Chapter 7: Lives are Lost Minako awoke to the warmth of a glowing fire and the solace of her lover's embrace. They had gone back to Kunzite's quarters when it had become too cool to stay outside. Hence they had accidentally fallen asleep in front of the comforting fireplace. Minako carefully removed Kunzite's arms from their grip around her, not wanting to wake him from his slumber. Her long gown swished about her feet as she slipped them into her high heels. Before leaving the quarters, Venus looked back to Kunzite. He looked so innocent, like a child, when he was asleep. She kneeled down as kissed him tenderly on the forehead. She giggled silently as he smiled in his sleep. She sneaked out the door, shutting it quietly behind her. She walked out into the middle of the courtyard and called out, "Venus Power! Teleport to the Moon Palace!" The stone on her tiara radiated a golden light that surrounded her. She was warped into a white, empty dimension, and then spit out into the air right outside the Palace, or at least where the Palace should have been. Minako regained her footing and looked around. "Wha… What happened?" Minako asked, panicked. All around her were burning buildings, and thick smoke billowed into the air blotting out the sunlight. Right in front of her was the Moon Palace, in ruins. "The Princess! Where is the Princess?" Minako screamed in hysterics, "I need to find her! VENUS POWER, MAKE-UP!" Orange and yellow lights flashed around Minako, and in a burst of golden stars and crystals Minako was instantly transformed into her Sailor uniform. Venus stood amazed for a moment; she'd never been through a transformation before! "FIRE SOUL!" Explosions of fiery red came from behind a smoldering building. The sound of Sailor Mars' angry voice awoke Venus from her trance. She raced around a corner to see Sailor Mars fighting back an army of 50 Earth men. "Fire soul… BIRD!" Mars screamed again. She threw her deadly fire attack at the charging men, who fell to the ground barbecued. "Wow, Mars!" Venus exclaimed. Mars turned and saw her friend. "Where the heck have you been?" she demanded angrily. "We've needed your help! You're as unreliable as Serenity!" Venus' face grew hot. Maybe Mars was right. I'll prove them wrong, she thought. Another group of men came charging towards them. "I'll take them," Venus took charge, "Crescent Beam… SHOWER!" Hundreds of laser light beams erupted from Venus' hand and pelted the soldiers. They also fell, dead as doornails. "Good one!" Mars said, "but you need to find the Princess! NOW!" Venus nodded and ran. Earth soldiers surrounded her on all sides as she continued her desperate search. She could hear Mercury's normally quiet voice yelling loathsomely. Venus saw the small, blue haired girl gathering a ball of bubbles n her hands. She then cried out, "SHABON SPRAY!" The spray blinded her attackers. Jupiter was beside Mercury, and a lightning rod extended from her tiara as she bellowed, "SUPREME THUNDER!" Twenty or so Earth men dropped dead from electrocution. Venus watched in awe as her friends demonstrated such great power, but she forced herself to continue on. "I must find Serenity, I must find Serenity…" she repeated as she ran. Ashes flew through the air and burned on her bare skin. Red welts began to cover her arms and face. Venus tried to ignore the pain and continued searching. The sound of uncontrollable sobbing drew Venus around yet another corner, onto the platform where the Palace had once stood. In the center of the pile of ruins was the Princess, kneeling over the body of her dead lover. Endymion lay misshapen on the ground. Serenity continued to shake his lifeless body, trying to awaken him. "Endymion! Wake up! I need you! Please! ENDYMION!" Serenity cried helplessly. "Princess!" Venus called to her. She crawled over the ruins, scraping up her arms and legs on the broken marble. "Princess, wait for me!" she hollered. The Princess was oblivious to Venus' calls to her. Venus watched in horror as Serenity pulled Endymion's sword out of its holster. She held it above her head for a moment, calling out between sobs, "To my love!" With that, she brought it back down to stab herself through the stomach. She fell in a bloody heap over her lover's body. Venus screamed in terror. She bolted over the last of the ruins to the Princess' side. Serenity coughed and her body shuddered as Venus lifted her head into her lap. "I was too late…" Venus moaned as tears trickled down her cheeks. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?" Serenity used her last bit of energy to look up at Venus and mouth the words, "I love him." With that, her body grew limp and her eyes glazed over. Venus sat, shocked, beside the dead lovers. The sky continued to grow darker and darker as smoke filled the air. Venus just sat there, stunned, until she heard another blood curdling scream. She whipped her head around to see the Queen standing behind her, hands covering her mouth and eyes brimming with tears. "Queen, I… I tried to protect her… I tried…" Venus choked on her words. The Queen said nothing, she just knelt down beside her daughter. "How…how did this happen? Did this man…" "No, your majesty, this man didn't kill her. She killed herself when she saw he was dead. They were in love." The Queen nodded slowly, sadly. "She had such a bright future…" her voice trailed off. Sobs trembled through her body as she mourned for her only daughter. Venus stood and took a few steps back. She looked up into the sky. All is hopeless now, she thought, it couldn't possibly get any worse than this. As she gazed into space, an object began to materialize in the sky, just before her eyes. "Queen!" Venus cried, pointing to the figure, "What is that?" It was a tall woman with fiery red hair and a long, purple gown. She had horns growing out of her shoulders and a wiry, black crown resting on her brow. "Queen Beryl!" the Queen spat the name. "How could you do this? You caused the Earth to revolt against my peaceful kingdom, and now you've killed my daughter. What more could you want?" The Queen cackled hideously, "Nothing more, really. Just to make sure every last person on the Moon Kingdom is DEAD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She spread her arms wide before her. "How would you like to meet my new generals? Unfortunately, Prince Endymion is already dead so he can't see how they betrayed him… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Venus' stomach flip flopped. What had that witch done to Kunzite? She stood appalled as Jadeite, Nephrite and Zoicite appeared, each holding one of the corpses of the other three guardians. "MARS! MERCURY! JUPITER!" Venus fell to her knees, wailing. Lastly, Kunzite appeared. His arms were crossed in front of his barrel chest. "Kunzite! I'm so glad you're here!" Venus called out to him. She began to run to him, but she stopped suddenly. "Kunzite? What are you doing?" Venus asked confusedly as he reached his palm out towards her. Before she even realized it, Kunzite used his evil powers to pull Venus into his choking grasp.