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Eye Candy

Eye Candy

Here is my collection of Duo Pics. Enjoy.

I Luv Duo and Wu Wu!
Ah! My two favorite Gundam Pilots are Buddies!

Duo Pictures

Chibi Duo Pictures

Duo Doujinshi Pictures

Yaoi Pics
- These pics aren't all YAOI, they are just pics with Heero and Duo in them together *shrugs* Enjoy them Anywayz!

Deathscythe Pics

Comics and Manga Stuff

The Tiny Grim Reaper Part I

The Tiny Grim Reaper Part II

The Tiny Grim Reaper Part III

GWing Gurls- another have to see this one! sooo kawaii!

NOTE: The following stuffs I stole from someone *sheepish grin* so if this stuff is yours please claim it.

School- A comic about the 5 guys going back to school, guess who their teacher is! |ENGLISH|

Duo's Birthday - Its Duo's b-day! What will everyone get him? |ENGLISH|

Duo's Braid


Here kitty kitty kitty ^^
Here they are again! Aren't they adorable?

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