that that I can’t open, either, except it’s silver and gold!" said Kia.

"Me too!"

"Me too!" the girls looked at each other, and they all pulled out their purses. Suddenly, they heard a loud scream. A silver aura coming from the purses enveloped the girls, and they suddenly opened up, brooches landing in the palm of each of the four girls, silver & gold designs for Kia, yellow for Lauroku, black for Himekio, and sky-blue for Sestina. The girls stared at them for a second, and then they said together in voices unlike their own, "The time for the awakening has come…"

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