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Illusion of Dreams-Chapter Two

The Conflict. Four New Soldiers Arrive!

The girls stared at the brooches. They flew over and attached themselves to the bows on their uniforms, and the girls were transformed into Sailor Senshi, each girl with her own distinctive fuku. Wordlessly, they dashed down the hall towards the screams.

"Usagi! Usagi, wake up! WAKE UP, USAGI!" Usagi fell out of bed, narrowly missing Luna, who had been shouting in her ear.

"Oh, what now, Luna?"

"Something’s wrong over at that new academy, Tokyo Dreams. We have to get there right away!"

Usagi grumbled, but she got out of bed and ran to the school.

At the school, all of the girls and the Starlights met, nodded, and transformed.

"Mercury Crystal Power!"

"Mars Crystal Power!"

"Jupiter Crystal Power!"

"Venus Crystal Power!"

"Uranus Crystal Power!"

"Neptune Crystal Power!"

"Pluto Crystal Power!"

"Saturn Crystal Power!"

"Healer Star Power!"

"Maker Star Power!"

"Fighter Star Power!"

"Neo-Moon Eternal Power!" (I made this one up)

"Moon Eternal Power!"


When all thirteen girls had transformed, then ran into the school.

The four girls ran up to see a youma draining the energy from a young girl. Himekio raised her arms and cried, "Steel Storm!" A hail of piercing blades rained down on the youma and he dropped her. He looked up, furious, and yelled,

"Who are you?!" The girls stood, puzzled for a moment, then announced,

"Soldier of Storms, Sailor Storm!" yelled Himekio.

"Soldier of Stars, Sailor Star!" yelled Lauroku.

"Soldier of the Sky, Sailor Sky!" said Sestina.

"Soldier of beautiful Dreams, Sailor Dreams!" shouted Kia.

"Four Celestial soldiers, brought together by a new danger, have arrived!" they finished.

The 13 other Senshi arrived just as they finished their speech. They looked at them, surprised, but the other four didn’t even seem to notice.

"Sky Swirl!" yelled Sky, and a blue beam came from her outstretched hands and wrapped itself around the youma.

"Golden Dream!" Dreams raised her hands up into the air as though praying, then spread them apart. A long strip of dazzling golden energy formed, and she twirled around once, the energy enveloping her and then was sling-shot towards the youma. It encircled him, and he screamed once, before turning back into one of the teachers. Sky, recognizing him, dashed over and said,

"Seran-sensei! Are you all right?!"

Dreams dragged her away, saying "We have to go! We mustn’t be seen!" Sky, realizing this, got up and ran after her and the other two girls, and soon they disappeared down the dark hallway.

The other scouts stared, speechless. It was Usagi who broke the silence.

"You mean I got out of bed this late for nothing?!"

A matron entered room 17, and looking at the girls, chuckled. She shook them awake.

"Come on, sleepyheads, don’t want to be late for the first day of school, do we?" After making sure that they were awake, she left the room. The girls sat up, looking very bleary-eyed. Himekio said

"What happened last night? ‘Cause I had the weirdest dream that we were fighting a big black shadow."

"That wasn’t a dream, Himekio-chan. It was real. Look at the bow on your uniform." The girls, so exhausted after the night, had fallen asleep directly after reverting from their sailor suits to their uniforms. Sure enough, on each girls bow was a brooch of their distinctive color.

"Oh, man! I don’t like this. What is this about?" It was Lauroku, looking a bit gray. "What happened? Can we do that weird transforming thing again?"

"There’s only one way to find out" pointed out Sestina. "We try." Though frightened, the girls put on brave faces and called, softly, lest they attract unwanted attention,

"Storm Celestial Power!"

"Star Celestial Power!"

"Sky Celestial Power!"

"Dreams Celestial Power!"


Sure enough, within a few instants the girls had transformed, Himekio/Stormcloud with a black skirt, brooch, collar; gray bows and short black boots. Her tiara stone was a piece of a stormy cloud. Lauroku/Star with pale yellow skirts, brooch, collar; black bows and black sneaker-like shoes. Her tiara stone was a piece of a yellow meteor/shooting star. Sestina/Sky with sky-blue skirts, collar, and brooch; dark blue bows and dark blue knee-length boots. Her tiara stone was a piece of the clear blue sky. Kia/Dreams had a silver skirt, collar, and gloves, golden bows, and calf-length silver boots. Her brooch was a curious pattern of silver and gold, and her tiara stone was a piece of pure silver.

"Okay, now I’m freaked out." Said Himekio. "What the heck is this?!" Suddenly footsteps were heard down the hall.

"Quick! De-transform! Or something!" panicked Kia. The girls concentrated, and their sailor fuku turned to ribbons and reformed into their school uniforms. Just then a cute boy walked in.

"Oh, hi, Tayashi-sempai!" said Sestina. She introduced him to the others. "Tayashi-sempai, these are my new roommates, Himekio, Lauroku, and Kia. Guys, this is Tayashi-sempai, one of my friends."

"Whats up?" said Tayashi

"Nothing, but we’re trying to get ready for classes, Tayashi-sempai." Sestina said pointedly. He got the point.

"Okay, Sestina-chan, see ya later!" He said as he walked out.

"Oh, wow, Sestina-chan, he’s cute!" exclaimed Himekio.

"Who, Tayashi? He is, I guess." She said, shrugging. "Anyway, we got to get ready for class. Where do you guys go first?" They pulled out their schedules and started comparing them.

"Who were those kids?" Usagi asked. "I mean, more Sailor Senshi? This is getting ridiculous!" The 13 soldiers and Mamoru were at the Hikawa Shrine discussing what had happened last night. Usagi yawned. "It’s too early to get up. Why couldn’t we do this after school?"

"Because you would have been in detention again!"

"Shut up!"

"Stop already!" Ami yelled.

"Who know where they’re from? This is just useless guessing until we find them again." Haruka pointed out. The others agreed and they left for school.

Himekio sat in Math class, bored out of her mind. "Why did everyone else get to go to Language Arts first?" She thought. She hated math.

"Tayora-san!" The teacher yelled. "Are you paying attention?!" Himekio jerked awake.

"Uh-huh…" she muttered groggily.

"Then what are we talking about?"

"Ummmm…" She wasn’t sure. "Ummmm…" A note landed on her desk. She read it as carefully as she could without getting caught. "Um, square roots?" She said, hoping the note was right.

"Good. You were paying attention after all." Himekio, relieved, fell asleep again.

After class, a boy came up to her and said "Hi, I’m Serada Nassau. Did my note help?"

"Yeah, thanks, Serada-san. I thought I was caught! I’m Tayora Himekio."

"Cool. See ya around, Tayora-san." He walked down the hall. Himekio watched him go.

"Gosh, he’s cute," she thought. Then she started off for Phys Ed.

In the deepest cellars of the school, a black mass seethed and sighed. Something had thwarted its plans, and it wasn’t happy. It lay still, thinking of a way to rid itself of the bothersome soldiers who had stopped it last night.
After school, the girls sat around on their beds, talking and munching on various food items. Himekio bit into a pear and asked,

"So, where are you guys from, anyway? I’m from right here in Tokyo, but what about the rest of you?"

"I’m from the States," said Sestina, eating a candy bar "My parents are in the military and I go to school here because there aren’t any other kids on the base."

"Europe." was Lauroku’s simple reply as she ate a granola bar.

"I’m from Tokyo, too," said Kia. "I came here on a scholarship in academics and sports from Juuban Junior High."

"Oh, crud!" said Sestina. "I have a ton of homework, and I have got to get it done!"

"Me, too" was the reply. They pulled out school bags and started scribbling at their papers.

Usagi and Ami entered the Academy tentatively, and looked around.

"What exactly are we looking for, Ami-chan?" inquired Usagi.

"I’m not quite sure, but let’s look around anyway." was her reply.

They wandered the halls, getting worse and worse lost, when they heard screaming. Wide-eyed, they looked at eachother, and transformed.

"Mercury Crystal Power!"

"Moon Eternal Power!"


They transformed, and as they were running Ami contacted the rest of the sailors on her communicator. They reached the source of the screaming, and found a youma attacking a boy.

"Hold it!" cried Sailor Moon. "I am the soldier of love and justice, and in place of the moon, I will punish you!"

"Mercury…Aqua…Rhapsody!" cried Mercury. The attack barely glanced off of the monster and only succeeded in annoying it further.

"Uh-Oh…" murmured Moon. They were in real trouble now.

Back in room 17, the girls heard the screams, and looked at eachother.

"Oh, no you don’t!" said Himekio. "I’m not battling again!"

"You know we have to, Himekio," reasoned Kia. "I don’t know much about this, but we can not ignore this ability!"

Himekio sighed, but said "All right."

"Storm Celestial Power!"

"Star Celestial Power!"

"Sky Celestial Power!"

"Dream Celestial Power!"


they transformed and ran down the hall. When they arrived, Mercury was being beat up by the youma. Star gritted her teeth and yelled,

"Sparking Star Fountain!" From her upraised hands a sparkling yellow shower appeared, raining down on the youma. It screamed and turned away from Mercury.

"These guys again?!" Moon said.

"Who are you?!" said the youma. The 4 girls launched their usual speech, but before they could finish, Moon said,

"Are you Sailor Soldiers too? Are you on our side?"

"Maybe we are, but then again, maybe we aren’t" was Sky’s candid reply.

"Enough of this! Golden...Dream!" Dreams called and destroyed the youma.

Moon and Mercury turned and faced the other four. "If you’re on our side, we’ll let you alone, but don’t get in our way" said Sky, surprisingly harsh.

"Sky! Don’t be so rude!" said Dreams. "I’m sorry. We can’t trust you right now, but we’ll be watching." They turned and vanished in the darkness.

"Those four! They’re worse than Uranus and Neptune were!"

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