A New Group is Born Chapter 5: The Sailor Stars New Powers, another one leaves By: Sailor Deneb Rated: PG for violence and Language Mina looked at her clock. "It's 3 am." She said aloud. "Why can't I sleep? Artemis." She poked him. "What is it Mina?" He asked grumpily. "I want somebody to talk to and the scout'll just think I'm nuts for using my communicator this late to contact them." Mina whined. Artemis curled on the end of her bed to sleep some more. Mina's communicator beeped. She grabbed it. Amy was on the other end. "Mina, I'm so glad you're awake! Listen I'm outside Rei's temple. Her and I were having a sleepover to discuss the problem. Ne ways, we need help and fast. I can't reach Lita or Serina. So you'll have to hurry. I know it's a long way to come but please!" Amy fizzed out. She poked Artemis again. "Artemis!" She hissed. She poked him again. He woke up. "Rei and Amy need our help. Let's go." Mina got out of bed and opened a window. She stepped out onto the roof. "Okay here goes nothing." She walked carefully over to the gutter pipe that was going down the side of the house. She climbed down the gutter pipe. Artemis just jumped down. "Maybe I should sneak out more often, huh Artemis?" "Mina just morph and go help the girls." Artemis said. "Right! Venus Star Power. Make up!" Mina said. Yellow and orange ribbons wrapped around Mina's body. Mina posed. "Alright Artemis, let's go!" Venus started to run. "Mina, you can transport yourself there. Just say Sailor Venus Telportation." Artemis instructed her. Mina nodded. "Sailor Venus Telportation!" Venus screamed. The hair lifted up. Almost all at once her whole body was tingling. She disappeared in fuzz of Orange. She appeared in the middle of a battle. Mars was standing about 7 feet away from her. "Mars Celestial Fire Surround!" The fire gathered in a circle around Sailor Mars. She waited until the moment felt right and then let it go. The attack flew at the enemy, but nothing happened. "Mina's here." "Venus Love Chain Encircle!" Venus screamed. A chain of hearts swirled around Venus and traveled to her hands. The chain completely missed the monster. "Gosh what is this thing!" Amy was busy checking the monster's weak points on her computer. "This thing has no weak points." Mercury yelled over the battle. "Oh yes it does." Mei was standing with Auriga and Julia all un morphed. She held up a strange looking pen. "Algol Ethereal Power!" Mei appeared in a leotard. Her arms were spread out in a 't' formation and her legs were close together. A long dark blue ribbon appeared and formed a dark blue skirt. A dark purple ribbon with dark blue ends appeared and wrapped around her shoulders forming a bow and a sailor collar. White ribbons appeared on her hands forming her gloves, which were now wrist length. Her hand moved over her forehead producing a tiara with a dark blue diamond in it. Her feet touched the ground forming her boots. Her pose was her hip was on the ground and her right arm in the air. "Cappella Ethereal Power!" Auriga appeared in shorts and a skimpy Midriff tank top, both dark red. She moved her arms above her head. Forming two long black gloves. She moved her hand by her forehead revealing a piece of gold with a star in the middle. At the same time a yellow belt appeared. She touched the ground and tall black boots appeared on her legs. She shook her head and her short blonde hair became long hair in a ponytail. Her pose was her feet spread apart with her sword down at her side and her face turned downward to the left. "Deneb Divine Power!" Julia appeared in a leotard. She crossed her arm at her chest and then removed them showing a purple sailor collar and a bright green bow. She wrapped her arms around her waist and then removed them showing a purple skirt and teal bow. She huddled her knees to her chest and moved her hands up her legs forming knee-length boots. Julia moved her hands across her face revealing a tiara and the gem was a purple star. She put her hands above her head and formed gloves that went half way up her forearms. She hit the ground. Her pose was her hands behind her back and her feet together. "You've abused your right as a villain to terrorize these people! We won't allow you to harm this wonderful place. In the name of the beautiful star Deneb, I will vanquish you! I'm Sailor Deneb." Deneb announced. She raised her arm producing a sword. "Your evil ways are not wanted here. We fight for justice and strength! In the name of the strong star, Cappella, I will vanquish you!" Cappella announced. She flipped her broad sword. "I may be more in to painting then saving the world but evil is evil. In the name of the holy planet, Algol. I will vanquish you!" Algol screamed. She flicked her wrist producing a scythe. "And in the name of the stars, you vanquished. Algol! You can take it!" Deneb screamed. "I call upon the powers of the holy star Algol! Heavenly Death and Destruction!" Algol whispered. The wind picked up around her. She had to strain herself to protect herself against the wind. A black light appeared at her feet. It quickly traveled to her finger and charged up. She brought her hands together in a clasp and threw it. The attack devastated the monster. "Whoa! I did that?" "Yes you did! Deneb hugged her. Cappella patted her back. "Ya did good kid!" Cappella said kindly. The put away their weapons The inner scouts stared at them when Mercury noticed something in her VR Goggles. "Two scout life forms a block away. I think their in Mei's house." Mercury said. Algol heard this and she sprinted off. Auriga ran after her. Deneb followed slower with Mars, Venus and Mercury. "Gosh!" Capella thought. "I'm a varsity level sprinter. She's fast!" She tried to up the speed but couldn't. When she finally caught up to her Algol was already face to face with Rigel and Polaris. They were holding her mother hostage. "Let my mother go! She's very sick!" Algol protested. Rigel looked at her hard. Her hands holding Mei's unconscious mother. Tears welled up in Algol's eyes. "She didn't do anything to you!" "Oh but she means something to us! Join us or your mother gets it." Rigel said. She made a slitting action across her throat. "I'm not lying either. Polaris the crystal please." Polaris handed her sister a small black crystal. She brought it to Mei's mother's throat. Cappella drew her sword. "Full Moon.." Cappella started. She was interrupted by Algol. "No you'll hit my mother." Algol looked at her with pleading eyes. Cappella put her sword away. "Don't hurt her. Her life means more than mine does to me. I'll go with you." The other three came running up to them. "No Mei! Don't do it!" Mars screamed. "We need your help." Algol ignored her and walked over to Rigel and Polaris. They dropped Mrs. Albania and Polaris pulled out a larger crystal. She pointed it at Algol. "This'll only hurt a little bit!" Polaris said. The crystal glowed black and started to sap Algol's energy. Soon Algol was covered in a black fog. Algol was now screaming. She morphed back into street clothes and fell down. Rigel picked her up. Deneb ran over and tackled Rigel. "Give her back, bitch!" Deneb said. She stood and grabbed her sword. "Or at least fight me for her!" Rigel stood up and put the limp Mei down. "Okay let's go!" Rigel challenged. She made her rod appear. "Heavenly Thunder Strike!" She raised her rod high, creating something similar to a lightening rod. The sky clouded and a huge bolt of lightening stuck the rod. She channeled it to her hand and shot it at Deneb. The strong thunder attack knocked her back into Mars. She painfully stood up. "Sorry, Mars. Psy Holy!" Deneb raised her arms high. Her tiara's gem turned white. A large ball of holy light appeared on her hands. Then lowered her arms and shot the energy. She rubbed her forehead. The attack struck Rigel. She fell down backwards. She stood up. "I'm not gonna play with you anymore!" Rigel said. Mrs. Albania woke up and saw her daughter unconscious on the ground. She got up and used her what little strength she had to get to her. She picked up her daughter. "Mei, what's happened to you? What's happening here? I should have never moved here. Sailor Scouts are bad news. I don't care if you are one." Mrs. Albania cried. Polaris noticed her. The woman's back was to her. She had a clear shot, and she wouldn't hit Mei. "Shock Wave!" Polaris screamed. Her sapphire staff shined a bright blue. A bolt of lightening struck it. She lowered it to the ground and a huge wave of electricity shot after Mrs. Albania. The attack struck her and she fell down. The shock woke Mei up. "Huh where am I?" Mei asked. She looked and saw Deneb taking a royal beating from Rigel. "Now to finish you off! "Heavenly Thunder Strike!" She raised her rod high, creating something similar to a lightening rod. The sky clouded and a huge bolt of lightening stuck the rod. She channeled it to her hand and shot it at Deneb. The attack knocked her down. Rigel walked over to her. "I don't see your attraction to this skinny Goth anyways! Polaris get Mei, we're going." Polaris hit Mei with the sapphire staff and picked her up. The two disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Cappella ran to Deneb. She had morphed back to Julia. Cappella morphed down too. She picked up Julia's limp body. Julia smelt like burnt hair and skin. "Rei, Amy, Mina, please help me!" Auriga had tears in the corners of her eyes. Rei ran over to help her. "Come on! We'll take her to my temple." Rei offered. Auriga nodded. The two set off. Amy followed. "I've gotta get home. My parents'll kill me if they can't find me." Mina said. She teleoported away with Artemis. The three girls walked back to Rei's temple. Once inside Rei put Julia down on her bed. "Amy go wake Chad and Grandpa. Have one call the hospital. Better make the one that does Chad." Rei ordered. Rei took Julia's temperature, by feeling her for head. Rei's grandpa came in. "Gosh she's burning up. Grandpa go get some towels and wet them down in the pump." He nodded and ran off. Auriga looked on nervously. She was running her hand through her boyishly cut blonde hair. "Is Julia gonna be alright?" Auriga asked nervously. Rei looked up at her. Her eyes were so intense but yet full of worry. Her mouth was set in a thin line. Rei didn't know what to say to her. "Um, I'm not sure." Was all Rei said. Amy and Chad came in. "Rei, we called my mother instead, because how do you explain her injuries to a doctor?" Amy told her. "That's what I was trying to figure out. Well, your mother knows we're Sailor Scouts, because the time she treated serious injuries on Amara and Trista. Good job guys." Rei complimented her friends. "Chad go help grandpa with the towels." She added. Chad left and Amy put her arm around Auriga, who was now sobbing. "It's gonna be alright. My mom's a good doctor." Amy paused. "It's gonna be fine." Auriga wiped her eyes. "It's not that. I didn't help her. I didn't help Mei, either. Mei's gone because of me! I almost lost my whole group today. They are all I have!" Auriga explained. The tears poured again. "Auriga, don't you have any family? What about your parents?" Amy asked. "They're dead, same with my older sister. They died in a tragic boating accident. I was sent to a terrible foster home, where they beat me if I didn't eat my vegetables, hell, they beat me if I watched too much TV. Finally when I was 13 I had the guts to run away. They never found me. Now I'm 18 and old enough to live on my own." Auriga explained. She wiped her eyes. "Sorry this really isn't me, normally I don't cry this much." "If you're lonely in you apartment, I'm sure the outer scouts won't mind you moving in. They have a huge apartment. Since Amara and Michelle share a room, they have an empty one." Amy told her. "Thanks." Auriga said in response. Then she wiped her eyes and gave Amy the tightest hug she had ever had. Chad and Raye's Grandpa came in with the towels. "Okay, guys help me put them on the burns." Raye said, placing a towel on one of her legs. Amy helped and so did Chad. Auriga just sat back and watched, feeling very sorry for herself. "Chad could you go take Auriga to get a drink of water." Rei ordered. He nodded and picked up Auriga's hand. He took her out. "So, you're a Sailor Scout too? Must be pretty fun." He said. Auriga looked at him. "Yes, I'm a Sailor Scout, well sort of. You see my friends and me aren't really in your friend Rei's little group. We fight alone and stand-alone. Except for tonight when I really needed your guys' help." Auriga answered. She opened a cupboard. "Where are you glasses?" She asked. "Top right cupboard. So if your not friends with Rei why you letting her help?" He sat down at the table and sipped his water. "Well, if I took her to the doctor, they'd probably think I did it. Besides, the inner scouts don't seem half-bad. Now the outers they're a different story." Auriga told Chad. Chad looked at this girl. "For a sports chick, this girl is hot!" He thought. "Well what's wrong with Trista, Amara, Michelle and Hotaru? I will admit they scared me at first, but their great girls. It's not Amara and Michelle is it?" He asked her. "Well, their just so cocky and arrogant. I can't wait till they have to fight the other Star scouts! I have no problem with Amara and Michelle." She answered back. "So how do you know I'm a Sailor?" He studied her face. It was strong and honest, clean and pure. "Well, Rei told me. She's a really great girl. You should think about trusting her and her friends. They're all really great girls, not to mention cute. But I have a question for you. What is it with Sailor Scouts being really, really cute?" He asked her inocently. "Well, um, I really don't know. I mean how would a 200-pound girl look in a tiny skirt and leotard? But why we're all pretty I don't know. Even Mei and Trista are beautiful. They're hair color is so mysterious and Mei's eyes are always so sharp." Auriga paused. She stared at her glass of water. "Ahh, I don't mean to be rude but could you get me some tea instead?" "Oh no problem for a cute girl like you." Chad got up and picked up the teapot and the coffeepot. He filled the coffeepot with water to boil, so the tea would be warm. He quickly placed it on the stove and lit the burner. He brought the teapot and a teacup. He sat down. "Should I go see if Rei wants any?" Auriga nodded. Once again Chad got up and left. Auriga got up and walked around the small kitchen. It was a quaint little room. She walked over to the stove. She picked up the kettle. "Excuse me, young lady, could you tell me where Miss. Hino's room is?" A woman asked. Auriga turned around and dropped the kettle in surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry." She walked over to help Auriga clean it up. "No, you don't have to help. I was being way too clumsy. Besides, my friend Julia needs you. Rei's room is down that main hall last door on your left." Auriga told her. "Well, hurry up. I bet you're that concerned friend Amy told me about. You should get back there and be with her." Mrs. Mizuno said. Auriga nodded and hurried up her cleaning. Mrs. Mizuno walked down the long hallway to Rei's room. When she walked in she found Rei kneeling next to a girl lying in her bed with her grandfather and Chad huddled around her. Amy was sitting at a desk studying. The girl on the bed was covered in wet towels and was barely breathing. "Amy, Rei, get some sleep you have school tomorrow." Mrs. Mizuno ordered. Rei turned around terrified. "I'm sorry, Rei. I scared you didn't I?" "Oh it's okay. You just freaked me out a bit." Rei turned back around to Julia. "So are you ready to start working on her?" "Yes, but I don't think there is much I can do for her. It'll mainly be how hurt she really is." She paused and took a deep breath. "So what kind of monster or villain were you fighting?" Mrs. Mizuno asked. "Well," Amy started. "It was kind of a villain, but more like a Sailor Star Scout. You see Julia here, was protecting Sailor Algol from Sailor Rigel, but that was more than she bargained for. Rigel beat her up bad and they left with Algol." "Okay, everybody leave now, except tell that girl to come in here." Mrs. Mizuno said. The four people got up to leave. Rei reached for the doorknob. Auriga came in pushing the doorknob into Rei's stomach. "Sorry! Gosh, I'm so clumsy today." Auriga apologized. She stepped out of the way and let Rei, Amy, Chad and Rei's Grandpa out. Then she stepped in. "Is Julia gonna be alright?" She asked Mrs. Mizuno, who was pulling towels off Julia's legs. "Yah, she'll be okay, it's just minor second degree burns. There won't be much scaring either. So, what's your name?" Mrs. Mizuno asked her. "Auriga Nential. I'm a Sailor Star Scout." She picked up her hands and stared at them. "So your sure she's gonna be okay?" "Yes, she'll be alright for the last time. Do you tell everyone you're a Sailor Star?" Mrs. Mizuno asked. She took out some burn cream and rubbed it all over her legs. "No, it's just your daughter said you knew who the other scouts were. What time is it?" Auriga looked at her. "Um, it's about 5 a.m. You'll wanna get some sleep, so you can go to school. I'll go to your home and bring back you school Uniform. Julia will have to stay here for tomorrow. What's your house address and are you parents home?" Mrs. Mizuno asked Auriga. "Ahh, my parents I don't live with them anymore. But I live in the Cherry Hill Apartments about 9 blocks east in apartment number 90. It's on the 9th floor. My uniform should be on my bed." Auriga said. Rei came back in. "Auriga. Amy and I are going to sleep now. You gonna join us?" Rei asked. Auriga nodded. "Okay we'll be in the main temple room. Come join us when you're ready." Rei left again. "Thank you so much for what you did for her. You don't know what this means to me." Auriga said. Mrs. Mizuno hurried her out the room and into the main temple room. "Know girls get some sleep. Auriga, pick up Julia's homework at school tomorrow." Mrs. Mizuno said as she left. Auriga curled up in her sleeping bag. "Amy, your mom likes to be in-control, doesn't she?" Auriga asked. Amy blushed. "She just likes things done in an orderly way." Amy defended her mother. "Now girls let's get some sleep. We'll fill in the other scouts on what happened tonight, tomorrow." The three girls slowly drifted off. About that same time in the Negaverse. "Mei, wake up!" Georgia said as she shook Mei. Mei woke up with a start. "You scared the hell out of me! Where are we?" She asked Georgia. Georgia looked at her. Mei stood up. "Answer me!" Georgia looked at her. "Answer me now! I asked you a question!" Georgia just left. Mei followed her out. They went into a room that was bluish with an empty throne in the back. There was nobody in this room. Mei walked around. Then ran to sit in the throne. "I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Georgia said sharply. "The Queen will be very angry." Mei just sat there. "Let her come I'm not scared of her!" Mei said sharply. "Oh your not scared of me." Said a voice. Mei shook her head no. A woman appeared. "Mei, already you disappoint me. You claim not to be scared of your master. You should be scared of me!" Beryl said sharply. "Oh go home!" Mei said. Queen Beryl charged up an energy ball and threw it at Mei. Mei simply put her hand up and stopped it. "Georgia, did you see what I saw?" The Queen asked her. Georgia nodded. "Mei is the Zodiac General." Beryl and Georgia stared at her. "So what, I'm the Zodiac General. Do I get a prize?" Mei asked. Zoycite and the other generals came out. "Mei you are the person foretold to lay waste to the earth. You are the ultimate warrior." Malachite told her. Mei stared in disbelief. I can't be something that powerful can I?