A New Group is born Chapter 3: The first to change, Rigel and Polaris By: Sailor Deneb Rated: PG for Violence and Language Rei looked over to Lita, then to Serina, then to Mina, and finally to Rini. She couldn't believe what was happening or what had just happened. About an hour ago Rei and the inner scouts were sitting in Rei room having a "gab session". Rini was with them. She had just gotten back from an extended school trip. Someone knocked on the door. "Rei the scary women are here again." Chad's voice said. "Send them in, Chad." Rei answered back. The door opened and Amara, Michelle, Trista and Hotaru came in. The scouts sat down. "We have something very important to tell you." Trista said. "Girls, we have to leave for a couple weeks. Just get to the point Trista!" Amara said suddenly. Trista gave her a mean look. They were still fighting. "Why do you have to go? We're having an emergency here! Its important that all the scouts are here." Amy explained. "I know but there is something really important we need to take care of." Michelle said. "We can't tell you what it is." "But Puu! We need your help!" Rini pleaded. "You're gonna have to be strong, Rini. Sailor Moon and her friends are going to need your help more than ever now!" Trista said. Rini nodded. "I still don't understand! Can't some of you stay with us?" Serina pleaded. "Sorry, all of us are need there. Our powers need to be used together. You need to be strong. The six of you will have to protect this town alone from the Star Scouts." Amara said. Serina nodded. "If that's how it must be." Lita said. "Then we wish you luck." The inners and Rini nodded with agreement. Trista gave Rini a hug. The other three outers left. "I'm sorry we're leaving such a big job to the six of you. I really want to help. You know though, we will be here with you. I will pray for your victory. We'll hurry back!" Trista said. She left. Mina sat there dumfounded. ::Present time:: That's how it had been for the last hour. Nobody said anything, they just looked around. Until Chad knocked again. "Rei, I have some tea. Do you want some?" Chad asked. "Yes, bring it in." Rei answered. Chad came in with the tea on a tray. "Rei what did the outer scouts want?" He asked Rei. "How do you know who we are?" Mina asked. "Oh, I've known about Rei for a long time. I just assumed the rest of you were scouts too. The same time the outer scouts appeared, those ladies started to show up here." Chad explained. "Who are the new star scouts?" "Um, can I tell him Rei?" Serina asked. "He's gonna help us." Rei answered. "Okay, um there some new girls at The First International School of Tokyo. One of them is Georgia McFlairn. She works here." Serina answered. Chad nodded. "I'll keep an eye on her Rei." Chad said. "Well, tell me when you're done with the tea. Bye ladies." Chad left. The girls sipped their tea. Lita spoke up. "Do you think we could get Chad to start dating one of them? That would help a lot!" Serina said. Rei shot her a hard glance. "It was just a suggestion." Lita defended Serina. "I think it's a good idea!" Mina said. "I mean some girls when they are in love will tell a guy anything." She took a sip of her tea. "But which one has a weak mind?" Amy asked. She took a sip of tea. The girls thought. "Um, how about, Auriga?" Mina offered. "She's a tomboy, do you think she would care if a guy had a crush on her?" Lita said. "Oh yah!" Mina said cheerfully. "Maybe we shouldn't make him do this." Rini offered. Nobody listened to her. "How about Denise?" Serina said. "She really smart. Do you think she could be fooled by Chad?" Amy asked. Rei was just sipping her tea and trying not to make eye contact with any of her friends. "No, it's just she's single." Serina answered back. "What about Mei, she's single I think?" Lita offered. "No she's not. I followed her around school. She talked about her boyfriend Brian. He still lives in England, but they are really close." Mina answered. "What about Julia? She's single and not the brightest person." Amy offered. "I think it could be done." Mina answered. "We should talk to Chad about this first." The girls finished their tea. When they were done Rei called for Chad. He came in and looked around. "You ladies done?" He asked. "Yup! We have something to ask you." Rei paused for a response but she got none. Serina continued for Rei. "Well, we wanted to know if you would try and get a date with Julia Myers." "Why? I am going out with Rei." He asked. "Well, Rei doesn't mind!" Mina said. "Do ya Rei?" Rei just ignored them. "See it's okay. You'll just have to act like friends for a while." "You didn't answer my question. I asked why should I do it?" He pressed on. "Well, you can get information from her. She's their leader. So she knows a lot." Amy explained. "Fine I'll do it. Just get her over to the temple." Chad caved in. "Thanks!" Serina said cheerfully. The inners and Rini left. Rei was alone with Chad. Rei walked over to a chair and flopped down in it. Chad walked over and touched her hand. "Rei, you don't want me to do this do you?" He asked her. She looked up at him, with her deep purple eyes. "Truthfully no!" Rei said. She paused. "Why couldn't we use Darien or someone else?" She paused again. "Of course we can't use Darien. Him and stupid Serina are meant to be so we can't tear them apart!" Rei said angrily. Chad pulled her up out of her chair. He held her hands tightly. "Rei, I won't do this if you don't want me to." Chad told her. She looked up at him again. "Chad, I want you to do whatever your heart wants to do. Whatever you decided will make me happy." Rei simply said. Chad pulled away and sat on her bed. Rei sat next to him. "You don't have to choose now. If you want to help, I say go for it! I won't love you any less if you choose to pretend to love her. I mean it's just pretend, right?" He picked up her hands in his once again. "Rei, I'm going to help. I want to help you guys. Now that the outer scouts aren't here, you need everyone you can get to help." "I know." Rei started. "Shh.. don't talk we might not have another moment like this again for a while." Chad interrupted. He kissed her quickly and then they just sat there in silence. The next day at Julia's house The star scouts were having a meeting. Denise and Georgia hadn't showed up yet and they were getting worried about them. "So you're sure Denise was in your last class today, Auriga." Julia said for the millionth time. "Yes, now shut up about it!" Auriga snapped back. "Can we say, mood swing." Julia answered back. "No, but I bet you can say bitch!" Auriga said sharply. "Hey, maybe we should go look for them?" Mei stepped in the middle of their impending fight. She hated it when they fought. "How come your on her side all of a sudden?" Auriga asked Mei. Mei ignored the question. "Good idea Mei!" Julia said. The girls grabbed their coats and headed out the door. It had started snowing again. "Maybe Denise's car got caught in the snow?" Mei sighed. "There's not enough snow for that." Mei said. She rubbed her eyes with her gloves. She pulled her earmuffs off. And put her gloves in her pocket. "Well, should we split up?" Mei asked. "Sounds good to me, but who died and made you the leader? I think I'm still alive." Julia asked playfully. Mei shoved her. "Okay meet back at my house at five. That gives us two hours." Julia shoved her hands in her pockets and ran of. Mei turned to leave. Auriga grabbed her shoulder. "Okay I have one question. How are a Goth and a prep friends?" Auriga asked Mei. "Well, we simply have an understanding now. She understands why I am like this and I've been where she is." Mei explained to her. Auriga looked at her. Mei walked off, putting her earmuffs back on. "Wait, you used to be a prep? Now I'm just confused." She said frustrated and cold. She walked away. With Serina and Rini Serina and Rini had just broken away from the rest of the group on their walk home. Rini grabbed Serina's hand. "Serina," she started. "How come Puu was being so mean?" Serina looked at her future daughter. "Rini, I'm sure she had her reasons. She couldn't take you with for sure. It would be too dangerous for you. Trista loves you very much. She wouldn't want you to get hurt." Serina comfortedher. She looked away from Rini and saw a fierce battle going on between two star scouts and a demon. "Rini quick we have to help them." "Moon Prism Power! Make up!" Rini screamed. Pink ribbons wrapped around her small body. "Moon Crystal Power! Make up!" Serina yelled. Rainbow coloredribbons wrapped around her body. The two posed together. They quickly ran over to where the fight was. "Deadly Rain!" Rigel screamed. The sky clouded up and huge drops of acid rain came to burn the enemy. "Sky Bolt!" Polaris screamed. A large bolt of lightening came down fast from the sky and missed. "Denise! Why can't we hurt this thing?" She said frustrated. "I don't know, but watch out!" She jumped in front of her little sister, getting hit by the attack. "ahh ahhh ahhh!" Polaris ran over to her older sister. "Denise! I'm so sorry." Polaris picked her sister's chest up in her arms and started crying. "This would be a good time to enter, Sailor Moon." Chibi moon said hurriedly. Sailor Moon nodded. "How could you harm that girl's sister. All they wanted was to destroy you." The demon ignored her. Zoycite appeared in front of the demon. She walked over to the two fallen Sailor Stars. "Polaris, I can save you sister from what that evil monster did to her. All you have to do is take this." She held out a necklace. "And she'll be okay." Polaris looked up at the older woman. Her eyes were so sincere and caring. Polaris put down Rigel's body and stood up. "No! Polaris don't take it! She's evil, she doesn't want to help you!" Sailor Moon said. She ran to help her but tripped. Chibi Moon made it to her. "Listen to Sailor Moon! Zoycite is evil, she doesn't care about you or Rigel." Chibi Moon said kindly. Polaris gave her a hard stare. "You don't know what it's like! Rigel died in my arms! My sister is dead and fellow scout is dead. I'll do anything to get her back!" Polaris said. She picked up the necklace and put it on. Ahhhh! What's happening to me?" Polaris fell down, un-morphed. She was now in her school uniform. The same had happened to Rigel. Sailor moon finally managed to stand up. From behind her came the other three star scouts. "You give Rigel and Polaris back now!" Deneb screamed. Zoycite shook her head. "We've been fighting you girls for a while now. You should know by now, we don't do anything unless we're asked nicely." Zoycite laughed and dematerialized into flower petals with Denise and Georgia. The three stars and the two inners morphed down, into their school uniforms. "Damn it!" Auriga exclaimed loudly. "Damn it, damn it, damn it!" She was now crying out of anquish. Mei put her arm on her shoulder. "It's okay, Auriga. We can rescue them. It'll be fine." Mei comforted her. "Well, we'll have too. I don't wanna have to hurt Denise and Georgia." Julia said. The three girls walked away. "Why do you always leave us? What's wrong?" Serina yelled after them. The girls didn't come back and they didn't explain. "Come on, Rini. We have to tell the scouts!"