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Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Worse...
What? since when are we COUSINS?!
Okay...basically in here i'm ranting and (occasionally) raving about the SMS & SMSS seasons, plus there's a rather large chart of pretty much everything important. I've recently added this handy table of contents-
-My Thoughts on the Dubbed SMS season
-My Thoughts on the Dubbed SMSS season
-(Start of Chart of Changes(tm))-
-Sailor Senshi Names
-Transformation Phrases
-Attack Names
-Family-Friends-People in General
-Relationships Misc.

My Thoughts on the dubbed SMS season

Ummm...well it was okay, the voices kinda stunk, And I know everyone's complaining about "Trista" but like most people now know, Trista means "sad" in Spanish, and that's a good name for her, ne? (though I think "Triste" [the French version of "sad"] would have fit her better^^[says the webmistress who studies french...though it would sound more "exotic"]) And...ummm...well I'll work on this later!^^

My Thoughts on the dubbed SMSS season

Okay...There were so many "random thoughts" here that I decided "What the heck!" And put it up anyways. (This is a list of my random thoughts on the high and low points of the series...if It doesn't make sense to you don't worry it does't make much sense to me either.) Just so u know...I absolutely HATE what they did to the SuperS season (though most/some would say they did a better job than with the S season on the big things, i'm looking at the small things that make it just....ANNOYING to watch[and NO, over-kawaii pinkchibi-ness had nothing to do with that])
-as of 11/01/00 I have suddenly found the SS series acceptable again...why? who knows! *shrugs* But "Pegasus Revealed" was the first episode in a loong time that didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth, in fact I quite liked it! The name "Helios" doesn't bother me too much, and least they pronounced it semi-right and didn't pronounce it Heel-ios(some sun god, I believe...) newayz, Jaa ne! ^^
-OH. MY. GOD. WHAT did they do to Elios/Pegasus's voice? He's supposed to be a reasonably young kid, for god's sake!
-Fish's Eye...don't EVEN get me started...He/She sounds like a girl, but when the Trio is going through possible targets He/She talks like He/She's a guy! I just dunno ~_~
-"(Moon) Super Moon Target"?! WTF is that?!
-I'm amazed! ^^ They actually kept the Amazon Trio's "dream mirror extraction" bit! Lots of ppl thought it'd be cut!
-Heeheehee >: ) CWI made a mistake! they kept the bg music for Chibi/Mini Moon's transformation! You can hear the words "Chibi Moon" QUITE easily^^ (like, duh!)
-And I had such high hopes for episode 3...They had Ikuko-Mama(or Mama-Ikuko...same diff)Hawks-Eye's original scheme, and reasonably OK dialouge (minus that darn valley-girl thing) but when I heard "Mini Prism Power", I knew the episode was gonna go downhill...and I was SO right.(but I wish I wasn't ~_~) The only plus after "Mini Prism Power" was that they FINALLY got "Moon Gorgeous Meditation" right. ~_~ *sigh*
-For all who don't know - the "ending" for SMSS is simply the second half of the "S" ending...How Stupid is that?! I mean, c' starts with Haruka and Michiru and they aren't even IN the SS series!(I'm gonna have to buy the Pioneer subs[when they come out] to save myself from this insanity...)
-LOL...Chibi-Usa topless! Now, I'm sure they left out defining lines and such, but still... Fish-Eye is topless! geeze! In the biggie...but c'mon! He's a GIRL in this version for Dios's sake! (good grief, I've been to BSHB too often...)
-What the HELL are Sailor Pumpkins?! I mean, I just don't see the resemblance...(Maybe they knew it would premiere during the Halloween Season?) Let's just hope the Quartet doesn't follow Tigers-eye's example...~_~
-*SIGH* they did it anyways...NOT only does the Quartet refer to the Senshi as "Sailor Pumpkins", they say that Tigers-Eye and them told them about it! THEY_DIDN'T_KNOW_THE_TRIO! THEY_KILLED_THE_TRIO! MY_GOD! (can you tell I'm annoyed?)
-Woo-Hoo! He's Prince Endymion again! They fixed DIC's mistake! ^^ yay!
(NOW I'm done! ^^;;;)

Sailor Senshi

Sailor Senshi - Sailor Scouts/Sailor Pumpkins
Chibi Mamoru- Darien (Shields?)
Prince Endymion- Prince Darien(DIC)/Prince Endymion(CWI)(THEY DID SOMETHING RIGHT!)
Tsukiage no Knight- Moonlight Knight (a more-or-less literal translation)
Tsukino Usagi- Serena Tsukino
Mizuno Ami- Amy Mizuno
Hino Rei- Raye
Kino Makoto- Lita
Aino Minako- Mina
Chibi-Usa/Sailor Chibi-Moon- Rini/Sailor Mini-Moon
Tenou/Tenoh Haruka- Amara Tenou/Tenoh
Kaiou/Kaioh Michiru- Michelle Kaiou/Kaioh
Tomoe Hotaru- Hotaru Tomoe
Meiou/Meioh Setsuna- Trista Meiou/Meioh
ChibiChibi- RiRi(MIXX manga only)
Kou Seiya- (not yet dubbed)
Kou Taiki- (not yet dubbed)
Kou Yaten- (not yet dubbed)
Princess Kakyuu- (not yet dubbed)

Transformation Phrases

Moon Prism Power, Make-Up! - Moon Prism Power!
Mercury Power, Make-Up! - Mercury Power!
Mars Power, Make-Up! - Mars Power!
Jupiter Power, Make-Up! - Jupiter Power!
Venus Power, Make-Up! - Venus Power!
Moon Crystal Power, Make-Up! - Moon Crystal Power!
Mercury Star Power, Make-Up! - Mercury Star Power!
Mars Star Power, Make-Up! - Mars Star Power!
Jupiter Star Power, Make-Up! - Jupiter Star Power!
Venus Star Power, Make-Up! - Venus Star Power!
Moon Cosmic Power, Make-Up! - Moon Cosmic Power!
Crisis Make-Up!- Moon Crisis Power!
Moon Prism Power, Make-Up! - Moon Prism Power!/Mini Prism Power!
Uranus Planet Power, Make-Up! - Uranus Star/Planet(varies) Power!
Neptune Planet Power, Make-Up! - Neptune Star/Planet(varies) Power!
Pluto Planet Power, Make-Up! - Pluto Star Power!
Moon Crisis, Make-Up! - Moon Cosmic Dream Action!(WTF?! that sounds like an attack!)
Mercury Crystal Power, Make-Up! - Mercury Star/Crystal Power!
Mars Crystal Power, Make-Up! - Mars Crystal Power!
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make-Up! - Jupiter Crystal Power!
Venus Crystal Power, Make-Up! - Venus Crystal Power!


Moon Spiral Heart Attack!- Moon Spiral Heart Attack!/Rainbow Moon Heart Attack!(WTF?![Remember, I just report the bad news...])
Pink Sugar Heart Attack! - Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!- Rainbow Moon Heart Ache/Attack!
World Shaking!- (Uranus) World Shaking!
Deep Submerge!- (Neptune) Deep Submerge!
Dead Scream(!)(whispered)- Pluto Deadly Scream!(shouted)
Moon Gorgeous Meditation! - Moon Super Moon Target!/Super Moon Target!/Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
Twinkle Yell! - Crystal Twinkle Bell!
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody! - [(I am)Sailor Mercury!] Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!
Mars Flame Sniper! - [I am Sailor Mars!]Mars Flame Shooter! (WHAT'S WRONG WITH SNIPER? SNIPERS ARE NOT EVIL, DANGIT!)
Jupiter Oak Evolution - (Sailor Jupiter!) Jupiter Oak Evolution!
Venus Love-and-Beauty Shock! - (Sailor Venus!) Venus Love-and-Beauty Shock!
(Oooooookay...WHY do they add the Senshi names and (sometimes) "I am" in front of them? What's the point?)


Dark Kingdom- The Negaverse
Queen Metallia- The Nega-force
Queen Beryl- Queen Beryl
Jadeite- Jadeite
Nephrite- Nephlyte
Zoicite(male)- Zoicite(female)(see "Relationships")
Kunzite- Malachite
Prince Endymion- Prince Darien
Ail- Alan
Ann- Ann
Doom Tree- Doom Tree(i think)
Rubeus-Rubeus (I think)
Saffir- Sapphire
Demando(sp?)- Diamond
Wise Man- Wise Man
NOTE-The "R" series is NOT my strong point with villains...If I got any REALLY wrong and it's like grating on your nerves, please Tell Me!
Death Busters- The Bureau of Bad Behavior
Daimons- Daimons, Heart Snatchers, Heart Stealers
Professor Soichi(sp?) Tomoe(pronounced To-Mo-Eh)- Doctor Soichi(sp?) Tomoe(pronounced as it looks)
Kaolinite- Kaolinite, Kayolay, Kaori Night, Kaoli, Kaori, etc...
Witches5- Witches5
Eudial(pronounced Eu-je-UL)- Eugeel(pronounced as it looks)
Mimete- Mimet
Tellu- Telulu
Viluy- Villuy
Cyprine&Ptilol- Cyprine&Ptilol
Mistress9- Mistress9
(Master) Pharoh90- (Master) Pharoh90
Messiah of Silence/Dark Messiah- Soveriegn(sp?) of Silence
Dead Moon Circus - Circus From the Shadow of the Dark Moon / Dark Moon Circus (hey, could be worse...could be-"The Circus of Bad Behavior"! *cringe*)
Nehelenia - Nehelenia
Zirconia(originally female) - Zirconia(a guy [WHAT'S with this change? what...can't they show ugly old females or is that too damaging to us? *sarcasm*)
Zircon - Zircon
Amazon Trio - Amazon Trio
Tiger's-Eye - Tiger's-Eye
Hawk's-Eye - Hawk's-Eye
Fish-Eye(male) - Fish-Eye(female)(see "Relationships Misc.")
Amazoness Quartet - Amazon Quartet (THEY'RE GIRLS! c'mon...leave the -ess on the end! sheesh!)
CereCere-CeleCele (aceptable...R and L are interchangable in I BELIEVE thats how they pronounced it...anyone care to check?)
JunJun - JunJun
pronounced VesVes - BesuBesu (I'm pretty sure that's how it's in the original...again, anyone care to check for me?)
PallaPalla - ParaPara (see CereCere's reason)


Talismans- Crystal Treasures, Objects of Power, Three Crystals, Treasures
Holy Chalice- Purity Chalice
Dream Mirrors - Dream Mirrors
Beautiful Dreams - Beautiful Dreams(ok so it's not an actual "item". but so what?!)
Dream Mirrors - Dream Mirrors
Golden Mirror - Golden Mirror
Crystal Clarion - Crystal Chime/Crystal Bell (Was there a word before "Crystal"? I forget...)
Golden Crystal - Golden Crystal
Elysion - Elysion

Family-Friends-People In General

Tsukino Ikuko/Ikuko-Mama -Tsukino Ikuko/Mama-Ikuko
Tsukino Kenji/Kenji-Papa - Not yet dubbed
Tsukino Shingo -Tsukino Sammy
Motoki - Andrew
Unazuki - Elizabeth/Lizzy
Reika - Rita
Naru- Molly
Umino- Melvin
Messiah of Light- Ambassador of Light
Pegasus - Pegasus/The Good One
Elios - Helios (Heh-li-os)

Relationships Misc.

Original-Zoicite is a male and in love with Kunzite.
Dubbed-Zoicite is a female and in love with Malachite.
Original- Haruka&Michiru are "together".
Dubbed- Amara&Michelle are cousins, Amara is not as boyish. Both "Amara" and "Michelle" are much b*tchier and unsure of themselves than in the original.
Original - Fish-Eye was a male who was only interested in beautiful dreamers who were guys, he also was a cross-dresser and most of his targets thought he was a she.
Dubbed - Fish-Eye is a girl (BIIIIG surprise) who still goes after guys, but they ALL think s/he's a she (there were a few where they knew he was he)
