Chapter 4: The Star Cat Appears By: Sailor Deneb Rated: PG for violence and language “Well, from what you’re telling us Serina. It sounds like the Negamoon is back, and they have their eyes set on the Sailor Star Scouts and won’t stop at anything to get them.” Amy said smartly. Lita looked at the clock. “How long have we been here?” She thought. “4 hours. This is one of the longest meetings we’ve ever had.” She changed positions on Rei’s bed from sitting to lying. She looked around. Mina was brushing her hair. Serina was now reading one of Rei’s favorite comics. Rini was fast asleep. The only two still carrying on this conversation was Rei and Amy. “Well Rei. Tell us if Georgia shows up for work. Ladies, are you all ready to call it a night?” Amy asked. The girls all paid attention. The door exploded open. Three girls walked in. It was Julia, Auriga and Mei. Mei was wearing her usual black dress pants and a black trench coat. Her jet-black hair was down as normal. She was a frightening looking person if you didn’t know her. Auriga was wearing an athletic looking winter coat with blue jeans. Like normal nothing was done with her short blonde hair. Julia was wearing expensive gap jeans with a designer fur coat. Her chin length hair was combed neatly in place and looked like it hadn’t changed at all in the wind. Julia took off her jacket to reveal an Old Navy sweatshirt. “We’ve come to warn you.” Julia said urgently. “They have Denise and Georgia. After two fall it won’t be hard for the rest of us to fall either.” Mina stood up. Her voice woke Rini up. “Why are you warning us?” Mina asked. The star scouts began to leave again. “Why do you always leave when we ask you a question?” Mei turned around. “Cuz, we can’t tell you about our selves. We won’t be here much longer.” Mei said coldly. Her eyes were two piercing knives. The stare had a way of getting into your soul. She could stare right through a person. The two older stars walked back. They gently grabbed her arms and pulled her away. “Just don’t show any mercy when you fight Denise and Georgia or us for that matter!” They left. The scouts were all quiet. “Serina,” Rini started. “What happening?” Rini looked up at Serina with pleading eyes. “Why won’t they help us?” “I don’t know Rini. I don’t know.” Serina’s voice trailed off. The Star Scouts were walking down main street. People stared at them as they walked by. They were a rather interesting group. A Goth, a prep and a jock. “So we’re all agreed. If Denise and Georgia attack us, we’re gonna fight them till the end. No letting up!” Julia asked. Mei looked at her with her bright, sharp, blue eyes. “Yes.” Mei simply said. Auriga didn’t say anything she just nodded. “So that’s settled. I have an art class to go to. I’ll contact you guys if anything happens, so leave your communicators on.” The girls nodded and they left Mei. Mei turned and walked down 1st street. She opened her pocket and took out her big, heavy black work gloves. Mei put them on. The street grew quieter and less busy as she walked down it. Her art class was in a big house at the end of the street. It was a great house for an art class. It was old and falling apart, but there was plenty of creativeness that flowed through it into the students. Mei reached the house’s tall black gates. She had to use all her weight to open the doors. She picked up her pace and ran eagerly to the house. “I can’t wait to finish my painting!” She took off into a sprint. “I haven’t ran like this for a year now! It feels so good to just let it all go and run hard!” She slid to a stop almost crashing into the steps, then quickly ran up the stairs. Her friend Myrrh ran to greet her. “Mei! How are you?” Myrrh asked her friend. “Oh, I’m okay.” Mei said quickly. “How’s school here?” Myrrh asked. Mei shrugged. Myrrh went to Mugen School. Mei went to International school. So they really never saw each other. “Why are you ignoring me!” She demand. “Sorry, I’m just preoccupied. I wanna go finish my painting.” Mei said and ran off. “Well, excuse me for wanting to talk to you!” Myrrh followed her. Mei looked at her painting hardly. It was a beautiful portrait of Sailor Deneb. “I love this painting. Julia’s gonna love it too! I’ll give it to her for her birthday, if we live that long.” Mei added the finishing touches to her painting; she fixed the skirt, touched up the tiara and finished the waterfall behind her. Finally she added a thin single-handed sword, called The Hard Edge. “Julia said, Sailor Deneb holds a thin sword. She also said, she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to handle a sword.” Mei stepped back and her teacher came up from behind her. “Mei that is a really beautiful painting.” He told her. She looked up at him. “Sailor Deneb am I right? I would like to know something. When you’re done with it, can I keep it here for my art gallery?” Mei stood there shocked. “I was going to give it to a friend. She likes Sailor Deneb a lot.” Mei answered back politely. Her teacher looked hurt. “Mei come with me, I want to show you my gallery. Your have talent that deserves to see it.” The teacher told her. She followed him. They came to a long and tall hallway. Mei gasped when she saw this. “Oh my gosh. It’s beautiful.” She spun around in a tight circle. She wanted to absorb all the beauty around her. The paintings' beauty filled the room with happiness and gave it a sophisticated feeling. Her teacher put his hand on her shoulder. “I would like to put your painting here with them.” He said. Mei backed off. “Wait a minute. You’re giving off strange vibes!” Mei screamed. “Oh so you are Sailor Algol, Queen Beryl will be very pleased.” He said. He took his ponytail out. “Nephlyte!” Mei gasped. “Algol Celestial Power!” Black, dark purple and dark blue ribbons swirled around her body. She posed. “So Queen Beryl was right. Sailor Algol possesses superior artistic ability. Too bad it doesn’t help you in a fight, girl!” Nephlyte said. Algol ignored him and popped open her communicator. “Julia, Auriga I need help. I’m at my art class in a back room! Hurry.” Algol said. “Okay Algol.” Said both their voices. She turned off her communicator. “I’m ready!” Algol said. “You’re much braver than you Sailor Scout friends! They won’t fight unless they have a whole posse here.” Nephlyte said. “And you’ve only got one attack that hurts people!” Algol looked at him. “Damn! I forgot about that! Sealing him won’t work. I’ll have to dodge him till they get here.” She thought. “I can still beat you!” “You’re a very brave sailor. One of the bravest. But let’s see how brave you are when you fight, these two.” Two girls appeared. He disappeared. Algol didn’t recognize them. One was about 10 years old. She was wearing a blue dress with red trim and high cuts so you could see white puffy leggings. She had fiery red hair and yellow earrings. She flicked her wrist and a staff with a large sapphire ball appeared. The other girl was about 17. She had on what appeared to be a bikini. It was a purpley blue with dark green straps. She had on tall purpley blue boots and puffy sleeves. She had a staff in hand with a purple star on top. She too had fiery red hair. “Come, come Algol. Don’t pretend like you don’t know us!” The older girl said. She walked over to Algol. “You can’t have already forgotten you friends and fellow scouts. Polaris, give me a shock wave attack!” “Shock Wave!” Polaris screamed. Her sapphire staff shined a bright blue. A bolt of lightening struck it. She lowered it to the ground and a huge wave of electricity shot after Algol. The wave hit Algol before she knew what was happening. She was thrown backwards in to the wall. Algol got up slowly, holding her arm tightly. She raised her arm. “I call upon the holy powers of Algol. Supreme Heaven Heal!” Algol screamed. A soft white light shot away from her. It hit the two girls and did little damage to them. “Who are you?” “Funny you should ask! I’m the true Sailor Rigel! This is the true Sailor Polaris!” Rigel answered. “Gusty Wind!” A strong wind built up behind Rigel. Slowly her hair began to blow. In a few seconds the wind was full force and flying at Algol. The wind was too strong to fight. It blasted her back into the wall. She stood up again. She saw faint shadows of two more Sailor Stars. “You are our friends not enemies. Friends don’t treat friends like garbage. You are going to face the justice of the Sailor Star Scouts!” Deneb said. “Psy Thunder!” Her tiara shined yellow. A huge bolt of psychic lightening built up. She brought her right hand up and caught the energy. Her hand glowed with the strength of the power. Deneb threw it into older evil sailor. The bolt electrocuted Rigel. The shock shot threw her and she fell down. “Rigel!” Polaris screamed. She ran to her sister. “You’re going to pay for that! Earth Quake!” The small girl raised her sapphire staff into the air. The staff glowed a brilliant blue. She let it charge and then she hit it on the ground. The quake spread around quickly toward Capella and Deneb. Capella managed to get out of the way but Deneb wasn’t as lucky. She was lifted up in the quake and then dropped down. She landed with a bone-crunching thud. Algol ran over to her. “Julia!” Algol screamed. Deneb sat up. A pale man’s figured appeared. It was Malachite. “Denise, Georgia. Queen Beryl wants you.” Malachite said. He picked up Denise. Georgia followed him back into the warp. The three scouts changed back to normal. “That was a close call Mei. They could’ve taken you.” Auriga said. “Yah, I know. But you guys made it here just in time. Thanks!” Mei answered back. Mei’s arm burned with pain. Mei pushed up the sleeve. She moved her left hand to it. She was bleeding profusely. There was a long gash on her arm from when she hit the wall. “Julia help me!” Julia looked at her. She was abnormally pale. Julia ran over to her friend. “We have to get you to a doctor. This is serious Mei. It’s broken.” Julia said concerned. Julia pushed up the sleeve farther and found a jagged break, the bone was starting to push through the skin. She felt a little lower on the arm, and found another break. “Mei this is serious. Auriga, help me.” Auriga came out of her corner. “Okay go get me a canvas please.” Auriga left to get a canvas. While Auriga was gone, Julia applied pressure to the break to stop the blood. This hurt Mei even more, but she didn’t want to admit it. She began to feel weak, very weak. Auriga came running back in with the canvas. “The students are wondering what’s going on. They’re gonna come in soon! Then they’ll know we’re sailor scouts.” Auriga said urgently as she gave Julia the canvas. Both younger girls ignored Auriga. Julia took out her pocketknife and tried to cut the canvas with it. It didn’t do a very good job. “God darn it!” Julia screamed in frustration. Auriga was now at the door so people couldn’t get in. “It’s okay. I’ve put them all to sleep. Let me.” Said a tenor male’s voice. Auriga looked confused. “Julia what should I do?” Auriga asked her. “Like Hell I know! Lead yourself!” Julia screamed angrily at her. Auriga decided to open up the door. Out side was a small calico cat. The cat walked in. “Maybe I should get more sleep. A talking cat?” Auriga said. The cat looked at her. His colors were very, very beautiful. He had an all black head except for his orange ears. In the middle of his forehead was a star. His neck was a mixture of black, white, brown, and orange. The majority of his body coat was brown with a few blotches of orange, white and black. His paws were white and his legs were mostly brown with black splotches. His tail was black with brown and orange splotches. “Let me introduce myself. I’m the your guardian feline, Orion. Looks like I found you ladies just in time!” He ran over to Mei. She was now unconscious. He lowered his head to her arm. His star glowed a bright yellow and Mei’s arm healed itself right in front of them. She stood up. She looked at the cat. “Who’re you?” Mei asked. “He’s our guardian cat.” Auriga answered quickly. “Remember when we vowed we wouldn’t have a gimpy cat. Well here’s our gimpy cat!” Orion glared at Auriga. “I’m way stronger than Luna, Artemis or Diana. That’s why I’m your cat, strongest cat for the strongest scouts. Good plan right? I’m here to fill you in on what you’re doing here. Your goal is to stop Queen Beryl’s generals.” Orion said. “Ooooo, something I hadn’t already figured out yet.” Julia teased. “You’re not taking me seriously! You five ladies are all goddesses, because you really can’t be the princess of a star. Julia is the Goddess of our Supernatural selves, Mei is the Goddess of Healing forces and prayer, Auriga is the Goddess of War, Denise is the Goddess of Intelligence, and little Georgia is the Goddess of Beauty and Hope. The five of you were worshiped all around the universe.” Orion stopped. “Well, if we’re goddess, why don’t we head back to our cloud and make mortals fend for themselves?” Auriga asked. Orion sighed. “Well, there were other goddess with you, the Zodiac Goddesses. You five, the Celestial Goddesses, cared about what happened to you believers and the Zodiac Goddesses didn’t. You were sent to the moon kingdom to help protect it. Sadly, you made it there too late and found the kingdom in ruins, with Queen Serenity dying. She sealed you five in crystals too, only to be awakened by me when you’re truly needed. But you were so spread out, I just sent summoning sprits to awaken you all. Then I appeared before Julia and told her to summon everyone.” He paused. The star scouts were all dumbfounded and confused. “Now, that I found you all, I can give you your weapons. Julia, The Hard Edge.” His star twinkled and a thin, long sword appeared before her. She picked it up. It was an elegant weapon. The sword itself was lightweight despite the heavy jewels and engravings in the pommel. “Auriga, The Demon Slayer.” His star twinkled and a large broad sword appeared. She picked up the heavy looking sword easily. The sword was easily six inches wide or more. It was roughly two and half feet long. The sword had light engraving on the blade just before the hilt. The pommel had a large garnet on the end. It was less beautiful than Julia’s but much stronger than hers. “Mei, The dark star scythe.” His star twinkled again and a six-foot tall scythe appeared. Mei didn’t pick it up. The shaft was made of dark, solid mahogany. There was a raised vine that traveled up the whole length of the shaft and ended on the blade. The blade was lightly curved and it started wide and came to a sharp point. “How am I expected to carry that? It’s way too big for me.” Mei said surprised. “You’d be amazed with what you can do. Pick it up.” Orion said. Mei walked forward and picked up the tall weapon. She could easily lift it. “Now for new morphing pens.” His star twinkled and three morphing pens appeared. One pastel purple for Julia, another dark blue for Mei and the last one dark red for Auriga. They each picked up their appropriate pen. “When you morph say, you star’s name and ethereal power.” “That’s a mouthful. So I say, Deneb Ethereal Power?” Julia asked. “No, you say Deneb Divine Power. I forgot the leader says something different.” Orion said. The girls looked at each other skeptically then they looked at Orion. None of them could believe the load of junk Orion was feeding them. They girls looked at each other again. “You’ll believe me when you first morph. You also have two new powers, one involving your weapons and one involving you element. You’ll automatically know them when you morph.” “So who do you live with?” Julia asked. “Let me guess, me.” Orion gave her a mean looked. “No, not you. It’s actually Denise and Georgia, but they’re not here. So I’ll need to come home with you, Julia.” Orion said. Julia picked up the cat. They walked out of the back room to find the artists hard at work on their paintings. Mei walked over to her easel and picked up the painting. She looked at it with sad sorrowful eyes, her normal expression. Put the painting in its’ sack and ran to catch up to Julia and Auriga. In the Negaverse home……. “Your majesty, Denise and Georgia were doing a good job. Why did you pull them out?” Malachite asked Queen Beryl. The Queen looked at her general. “Well, Malachite since you think they were doing such a good job, why don’t you take the punishment for their failure?” He asked her general. Zoycite ran out. “No don’t punish him! Those two ditzy scouts failed you not him. They were not trying hard enough. I don’t see why you’d want to use them in the first place?” Zoycite challenged. The queen stood up. She narrowed her eyes at Zoycite. The fear flared up in Zoycite’s body. Zoycite could feel the fear course through her veins and bones. “I’m sorry majesty. I don’t know what came over me.” Zoycite stammered. “Very well Zoycite, just see that it doesn’t happen again.” Beryl said. She sat back down. “Thank you, your majesty.” Zoycite said. “You and Malachite are dismissed.” She said quickly. Zoycite and Malachite left quickly. Once out of the room, Malachite grabbed her shoulder hardly. “Zoycite, what were you doing? You know the queen doesn’t like you much.” He said harshly to her. “But Malachite, all I was trying to do was save your life. It’s not fair she wanted to kill you because the Skimpy Scouts failed. Since when do we punish a good fighter for a bad fighter’s actions?” Zoycite protested. Malachite looked down on her. “Thank you Zoycite. Nephylite and Jedite didn’t do anything for me.” Malachite thanked her. Zoycite wrapped her arms around the lower part of his chest. “So Zoycite, you think we’re wimpy huh?” Denise said. “Well we know exactly what we’re doing! Georgia and I were simply setting ourselves up as weak but we’re gonna get ‘em. Their gonna wish they’d never ever treated us like they did today!” Zoycite looked at Denise she had bandage wrapped around her stomach and her foot was bandaged up. Zoycite left Malachite. “So you have a plan Skimpy Scouts? This is too much. Sailor Scouts aren’t known for their intelligence.” Zoycite said. “Well we know exactly how to trick Mei into joining. We’ll be a step farther than you in Queen Beryl’s book and you’ll be closer to the chopping block, you and your boy toy to be exact.” Denise said with a slight smile. “Ta ta, wusses.”