A dark shape moved slowly through a manicured garden, sliding from shadow to shadow. It stopped under a open window, and listened carefully as a man's voice drifted out into the night air. "...I know that, Colonel, but I'm telling you we can't kill these boys!" A deeper voice rumbled to answer the first. "Why the hell not? They are fighting against our troops, killing our men. They deserve the death they will be given!" the silent, dark shape pricked it's ears, and strained to catch the next words. "Colonel, I'm telling you that these Gundam pilots are mere children, no older then 16! They fight for the peace of the colonies, just as we do. We could extend the hand of peace to them, and join forces. Do not, I repeat, do not kill the Gundam pilots!" the deep voice was silent after these words, and the dark shape waited patiently. "I'm sorry, sir, but I can not accept your order. I believe what I believe, and I shall act accordingly." |