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About Duo

Name: Duo Maxwell
Age: 15 (16 in Endless Waltz)
Sex: Wonderful, according to Heero *wink wink*
Gender: Male
Enthicity: Cacuasian American
Place of Origin: L2 Colony
Height: 156 cm (Thats 5' 2"!)
Weight: 43 kg (Thats 94.6 pounds!)
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: 32.5 cm
Alias: God of Death
Famliy: none, orphan
Gundams: Gundam Deathscythe | Gundam Deathscythe Hell | Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom
Personality: Duo is the life of the 5 guys. Happy go lucky and without a care in the world. He is very friendly but don't mistake him for a gurl because of his braid! His nickname is Shingami which means God of Death, if you make him mad you'll know why he got that nickname. He usually wears a black outfit with a minister collar, his hair in a tightly woven braid.
Other: Tends to keep all the unhappiness inside, stong tolerance.

Backround: Duo was born somewhere near the L2 Colony, he later got there somehow, hehe. He was an orphan and was about 7yrs of age when he was "adopted" by a guy named Solo. Solo was the leader of a bunch of orphans, so hell one more won't hurt right? Well then there was a virus spreading throughout the colony and apparently Solo caught it. Duo asked the Authorities for a vaccine to treat Solo but they wouldnt give it to him because he was poor *sniffle, meanies* so Duo ended up stealing it. By the time he stole it, it was already to late. As Solo was dying he said to Duo "Your a nice guy, I wish I could stay here a bit longer" (Not really he exact words, but something close to that) Duo says "Don't be stupid, dont give up so easily!" (not the exact words, you get the point) Then Solo says "Stay nice, don't worry I'll always be with you" (You know the drill) Duo says "Fine...if Solo's with me, we'll be Duo". That kids, is how Duo got his name.

Well Duo is on his own now, he does what he needs to do to survive. He was caught stealing from someones house and was sent to the Maxwell Church (ring a bell?) There he met Father Maxwell and Sister Helen, they were kind of the "parents he never had". Well by then Duo's hair had gotten pretty long, I'm not sure of his exact age but from the information he was still about 7-8 yrs old. Whatever. Sister Helen wants to cut Duo's braid off but Duo protests and Father Maxwell says to just let him keep it. So Sister Helen braids it and thats the way he's had it ever since. ^_^ After that I think the church was attacked my OZ and there were 245 deaths including Father Maxwell's and Sister Helen's *sniffle* So Duo wanted revenge on OZ and he became the Gundam Pilot known to the world as Duo Maxwell.

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