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Duo Speaks!

Duo Speaks!

Hear Shingami speak!
These quotes are from the translated American episodes on Cartoon Network. I got these from Duo Maxwell: God of Death

"Well then, I'll keep fighting alone"

"Yea, I wonder what true peace really means anyways"

"Hey Trowa!"

"As they say, evil attracts evil. Now I've got no choice but to leave here I guess"

"Sure, whatever"

"Geez, he can't even take a joke"

"Dont go gettin me angry, NOT IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE!"

"I'll just keep doing my thing as the god of death" Thats so lonely...

"Who knew I was such a nice guy. After all, I've come here to save the guy that destroyed you before, Deathscythe" There is battle like music playing in the backround.

"Geeeet real!"

"You shouldn't be getting your hopes up to high, I'm not really the most devoted guy around"

"I'm one of the best friends you got!"

"Cause if we fight then the people don't have to"

"Have you forgotten me already?"

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