Chapter 1: Secrets are Revealed "PRINCESS! WHERE ARE YOU?" Sailor Venus ran down the long hall of the palace, heading for the back veranda. At the end of the long passageway there was door leading outside, and she could see Princess Serenity just beyond it. The young girl turned to look towards Venus, her long, blonde pigtails twirled about her slender body. Her face looked panicked as she quickly pulled a Silver Crystal out of the front of her dress. "NOOOO! Princess, don't!" Venus yelled, flailing her arms. The Princess held the crystal over her head, and in a flash of golden light she disappeared. Venus stopped breathlessly when she reached the back veranda. She pounded her hand against the door way in frustration, then sighed in defeat. As a Sailor Soldier, it was her duty to watch over the princess and protect her. And as leader of the four inner soldiers, she certainly had the most responsibility. If the Queen ever found out that Venus was allowing her daughter, Serenity, to sneak away unattended to, she would surely be demoted. Sailor Mars strutted out onto the veranda with her arms crossed. She stood beside Venus, who was gazing at the blue marble floating in the sky, Earth. "She's gone again?" Mars asked, even though she already knew the answer. Venus nodded slowly. "Of course she's gone. She never listens to anything I say. I may be the same age as her, but I was appointed to be her guardian by the Queen herself," Venus looked at her dark haired friend, "I just wish she would understand, you know?" Mars squinted her lavender eyes in thought. "Why don't you go to her chamber tonight and talk to her?" she suggested, "It might help to clear some things up. I know that the Princess can be rather flighty sometimes, but a heart to heart usually works." "Yeah, that's great Mars. I'll go tonight." The two girls stood silently, the moon air stood frighteningly still. They watched the clouds move across The Earth's blue green surface. After a few moments, the soldiers retreated into the palace. Sailor Venus retired to her quarters after a long tiring day. She wearily removed her uniform, a white leotard adorned with an orange skirt and sailor collar and blue and yellow ribbons. She slipped into a comfortable peach nightgown made with the lightest silk. Sitting down in front of her elegant dresser mirror, she untied the red ribbon that held her hair up during the day. She brushed her waist-length blonde hair gently while gazing at her reflection. Venus was a pretty girl, she knew. She had a fair complexion, sparkling blue eyes and a dainty nose. She sighed thinking of all the attention that the Princess always received, all of the endless compliments on her beauty and grace. 'If only they knew her true self,' Venus thought to herself, 'the clumsy ditz that I know all to well. If only I were a Princess…' Venus stopped herself and straightened up in the mirror. She couldn't be jealous of Serenity, after all, it was her job to protect her. She was born a guardian while Serenity was born a Princess. It was destiny, and it could never be changed. "I suppose I should go talk to her now," Venus said to herself. She replaced her hairbrush on her dresser and quickly tied her hair into a bun. Then she walked to her door and stepped out in the hall. Her long, silky nightgown swirled quietly about her feet as she tiptoed to Princess Serenity's chamber. She turned around a couple corners, then approached Serenity's door. She opened it slowly, as to not wake her if she was sleeping. The soft light of candles filled the room as Venus peeked in through the crack of the door. Venus opened it wider until she could stick her whole head in, then… "OH MY WORD!" Venus screamed as she flung open the door. Serenity looked up from her spot on her bed, her blue eyes huge with terror. The strange young man sitting next to her panicked as well, falling off the bed completely with a loud thump. The three remained still, hyperventilating, until Serenity begged in a hushed voice, "Please, Venus, Mother can't know, she can't! I, I can explain. Please, just, please be quiet." Tears trickled out of the corners of her eyes, and she gripped at her lacey pink nightgown with clenched fists. The dark haired man was rolling about on the carpeted floor, desperately trying to get his shirt back on. Venus took a couple deep breaths, walked to the bed and sat on the edge. "Serenity, what do you think you're doing? You know I'll be blamed for this. I can't let this go on…" Serenity grabbed Venus' hand tightly, "NO! Please, no. We aren't doing anything really bad, it's not what it seems, I know…" Serenity blushed at the thought, then continued, "but, we are in love, and I can't see him when people are around." Venus sighed deeply, "Why is that?" Serenity blushed again. "Well, um, it's kinda, um, forbidden." Venus could have slapped herself. Of course, this is why she was sneaking away all the time, to see this man. This man who was obviously from Earth. The man watched Venus' reaction nervously, then stammered, "I am Prince Endymion, of Earth. I strongly oppose the revolt against the Moon, my four generals and I try to keep peace between our two kingdoms." He then rejoined Serenity and Venus on the bed. He slipped his arm around Serenity and gazed at her in adoration. "We first saw each other when I came to the Moon trying to negotiate peace. I was unsuccessful…" "But we found each other, and that's all that matters now." Serenity cut him off, looking into his eyes lovingly. Suddenly, she burst into a cascade of tears. She buried her face into Endymion's strong chest and wrapped her arms around his torso. He stroked her wavy blonde hair comfortingly. For a moment, Venus could feel a deep longing for someone to love and hold, but she quickly pushed that thought from her mind. This was serious. "So, do you plan on going on like this, playing hide-and-seek from your families?" she asked in a lightly sarcastic tone. Serenity looked up from her love, brushing tears from her soft cheeks. "Well, we don't know yet. We figure we can go on like this for now, after all, the conflict between Earth and the Moon shouldn't go on for much longer… am I right?" Serenity looked at Venus pleadingly, desperately wanting reassurance of peace. Venus looked at the young Princess and her lover. She knew there was nothing that could ever keep them from each other. She stood up slowly and straightened her nightgown. "Just be careful. The threats from Earth still remain idle, so you should be safe for now. But if war breaks out, or if your mother finds out…" "YES! We'll be very careful!" Serenity nodded enthusiastically, "We'll be good. I could never live without my Endymion, I'd do anything!" Venus took one last look at the two before leaving. I must be out of my mind letting them go on like this, she thought, but they look so peacefully in love. She walked to the door and opened it quietly. "I'll keep checking on you two. Understand that if anything happens I will have to take charge of this." Serenity nodded again, even more intensely. She gripped onto Endymion's arm tightly. Venus smiled a little smile and shut the door behind her, until only a little crack of the door was open. From there she watched curiously as the couple kissed lovingly, holding their bodies close.