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Starseed Soldier


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

This little story is the result of my wandering mind. (Actually, it's the result of a very boring math class, but enough about that) I was thinking, what if a soldier who had disappeared and could not come back because she didn't really have her own body, did? I am, of course, talking about ChibiChibi. And to make it connect with Illusion of Dreams, I decided to make her the adopted sister to Kia/Sailor Dreams. This story happens right after Illusion of Dreams, and I had to screw around with the SM timeline to make this story work. because, obviously, if I made her come back after she had faded away, the scouts would be, like, 30-something by the time she was 13. so, I had time shift around, and the Tenaiou's adopted a 13 year old ChibiChibi(for the purpose of her not being 85 and still being called "Small Small" her parents named her "Nochibi(Notch-ibi) Chibi")

I know it sounds weird, but I tend to draw characters first and then write stories for them. (I started doodling teenage-ChibiChibi's in and the idea kinda popped into my head) so, I hope you like "Starseed Soldier". ciao!

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