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Words that Describe Duo

Lots O' Words to describe Duo

| ace | adorable | ageless | agile | alluring | amazing | amusing | angelic | angelically EVIL | appealing | attractive | authentic | beautiful | best gundam pilot ever | bold | brave | captivating | caring | charming | classic | comely | cool | courteous | crazy | cunning | cute | cutie pie | cutey | cutting edge | darling | delectable | delecious | desirable | divine | dreamy | enticing | eternal | exaulted | excellent | exceptional | fantastic | fascinating | flawless | friendly | funny | glorious | good looking | gorgeous | goofy | grand | great | handsome | happy | heavenly | holy | hottie| hot tamale | humble | humorous | in-control | individual | impeccable | irresistable | jokester | jolly | kawaii | kind | liquid-sugar | loveable | lovely | luscious | muscular | nice | nifty | not-boring | N-6M ???I dunno this was sent in | outstanding pilot | perfect (well almost) | pleasing | powerful | prince-charming | radiant | rare | responsible | sacred | scrumptious | satisfying | seductive | sent from up above | sexy | slick | smooth | snazzy | snuggable | sweet | suave | tantalizing | tasty | tempting | terrific | unchanging | undaunted | unique | valiant| valuable| violet-eyed one | well dressed (well kinda...^^)| witty | wonderful |

Do you want to add to this list? Email Me! ^_~

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