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Hey everyone! ^^ Makoto here volunteered her time to scrounge around the town and the internet to tell you what kind of Sailor stuff is currently out there! This is a VERRRY incomplete list, so please e-mail me If you know what other stuff there is and, if possible, where to find it! There are very few links here, because I'm only 13 and my mom doesn't exactly love online shopping. There will, however, be links to places like Media Play and Borders, and a few online stores as exceptions(aka VKLL) If anyone can verify that an online store is trustworthy(ex- if you've ordered from it) Tell me! Please! anyways, enough rambling. On with da list!
BTW- if there is a star next to the item, it means I own that item.
Note-If this list bores you, go to the bottom where there's a coupla links

List of Stuff

available in actual stores
-Sailor Moon "comic" Manga (no idea how many so far)
-Sailor Moon Book Manga (all of original,R, and SS series, half of S.)*
-Sailor Moon Novels(1-6(?))
-Sailor Moon Scout Guides(Mars, Jupiter, Venus)
-Sailor Moon DIC videos(there's about 5, not sure)**
-Sailor Moon VHS movies, Subbed***
-Sailor Moon VHS movies, dubbed
-Sailor Moon DVD movies, bilinguil(sp?)
-Sailor Moon Watches*
-Sailor Moon Wall Clock
-Sailor Moon Plush
-Sailor Mercury Plush
-Sailor Mars Plush
-Sailor Jupiter Plush*
-Sailor Venus Plush*
-Sailor Uranus Plush
-Sailor Neptune Plush
-Sailor Pluto Plush
-Sailor Moon Hard figures, small and big(forgot the sizes! ^^;) of the 5 inners
-Sailor Moon Hard figures small and big of various villains, mainly R season
-Moon cycle (weird little thing for smaller dolls to ride)
-Sailor Moon Playsets
-Lunch boxes
-Wall scrolls*

The following things I haven't seen in regular stores, I found them at a exhibitors booth at the local fair
-Necklaces(Super Moon, Super ChibiMoon, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn)
-Keychains(same chars. as above)*
-Card Game(I'm not sure if this was the Japanese version or US version)
-Small posters(the size of the ones you find at dart-throwing games, ya know, hit-the-poster ones?)There was even one that was the same as the main page pic! Neat, eh?

Internet Stuff

these are links to various sites on the Internet where you can get SM stuff. I can't vouch for them, But I haven't heard anything horrible about them, either.
-Media Play-Book store, but carries Sailor Moon goodies too.(at least at the local one...)
-Borders another book store, just the manga, CDs, and videos.
-Bunny's Anime Catalouge This one is a fan-run service by another (much older) webmistress. She basically sells things like T-Shirts, hats, bags, etc, with various anime images silk-screened onto each one. I have never used this, but it seems to be pretty safe.
-VKLL A fansub company, haven't ordered from them yet, but they get a pretty good rep. They currently carry the SS specials and the Stars season. (they had to remove the others because of copyright reasons)They also have a small selection of other Aime as well.