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Welcome to the plethora of image galleries found at 'The Sailor Senshi Oasis'. Here you will find individual galleries for each senshi as well as a group gallery, duo gallery, inner senshi gallery, and outer senshi gallery. This totals well over one hundred manga only images.

My rules for the image galleries are simple: please take! As this is an image gallery site, it would be silly to not allow the images to be taken, ne? Therefore, you may download the images to your own computer to look at all you want ^_^ or you are welcome to take them, upload them to your own server, and put them onto your own web site. Yet, if you are going to post images on your web site, I do ask that you give my site credit with a link back to The Saior Senshi Oasis. This is both friendly and polite.

Now, all chit-chat aside, on to the image galleries! To view a larger version on an image, simply click upon the thumbnail.