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Sailor Moon
Japanese Name~ Tsukino Usagi
English Name~ Serena Tsukino
Japanese V.A.~ Mitsuishi Kotono
English V.A.(s)~
Tracey Moore (1-11, 13, 21, 41)
Terri Hawkes (12, 14-20, 22-40, 42-82 , and the movies)
Linda Ballantyne (83-120+)

Serena/Usagi is, well, a crybaby. She likes whining, video games and reading comics and she hates school. But beyond all that she is the leader of the Sailor Scouts and the future queen of Tokyo. She may seem flaky but she cares and loves everyone and as time passes she grows more and more mature. To transform she says:
"Moon Cosmic Power(Make Up)"
"Moon Crystal Power(Make Up)"
"Moon Cosmic Power(Make Up)"
"Moon Crisis Make Up/Moon Cosmic Dream Action"
"Moon Eternal Make Up"

Her attacks are as follows:
"Moon Tiara Action""Moon Tiara Magic"
"Moon Healing Escalation""Moon Healing Activation"
"Moon Princess Halation""Moon Sceptre Activation"
"Moon Spiral Heart Attack""Same"
"Rainbow Moon Heart Ache""Same"
"Moon Gorgeous Meditation""Same"
"Star Light Honeymoon Therapy Kiss""Not Dubbed"
"Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss""Not Dubbed"

OK, Serena/Usagi showed up on the first episode. She was late for school when she saw a bunch of boys torturing a cat(Luna). She chased them away and went to the aid of Luna. There was a bandaid on the cat's forehead and when she took it off there was a bright flash of light. Serena/Usagi was frightened and hurried off. Later, when Serena/Usagi was sleeping, Luna came back and began to talk to her. Well, Serena/Usagi thought she was dreaming. But Luna told her to say Moon Prism Power (Make up) and when she did, she transformed!

This bio was completed by the ever talented Sailor Beauty.... your the best ~_^