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Adopted Things

Adopted Things!

My Collection of Adopted Things!

So Cute!
Chibi Duo no Koi!
If you want to adopt him please click on the appropriate link and go through the adoption process instead of just taking him thanx! I'm sure the webmistress would appreciate it much better. ^_~

These characters are from an anime series called Yu Yu Hakusho. I really like YYH too!! ^_^
Hiei My second favorite. ^_~
Kurama ^^ My favorite. ^_^
Youko Kurama *swoon*
He is the same person as Kurama he is just in his Fox form. *_*
Yuusuke!! I like him too, but Kurama is cuter!

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Heero! Heero! Duo! Duo! Trowa! Trowa! Trowa! Trowa! Quatre! Quatre! Wufei! Wufei!

My Adopted Duo!
My Adopted Duo! Mine Mine! hehe. Click on him to get your own!
Adopt your own chibi at Chibi World!
My Adopted Chibi:

My Captured Bishonen!

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