A Pool PartyBy,US
The setting is Trowa’s little house in the country. Trowa is in his room, getting out his bathing suit. Trowa Mom walks in.
Trowa Mom- Looking at Trowa’s new chalkboard. What is that?
Trowa- It’s a talking chalkboard. Don’t worry, I won’t use it around you. It’s only so my friends can know what I’m saying. Trowa Mom nods in relief.
Trowa Mom- When WILL your friends be getting here, anyway?
Trowa- Looking at his watch. Any minute now.
Trowa Mom- You DID tell them to bring their bathing suits, right?
Trowa- Of COURSE, Mom. Well, of COURSE Trowa did, Trowa can do everything except talk…and well…maybe he needs a little help with his hair. There is a knock at the door.
Trowa Mom- Well, my guess is that that is either Wufei or Quatre.
Trowa- What makes you come to that conclusion?
Trowa Mom- Duo would be knocking constantly. Heero wouldn’t knock.
Trowa- Good point. You think you can guess which one it is?
Trowa Mom- Well, if we wait a few minutes then we can tell. If it’s Wufei then he’ll probably go away or knock again. If it’s Quatre, he’ll peek through the mail slot and call for us. There is another knock at the door.
Trowa- Wufei. He goes and opens the door and sure enough, Wufei is standing there.
Wufei- That took long enough.
Trowa- Well, we were just going to see if you knocked again.
Wufei- Raising an eyebrow. Why?
Trowa- We ruled out Duo and Heero for obvious reasons. We figured that Quatre would be yelling our names and stuff like that.
Wufei- And why were you doing that?
Trowa- We felt like it. Oh, hi, Mr. and Mrs. Wufei.
Wufei Mom- Hello.
Wufei Dad- Hello, Trowa. This is a pool party, right?
Trowa- Yes.
Wufei Mom- Make sure Wufei takes a shower afterward. He has to be nice and clean when he gets home because he won’t have time to get washed up for Mulan Time.
Wufei- Mom, you’re over reacting. I’ll be fine.
Trowa- Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Wufei. They leave in their usual way. Wufei, why is Mulan Time so important to you and your family? Before Wufei can yell at Trowa, there is a knock on the door. Trowa opens it to see Quatre standing there, smiling with his mother behind him. Trowa reaches for his new chalkboard. “Hi Quatre and Mrs. Quatre.”
Quatre Mom- I’m so glad you like your present! He smiles. Now, Quatre can’t swim very well so make sure he stays in the shallow end. You can swim well, right, just in case? Trowa nods. Of COURSE Trowa can swim. Trowa can do everything…except talk. Good, I can always depend on you to watch after my little Quatre!
Quatre- Mom! You’re embarrassing me!
Wufei- I don’t care that you don’t know how to swim.
Quatre- That’s not what’s embarrassing me. It’s the fact she calls me, ‘Little Quatre’. It’s just annoying! She used that when I was a LITTLE kid!
Quatre Mom- Oh, I’m sorry! Have fun!
Quatre- I can’t wait! I’m so excited!! Bye Mom! Quatre Mom pulls out a transportator and beams herself back home. They have enough money to do that kinda stuff ya know.
Trowa- “Okay…”
Wufei- Is that legal?
Quatre- Acting as if this is normal. What? Is WHAT legal? What’s legal mean?
Wufei- Nothing. Quatre smiles and shrugs. There is a knock at the door. And another one. And another one. And another one. Trowa opens the door and Duo knocks Trowa’s face.
Duo- Oops! UN-sorry!
Trowa- “Whatever.”
Duo- When are we going swimming?! WHERE are we going swimming!? He is already wearing his bathing suit and a t-shirt. He has sunglasses on…probably stolen and he’s not wearing any shoes.
Trowa- “In the pool in my backyard.”
Quatre- Wow! I have a pool! Then again, all of my sisters have their own INDOOR pool in their room! I don’t. They don’t trust me. They think I’ll fall in. I don’t get it, why does Bobetta get a pool and I don’t!? She’s only a year older! But, then again, she took swimming lessons and I didn’t so I guess that makes sense. I don’t swim very well. Everyone stares and Quatre and shrugs.
Trowa- “Heero said that he was going to be late so let’s just get started.” He leads them into the backyard where everyone takes off their shirts and go over to the pool. Quatre has big goggles that covers his nose and swimmys. Duo leaves his shirt on to look ‘cooler’. Wufei goes inside to take a shower before he gets in. Trowa has a bathing cap, a speedo and swim team goggles. Trowa climbs up on the giant diving board and dives into the water perfectly with no splash only after flipping one hundred times. He starts swimming laps.
Duo- CANNON BALL!! He cannon balls into the water and soaks Quatre.
Quatre- Hey! He was slowly easing himself into the water. Wufei walks out, the only normal one and he has no essentials.
Wufei- Kinda just jumping into the water on his knees. Oh, it’s cold! Quatre starts shivering and lowers himself into the water. He starts doggie paddling around in circles.
Quatre- Look at me! I can’t touch here! Trowa crashes into Quatre. Trowa pops his head up and stares angrily at Quatre before swimming around him and continuing his laps. My goggles are prettier. They’re BLUE! They’re not pink! Same with my bathing suit! I usually have to get pink stuff but now I have BLUE!!
Duo- I get whatever color I want because my mom is nice!
Quatre- My mom is nice! She got me these goggles that keep me from getting water up my nose! She also got me these swimmys to keep me from drowneding!
Wufei- Swimming underwater and then popping his head back up. Anyone dare me to go off the high jump?
Duo- I DO!
Quatre- I DO BUT BE CAREFUL! Before Wufei can get out of the pool, a bunch of little bubbles start swarming around them. All of a sudden, two heads pop out of the pool. They are both masked with diver masks.
Duo & Wufei & Quatre- AHHHHHHH!! Trowa comes out of the water and stares curiously at the people. The people take off their masks to reveal Heero and Heero Dad.
Heero Dad- Heero, your mission is to have fun at this party.
Heero- Mission accepted. And your mission is to leave.
Heero Dad- Mission understood. He puts his mask back on and dives underwater. The bubbles start again and when they clear, he’s gone.
Heero- Hello everyone. He gets out of the pool and takes off his diver suit to reveal his bathing suit underneath. He acts as if this is normal. What, what’s everyone looking at?
Quatre- Staring at the bottom of the pool. Where’d he go!? He’s DEAD!! AHHH!!
Heero- I assure you, my father isn’t dead. Although, that WOULD be something now wouldn’t? He has a red bathing suit on.
Duo- We were just daring Wufei to go off the high dive!
Heero- Why not? Wufei, I dare you. Wufei gets out of the pool and starts climbing the ladder. Trowa goes back to his laps. What’s up with Trowa? He’s wearing a speedo. That’s just not right.
Quatre- Scary, isn’t it?
Duo- I think it looks STUPID!
Everyone except Trowa, Wufei and Heero in other words Duo and Quatre- YES!! Wufei steps off the diving board and falls straight down like a pencil. When he comes up, he gasps for air and swims desperately towards the ladder. Duo and Quatre start to congratulate him but he demands his personal space.
Trowa- Looking angry as he gets out and grabs his chalkboard. “Don’t go off the diving board without permission!” His bathing cap has a big bulge in the front because having stupid hair will do that to you when you put a bathing cap on.
Wufei- SOR-RY! He continues swimming around. All of a sudden, there is a sound of another splash.
Quatre- WHO WAS THAT?! He looks around: Trowa swimming laps, Duo seeing how long he can hold his breath, Wufei attempting to do a handstand underwater and Heero sitting on the edge of the pool. All of a sudden, Door’s head pops out.
Door- In his usual chipmunky voice. Hello! I brought WINE!! Everyone gets out of the pool as fast as they can. Door starts vibrating. Ah…Yellow stuff starts circling around Door.
Door- No I didn’t.
Door- You know what would make this pool even BETTER!? If we filled the pool up with wine! Stupid looking robots come in, suck all of the water out of pool and fill it up with red wine. YAY!!
Quatre- Hurry, Trowa, call my mom! He hands Trowa his cell phone. Trowa dials as fast as he can. He hands it back to Quatre. RED ALERT! RED ALERT! DOOR ON TROWA’S PROPERTY!! No sooner did he say that, a helicopter comes out of nowhere and sucks all of Door’s wine, Door’s robots and Door up into it. It flies away as another helicopter comes and fills the pool with clean water.
Everyone- YAY!! Everyone went right back to doing whatever they were doing. Heero climbed down the ladder into the pool.
Duo- Staring at Trowa who is doing laps again. TROWA IS STARTING TO ANNOY ME!!
Heero- Rubbing his hands together diabolically. Let’s kill him.
Quatre- No, we shouldn’t be fighting at all!!
Wufei- Getting out of the pool and wrapping himself up in a towel. I’m cold! The water is too cold! He sits down.
Duo- Starts splashing him. COME BACK IN THE POOL!
Wufei- You’re getting my towel all wet!! Wufei has a Mulan towel. (Duh!!)
Quatre- I’m gonna do laps with Trowa! He starts doggie paddling down the pool. YAY!! He looks at Trowa. I don’t think I’m doing this right.
Duo- You gotta take off the swimmies!!
Quatre- But my mom told me NOT to!!
Duo- Do you ALWAYS listen to your mom!?
Quatre- Plainly. Yes.
Duo- Not the answer he wanted to hear. Then STOP!! Give me your swimmies!! Quatre takes them off and hands them to Duo. Duo puts them on his feet. Look at me! I’m walking the water!! He tips over. AHHHH!!
Quatre- I can’t swim!! He starts sinking. AHHHH!! Trowa hears them and comes to their rescue. They sit on the side. Trowa, you SAVED me!! He hugs Trowa.
Duo- Hey, wha’d you do that for?! I WANTED to do that!! He crosses his arms. Heero comes out of the pool.
Wufei- Realizing that no one is in the pool anymore. I wanna go in the pool now!!
Trowa- “We’re all out. We’re going to go inside.”
Wufei- Not me! I’m staying out here!
Trowa- “You can’t stay out by yourself.”
Wufei- Why not?
Trowa- “Cause I said so.” Everyone grabs their towel. Quatre’s is pink, Wufei’s is Mulany, Duo’s is black, Heero’s is red and Trowa’s is sky blue with his swim team symbol on it.
Trowa Mom- What are you doing back in the house so soon?
Trowa- Taking his first chalkboard. Duo and Quatre almost drowned, Wufei didn’t want to go in but now he does and Heero… I’m not sure if he was having fun to begin with. Plus, Door came by. Trowa Mom gasps. I think he poisoned the water.
Trowa Mom- Okay, why don’t you all have lunch while I clean the pool?
Trowa- Don’t worry, Quatre’s minions came by and did it.
Trowa Mom- All right, I’ll just make you some sandwiches.
Trowa- Thanks mom. Trowa hugs Trowa Mom’s leg. The other four boys look at each other, wondering what just went on. Trowa Mom walks over to the counter and hands everyone the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that she had made while they were swimming.
Quatre- YAY!! My favorite!!
Duo- Do you have any chocolate sauce? I like mine with chocolate sauce on it!!
Wufei- That’s disgusting!
Duo- What? My mom, dad, twenty-five brothers and ninety-seven sisters ALWAYS eat chocolate sauce on their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with me!! Trowa Mom ignored Duo’s lies and got him the chocolate sauce, which was, two seconds later, being smothered on his sandwich. Everyone cringed as Duo ate his concoction.
Quatre- Is it disgusting Duo?
Duo- No. Why?
Quatre- Just asking. He turned to his own sandwich. Could you please cut mine into little triangles for me? That’s how I like to eat my sandwiches. He smiles. Trowa Mom gets out a knife and cuts Quatre’s sandwich into four triangles. Thank you very, very much!! He smiles and picks up a triangle.
Heero- I don’t like grape jelly. I only like strawberry. Get me some strawberry.
Trowa Mom- Tell your friend that we don’t have any strawberry.
Trowa- Turning to Wufei. Tell Heero that we don’t have any strawberry jelly.
Wufei- Not this again! He sighs. Heero, they don’t have any strawberry jelly.
Heero- Then GET some. Trowa Mom sighs and goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a jar of strawberry jelly. You were holding out on me? This will NOT be tolerated. You shall be punished. Now make me my sandwich. Trowa Mom grumbles (silently of course) and makes Heero a peanut butter and STRAWBERRY jelly sandwich and gives it to him. Heero looks satisfied with himself. Wufei, meanwhile, is staring at his sandwich on his plate.
Wufei- I don’t like crust! Trowa Mom stomps over and cuts the crust off of Wufei’s sandwich. Wufei picks it up carefully with the tips of his fingers and begins taking tiny bites out of it eating it EVER so slowly. Trowa is probably the only one eating his sandwich like a normal person. Trowa Mom comes over and puts a bowl of popcorn in the middle of the table. Duo stands up on his chair and reaches for the bowl. He grabs a handful of popcorn and dumps it on his empty plate. He then picks up a single kernel.
Duo- Who thinks I can throw this up in the air and catch it in my mouth? No one said anything because they didn’t know if Duo had the motor skills to accomplish this but then again, who knows WHAT Duo does in his spare time? Hello? No one thinks I can do it?
Quatre- I think you can!
Duo- Let’s see! He tosses his piece of popcorn into the air but it hits his forehead and falls on the floor.
Trowa Mom- Trowa, tell your friend not to do that because it’s making a big mess and I don’t want to have to clean it up.
Trowa- Wufei, tell Duo that my mom says to stop doing that.
Wufei- Loud exasperating groan. Duo, Trowa’s Mom says to STOP!!
Duo- Tossing another piece of popcorn into the air. Stop what?
Wufei- To Trowa. Stop what?
Trowa- To Trowa Mom. Stop what?
Trowa Mom- Throwing the popcorn around.
Trowa- To Wufei. Throwing the popcorn around.
Wufei- To Duo. Throwing the popcorn!
Duo- But it’s so much fun!!
Heero- Just stop.
Quatre- Finishing his sandwich. I’m cold! Can I get changed into my clothes now? Everyone else looked like they wanted to get changed too.
Trowa Mom- Trowa, take your friends into your room to get changed. Trowa nods and leads everyone into his room which has a huge bookshelf filled with books that is practically taking up one whole side of the wall. His bed has a blanket on it that is green with yellow stars on it. His walls have blue and white striped wallpaper. He had a bathroom door in the corner of his room. There was a big squishy chair in the corner with a bunch of clown stuffed animals. Duo ran over to the chair and threw all the stuffed animals on the floor and sat down.
Quatre- You shouldn’t sit on the chair with your wet bathing suit Duo!
Duo- Trowa doesn’t mind!! Right Trowa? He looked at Trowa who frowned. This scared Duo so he got up. Trowa opened his clothes drawers and pulled out a change of clothes and went into the bathroom to change. The four boys took this opportunity to explore Trowa’s room. Duo started it by opening Trowa’s swim team drawer. It was filled with special towels, bathing caps, goggles and Speedos.
Quatre- Referring to the Speedos. They look like NAPKINS!! Duo picked one up and flung it across the room like an elastic band. That wasn’t very nice Duo!! Meanwhile, Wufei and Heero were looking at Trowa’s little vanity table near the door. Wufei had picked up some face paint.
Wufei- What is this used for?
Heero- Some sort of liquid acid killing device. Be careful. It can eat away at your flesh in less than two minutes. Wufei tosses the make-up down.
Duo- FACE PAINT!! He picked it up. Can I paint someone’s face?! No one looked willing. You guys are no fun. Trowa comes back out fully dressed. I’m next!! He zips into the bathroom before anyone else even realized the door was open. He comes out a minute later. I didn’t bring a change of clothes. Only a T-shirt and some other stuff, but they’re outside. He runs out of the room and when he returns, Quatre is in the bathroom changing. When Quatre came out, Wufei went in to get changed. When at last Wufei was done because he took an excruciatingly long time because he had to shower, he turned to Heero but Heero hadn’t brought a change of clothes either. Trowa looked at his clock. It was 5:45. No one’s parents would be there to pick them up until 6:00. He tried to think of a way to entertain them in the meantime. Suddenly, his bedroom door slammed shut. Trowa looked at his four guests who all had evil smirks on their faces. He backed up onto his bed but they all inched closer. Trowa’s eyes bugged out. He knew what was going on.
Trowa- NO!! STAY BACK!!
Quatre- But Trowa! We just want to be able to speak with you! You MUST talk!
Duo- Holding up a clown doll. TALK OR BONGO GETS IT!! Trowa winced at this. That was his favorite stuffed animal. The one he always slept with at night. His name wasn’t Bongo but telling Duo the name of his favorite stuffed animal wasn’t a smart thing to do. Trowa held out his arms for the doll but Heero grabbed them and taped them to the bedpost. Heero always seems to have this sort of stuff.
Quatre- Duo, that’s not very nice.
Duo- Motioning like he was going to rip the doll’s head off. It’s called ‘Reberse Siconomy.’ I heard I guy say that on T.V. when he was trying to get a kid to eat his vegetables. He just said, “Fine you don’t have to eat them EVER again!” and this freaked the kid out so much that he ate them all up!!
Quatre- Oh okay.
Wufei- Can I rip the doll’s head off anyway? Trowa started to cry a little.
Quatre- NO!! Trowa was glad that Quatre was defending him a little. Trowa knew that he wasn’t out of danger yet though. Quatre telling the other three not to rip the doll’s head off was meaningless. Duo was now probably tempted to do it so badly. Wufei looked as though he was holding his hands down from ripping the doll out of Duo’s hands and tearing it to shreds. Heero… well Heero would rip the head off of a real person if someone let him. Trowa was ready to give up. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by his bedroom door suddenly opening. Both Quatre Mom and Trowa Mom entered the room. They both looked surprised as they untied Trowa and turned angrily to the other four.
Quatre Mom- Quatre! I’m ashamed with you! I thought you were bigger than this! I never thought you would stoop so low as to…
Duo- I have to go now!! My mom is calling me. She doesn’t like it when I’m late! He leaves the room and slams the door behind him.
Quatre Mom- Grabbing Quatre’s hand. Come Quatre, I shall scold you later.
Quatre- Bowing head in shame. Sorry mom. They both leave. There is a sudden knocking at the door. Everyone follows Trowa Mom to the door to see Wufei Mom.
Wufei Mom- I pick up Wufei now. Wufei nods and leaves with his mom. Trowa Mom is just about to close the door when Heero Dad comes tunneling out of the ground.
Heero Dad- Come on son. We must go. Heero Dad goes back into the hole and Heero jumps in after him without a word of thanks or a goodbye. Trowa and Trowa Mom look at each other before going inside.
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