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Duo Quotes

Duo Quotes
Some infamous quotes made by Duo

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Most of these are quotes that I have taken from the american show on Cartoon Network. Please do not use these without my permission. ^^

Quote of the Month
"When the alliance came from the earth to attack the colonies the smiles disappeared from people's faces. I'm fighting to get back those smiles they lost. But I get back to the colonies and guess what?! The people don't want their smiles back. Tell me something. How did the colonies become so twisted?"
Graciously submitted by

Heero: "Relena has been abducted."
Duo: "Right, right, that's what I call infatuation."

"Boys...don't cry"

"Oh, man, Quatre loves to blame himself for everything if you let him. Sooner or later, he'll start saying that there's no air in space because he didn't work on it hard enough." ^_^ cute...

"You are going with me to hell"

"Hey, Wufei, I'm lonely! Keep my company until the end!"

"Sorry, but this is it for me. Aaa, what an unsatisfying way to die, I'm so uncool."

"Tag along on my journey into hell!"

"If you want to stay alive, don't make me angry."

"Anyone stupid enough to get near me dies!"

"I've been fighting for the Colony. I should be the only one fighting. No one else should have to go through that."

"I may run and hide but I never tell a lie"

"Hey. You're really cold-hearted you know. It wouldn't hurt if you came and rescued me."

"I will become the god of death once again, but right now...I need some sleep" *snore*

"Here I am, a god of death once more"

"Stop making me repeat myself! Its bad for my health"

"I am soo uncool..."

"I don't mind being the god of death forever."

"I don't want to copy Heero but...your going with me to hell!!"

"Anyone who see's me has got a date with his maker!"

"We must be idiots."

"For the peace of the colony, I'd gladly become the god of death."

"The god of death? Well, it sounds much better than a hero who commits mass murder."

"Damn. You're so single minded it amazes me."

"Damn, we are going to be defeated"

"Don't you just admire my ability?"

"What's going on! How come it doesn't explode?! What's wrong with it?!"

"You'd better come up with some better way to kill yourself than that." (Talking to Heero after they jump out of the hospital building)

"I've had enough. Who else sets his own broken bones. Please, I just had my lunch."

"I'm sorry, I'm good at sneaking in."

"What a guy!"

The following quotes were submitted by Nancy

"God Damn you to hell!"

"Count on it baby i'll be there."

"Your so intense it makes me sick."

"And now for the get away"

"Warnng shots are meaningless coming from someone who's never battled"

" your an oz solider"

"You don't have the skill to be my enemy."

"If Deathscythe goes down I don't have long myself, but still I'm dying fighting." "its an honor being greeted by your latest model,but I warn you, anyone carelessly approching is going to get it."

The following quotes were submitted by

"Damn, I'm going to have nightmares over this one." (When Heero jumps off the hospital building and doesn't release his parachute)

"I can't take much more of this." (after he hears Heero's bone crack)

"He just goes and puts a bone back in place, man that just totally grosses me out just thinking about it."

"I wish I never found these guys." (Episode 47, when he finds the professors instead of Heero)

"Who ever doesn't want to get hurt step back." (Episode 47, when he's blasting the control system to the door)

"What the? that definatly was not what I was expecting to see." (Episode 47, when he blasts the control system to the door. He opens it quietly and then, quickly shuts the door)

"You really trust Heero on this one."

"He makes mistakes like the rest of us."

"If you're still looking for the Gundam pilots, I guess you'll see what's his name."

"It's obvious to any one, that you're the bad guy here."

"You all right lady?"

"That can only mean one thing, the son in the family is back."

"Your family is really something."

"Huh? now how come I'm the bad guy?"

"Hey old buddy, what do you want to do? Can you still fight?" (talking to Deathscythe)

"I wonder if Quatre got to see Trowa."

"But Mama said that real men don't scream."

Duo:"It's so depressing to think that happened to a fellow Gundam pilot. And I've been thinking about the colonies too. It just makes you kind of wonder."
Hilde:"Why are you so depressed?"
Hilde:"You're going to live the life you believe in, right? That's what you told me yourself."
Duo:"Yeah that's right. Well maybe I should start by looking for a new job."

"I was just complimenting him. Traitor!"

"Hey you! I'm calling you."

"Here I am mister nice guy, helping you with your mobile suit and you just brush me away like I'm nothing."

"Why did I even bother rescuing this guy in the first place?"

"Forgive me for INTERRUPTING!"

Duo:"Hey! You can't go battle with your mobile suit in this condition. It'd take a miracle."
Heero:"It'd take a miracle for you, but not me."

The following quotes were submitted by

"You need parts to fix it, unlike you and your leg!" ( to Heero )

" I may run and hide but I never tell a lie, that's me in a nutshell!"

" I didn't expect to see that!"

" I wonder how long I'll be able to see the moon like this!"

"Anyone who sees me's goin to hell!"

" You fool, it's to late for that now!" ( to Heero as their falling out of the hospital, Heero wouldn't open his parachute!)

The following quotes were submitted by Allison

"Well excuse me for being a mere mortal!"

"You FOOL!"

"That's ain't no ordinary chick."

Duo: "Why did I bother to rescue this guy? He's anti-social, thinks he's evil kenevil and hardly speaks!"
Heero: Hey!
Duo: What? It's too late if your gonna ask for my help.
Heero:Can you keep it down over there?

"Shingami has returned from hell!"

"Damn you, I'll get you back."

The following quotes were submitted by

Duo to Relena: "Hey sweetheart, you're looking good today! Well, I better get to class . . ."

Duo: "Whadda you say we get home and celebrate with some champagne?"
Trowa: "Sounds good to me."
Quatre: "Yeah, but only if it's non-alcoholic!"

The following quotes were submitted by

"he just puts a broken bone back in place "*crack*

" It makes me sick"

"obviously your the enemy" he says this to Heero

The following quotes were submitted by

"If you're joking that's cruel but if you're being sarcastic that's even worse." Said to Sally

"Let's take the weapons and war itself along for the ride."

Duo: "How's this for some shuttle manuvering?"
Heero: "I was cointing on those skills right from the beginning."
Duo: "That's satisfying to hear."

"Hold on tight man we're goin' in!"

"Outta my way!"

Duo: "Man, try to use your head a bit will ya."
Heero: "Same to you."
Duo: "Huh?!" (sweatdrop)

"It's quite an honor bein' greeted with your latest models but let me warn ya that anyone carelessly aproachin' is gonna DIE!"

The following quotes were submitted by

Duo: "Hey you! Hey, I'm calling you! You wont even acknoledge our help! Here I am, Mr. Nice guy, offering to fix your mobile suit with mine, but you just brush me right off!"

Heero: "I dont want anyone touching my mobile suit. Thats all, pal."

Duo: "Thats a joke. You havent even got the parts! The best engineers in the world couldnt fix a machine without the parts! Mechanics need parts for repairs, not like you and your leg, ya see what I'm saying? *sweatdrop* why did I even bother to rescue this guy? He's antisocial, thinks hes Evil Caneval and hardly speaks! gah. You've got such a gloomy personality. Why dont you just give up and stop PRETENDING to be human!"

Duo: "He~ey! You cant go anywhere with your machine in this shape! Were talking miracles here!"

Heero: "It would take a miracle for you, but I can handle it."

Duo: "Forgive me for being a mere mortal."

"Youre just in time! OZ was about to use me and my Gundam for their wicked plans. Well, if this is the end, it'd seem appropriate for you to do it. Go right ahead and shoot me!"

"Hey, you're really gonna shoot me!"

"You and I are after the same thing here. You dont have to hide it from me. I can see it in your eyes as plain as day, pal. What do you say the first one to blow up that ship wins?"

"Why is it always the quiet ones that end up doing things the flashiest way?"

"I'm surprised, Heero. You really turn up in the most unexpected places. "

"Well, I guess a dark future suits the god of death, but..."

"Don't worry about it, okay? We're good at fighting losing battles, remember?"

The following quotes were submitted by

Duo:" You're really gonna shoot me arn't you"
Heero:" That's what you want"

Duo:"So, any ideas on how we're gonna get out of this place"
Heero:"I haden't intended on escaping"
Duo:" Well that's a relief to know!"

Wufei:" They've shut off the air to the cells"
Duo:"Right, that's it, I'm throwing in the towel."
MUTTERS TO HIMSELF "This is so not a cool way to die"

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