Chapter 2: Powers are Granted The garden was so beautiful. Venus walked slowly through the rows of lilies and roses, thinking quietly to herself. She didn't like being alone normally, It wasn't in her nature, but what happened the night before had touched her in a strange way. Seeing how happy Serenity and Endymion were while together made her wonder what it would be like to fall in love. She had always felt somewhat incomplete and alone, even with nice friends like Mars. Perhaps this was what she needed, a man to love her and hold her. "No, stop thinking like that," she said aloud to herself. Her job was to be a guardian for the Princess, one of an elite group of four who swore their lives to the protection of the heir to the throne. Sworn to remain loyal to the kingdom, devoted to the Princess, and free of all other engagements. A lover is considered another engagement. "Sailor Venus!" Venus swept her head around. Sailor Jupiter waved to her over the tops of the bushes. Venus returned the wave with a smile. Jupiter jogged over to Venus, her reddish-brown ponytail bouncing with each step. "Venus," Jupiter said hurriedly, "The Queen wishes to speak with you. She says it's very important!" Venus' eyes grew wide. Had the Queen found out about her daughter? Venus began to grow panicked. Jupiter looked at her friend, concerned for her. "Is everything all right?" "Yes, of course, I just hope…" "About Earth?" "Oh, yes, yes, that. So, I better go now. I'll tell you what happens later." She quickly began to pace away. "Wait," Jupiter stopped her, "you may be the leader of the four Inner Soldiers, but Mars, Mercury and I are here to help you." Venus glanced back at Jupiter. "I know Jupiter. I'll remember that." Venus pushed the heavy door open and peered into the Palace Throne Room. Everything inside was white. The floor and walls were covered in marble and the throne was carpeted in white velvet. In the corner was a polished pedestal, on top of which sat a shining crystal as big as your fist. It emanated a bright light that filled the whole room. Sitting on the throne was a tall, slender woman in a silk white gown. Her silver hair was tied up into 2 buns and pigtails, and a dainty silver crown rested on her head. She raised her hand and motioned towards the young girl at her door. Venus walked in confidently; her back aligned straight and her arms directly down to her sides. She stopped in the middle of the room, where she humbly bowed to one knee, holding one arm in front of her and the other behind her back. Most girls were required to curtsy like elegant young ladies before the Queen, but as a soldier, Venus was required to bow like any other man. "Sailor Venus, you look worried," the Queen said in an airy voice. Venus quickly lifted her face toward the Queen, and her cheeks grew hot. The Queen laughed gently at Venus' embarrassment, but her face soon became sober. "You have every right to be worried, something horrible is happening, and I need you and your soldiers to help me." "I would do anything to serve my kingdom, and my soldiers feel the same," Venus voiced mechanically. Is she talking about Serenity and Endymion? Venus thought nervously. Her palms began to sweat. "I'm glad. It appears that the Earth has finally kept their word. Last night Earth soldiers viciously attacked a small town just South of here. They left it in complete ruins, no survivors to be found." The Queens eyes focused on something far off in the distance as she spoke, "I know they will attack the Palace soon, and I'm very worried. I don't want my dear daughter to get hurt, which is why I called you here." Venus could have sighed in relief. Thank goodness she didn't know about Serenity! But then she realized the alternative: the war had finally begun. She watched intently as the Queen stepped gracefully towards the glowing Silver Crystal. She carefully lifted it from its pedestal, and it shone brightly purple as she made contact with it. "This Silver Imperium Crystal is what holds the power to make the Moon people live eternally." The Queen said as she lifted the crystal over her head. It began to levitate just above her hands. "It also has the ability to grant powers to people. You will need more than just strength to protect the Kingdom and its Princess during this rough time in history. You will need…" A blinding light came from the crystal and filled the room, followed by a loud, powerful blast. After a moment, Venus could see the Queen holding four golden tiaras. "These tiaras. They will grant you and your soldiers powers to protect your Princess and your Kingdom." Venus stood with unsure footing, still somewhat unstable from the burst of power. "May, I…" The Queen nodded and motioned for Venus to come closer. Venus walked over to the Queen, who held the tiaras out for her to touch. Her fingertips tingled and she felt the smooth surfaces of the stones inlaid in the front of each one. "Is that where the power is?" Venus asked, pointing to one of the stones. The Queen nodded. "Yes. Each tiara has a different power, but it can only be used by its true owner," she explained. The Queen selected a one with an amber colored stone and placed it gently on Venus' forehead. Venus could feel a warm energy wash over her body. "Sailor Venus, this power has been granted to you, the power of beauty and love." Venus smiled and fingered at the tiara, which now fit snugly to her head. "What does it do, exactly?" "You'll know what to do when the time comes." Venus stared at the Queen quizzically, but she simply continued. "Give these tiaras to the other three guardians for me. Mercury has been granted the power of water and intellect. Mars the power of fire and war. Jupiter the power of thunder and protection." Venus nodded and tried to keep the information straight in her head. "Yes, I'll go to them now. I'm sure they'll be very happy." "But remember, Venus, these powers were not granted to you for no reason. A time will come when you will need to use them. In battle." Venus bowed once more. "Yes, your majesty. As leader of the Inner Soldiers, I will remember my duty." The Queen nodded her approval. Venus left the room with three golden tiaras and a heavy heart prepared for war.