Duo Maxwell
The God of Death
His world:
- Name: Duo Maxwell.
- Meaning: Duo. Two. Second.
- Code Name: Duo Maxwell.
- Gundam (Mobile Suit): Deathscythe, and later, Deathscythe Hell.
- Age: 15 years.
- Height: 156 cm.
- Weight: 43 kg.
- Hair color: Med. Brown.
- Eye color: Cobalt blue.
- Blood type: B.
- Nationality: American.
- Family: No one.
- Home: L2 Colony.
- Gundam Scientist: Dr.G.
- Most Distinct Feature: The braid. It was once guessed to be 10 kilometers long.
History: Poor Duo. He lived on Colony L2 for the majority as a stray orphan, ever since his parents died when he was a baby, leaving him without any relatives to live with. Another orphan named Solo was the leader of a pack of children like Duo, who roamed the streets in search of food and shelter. He took the then nameless Duo under his wing, so to speak. When Duo (still without a name) was seven, an epidemic struck the colony. There was no money for the children to buy the antidote with, and so they struggled, trying not to fall sick. Unfortunately, Solo caught the disease. Duo, an ambitious boy, stole into a hospital and "borrowed" a vial of medicine. When he got it to Solo, the older boy was already beyond help, and dying. With his last breath, Solo told Duo that they would always be together. As his friend and protector died, Duo chose his name as a reminder of Solo and his promise. He lived in a church of awhile, the Maxwell Church, where a sister by the name of Sister Hazel took care of him. She despaired over his hair... When Duo left L2 Colony, he also took the name Maxwell, and added it to his own.
My Option: Duo is the comic relief. With that goofy smile and his cocky and carefree attitude, he's the perfect fit. He's also American. (Are all American's crazy?!). Duo is still a great fighter- despite the craziness- and he takes his missions pretty seriously. "Anyone who sees me has got a date with his maker."- Duo. I think Duo is a necessary character; he keeps the show from growing too tense and serious. While Duo isn't the most careful of the pilots, he does keep Deathsyche shining, and screams (in the middle of a crowd) when he sees it destroyed. He never grows morose or unhappy, the closest he comes is telling Wufei there’s no point in looking at the pictures of their new Gundams. The final point is simple. I like watching him kick @$$ in Deathsyche.
-Senmei, 8,'00
If you have any personal stats on Duo Maxwell, email me.