^^Take the quiz and test your Sailor Moon knowledge! If you get 5 or more questions right, you will be e-mailed the URL for the special quiz award. when you finish and e-mail me the form, the correct answers will be displayed along with your answers.(It'll look a little weird, I don't have alot of control over the answer sheet, including the font size) So, obviously, you'll only get one chance, at least until I change the questions^^(about once a month)BTW, the spelling doesn't have to be perfect, just close. I'm not even sure about some of the spellings! ^^; The answers to some of these questions can be found throughout the website.(hint, hint)
NOTICE-Entering more than once will earn you nothing but disrespect. DON'T DO IT!
If you can't see the submit button, or if it just won't work, e-mail me with the answers to the questions. (It would help if you copy-and-paste the questions next to the answers, please.)
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