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Race- half Saiyan/Saiya-jin, half Human
Japanese VA- Taseshi Kusao
English VA- Eric Johnson

Okay, for starters, Trunks is my most favorite cartoon chararter ever so I will share me vast knowledge about him.*Bows before the almighty Trunks-sama* Trunks is probably the most popular character of all DB-dom (can't tell why though, *looks up at his beautiful face*) Anyway, Trunks has an interesting story to be told. It all starts when Goku gets a heart disease and dies. *sniff sniff* The poor lug. Anyway, a year and a half later two androids appear and do some damage. The Z senshi tried to stop them but they all perish, all but Gohan. Years passed and the androids slowly began to take over, city by city, killing almost everone and everything they could.

One day a boy named Trunks and his mother Bulma were out driving in an air car. I believe Trunks was about 14 at the time. They both over heard on the radio that the androids were attacking another city. This angered Trunks so he told his mom to let him out where they were. He flew off towards the city in hopes to stop the destruction. When he arrived the androids had left. All he found was Gohan. Him and Gohan went back to the half destroyed Capsule Corps. building. There Trunks shed some tears and ask Gohan to train him so he could beat the androids for what they hard done. Gohan agreed to do so. Gohan and Trunks trained had and eventually have there chance to fight the dou. At first Trunks only watches the battle, but gets involved only when Gohan safety was at stake. He fights only for a moment against #18 and is quickly defeated. Gohan continues to fight until he is overwhelmed and defeated. Gohan is injured badly, losing his arm in the battle. He has only one senzu left which he gives to his pupil, Trunks. Trunks woke and took Gohan back to him home where he could be cared for. After Gohan was healed, he continued to train Trunks in hopes that someday he would defeat to androids. One day, the androids attacked a city near where Gohan and Trunks were training. Gohan boldly says he's going to fight them and that Trunks will stay put. Instead of listening to his mentor, Trunks told Gohan he wanted to fight along side of him. Gohan finally agrees and waits for Trunks to stand next to him. When he does Gohan knocks Trunks out by hitting him in the back of the head. Gohan goes and fights the androids and well..*sniff sniff*..they were too much for him this time. He was killed by the twins overwhelming strenth. When Trunks awakens, he goes and searches for his friend...*sniff sniff*.. Trunks finds Gohan face down in a puddle. Trunks was shocked. He began crying and began yelling GOHAN-SAN,... GOHAN-SAN! The anger and grief was too much for the young warrior and Trunks did what he could not do in the presents of Gohan... he went Super Saiya-jin. Three years passed and Trunks grew into the handsome young man we all know and love. Him and his mother once again over hear the fact that the androids are attacking another city and this time it's nearby. Trunks takes it upon himself to go and save the city. Bulma tells not to go that he is underestimating there power and that he should use the time machine she built to go back and give some medicine to Goku. Trunks says he can beat them on his own and takes off. He meets the androids and they begin to fight. Trunks uses alot of ki attacks and runs out of energy quickly. He ends up be chased by the androids and then almost killed by them. He awakens in a hopital bed with his mother by his side. He then agrees to use the time machine to go to the past and save Goku. he wrote "Hope" on the side of his time machine for it was there last hope for the future.

Trunks traveled back in time, back before he was born, back before his mother and father had even cared for one another. When he arrived, he found someone else waiting for Goku, someone evil. Trunks took it upon himself to kill this monster. King Cold and Frieza (Frieza bot) were the one waiting for Goku. Trunks's first works to them are one of my favorite:
Japanese:"I'm here to kill you"
English:"So you must be Frieza"
Anyway, these bad guys are no match for Trunks's Super Saiya-jin ability and are both destroyed. The other Z warriors were totally surprised to find another Super Saiya-jin and one strong enough to beat Frieza... espeacially Vegeta. Trunks ask them to follow him, that he was going to meet Goku.***Goku had not gotten back from space yet*** They were all hesitant, but went anyways. When they arrive at the correct spot Trunks leads them to, they begin to ask questions. Trunks gave minimum infomation. When Goku arrived, Trunks ask to speak with him alone. Trunks then proceeded to test Goku, to make sure he was who he was surposed to be. After being conviced, he told Goku who he was and his mission. Goku was qutie surprised to find out that he was the son of Vegeta and Bulma. After giving Goku the heart medicine, he left. This is when he said my all time favorite quote in the Engish version-

"'re so tough and proud, hard and cold like a rock. But still, deep down, your heart beat like mine does. I know you feel....I'm your son and I will always love you. I'm glad I got to see you Dad. Farewell, young mother. May the good spirits keep you safe."

I love that quote ^_^

Trunks comes back to the past once again, 7 episodes after he left. He then discovers that there are more androids (#19 and #16) and finds that Dr. Gero made himself an android too. All of this really surprises Trunks and he realizes that his time traveling has messed up things worse that they were before. He also realizes that even if they beat the androids of the past time(the normal timeline) that it would do nothing to help his own. He still stays, so that one timeline will have will have a peaceful future. When Bulma discovers another Time Capsule, just like the one Trunks used, everything begins to go down hill. The capsule that is found is identical to the one Trunks owns. The odd thing is, is that his mother only made one machine. Inside they find an egg. Close by the capsule, they find a huge hull skin type thingy. This little wierd thing is what Cell emerged from after getting out of the egg they found.

What will happen to Trunks and his Friends? Will they be destroied by all the bad people? Find out next time I update Trunks's Bio!!!!

**To be continued**