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How Obsessed are You?

How Obsessed are You?

Ok I've created a little quiz to determine how obsessed you are with Duo. Keep score of what you picked!

1. You...
A.) Have seen and taped every episode of Gundam just so you could play and replay the scenes with Duo.
B.) Have seen most of the episodes and pay close attention when Duo is talking.
C.) What? I'm not wasting tapes to tape Gundam! Are you crazy?
D.) What the hell is Gundam? Is that a bad word? OOOH! I'm telling!!!!!

2. You know...
A.) Absolutely everything about Duo there is to know, from eye color to preferred underwear brand. You are his #1 fan.
B.) Just the basics, don't wanna dig too deep, who knows what you might find?
C.) That his hair is brown.
D.) Duo who? riiiiiiiiiiiight.

3. You...
A.) Own pratically every toy/magazine/poster/pencil/toilet paper/hair gel that is Duo and you are still collecting. Hell! you still don't have the Limited Edition Duo Electronic Toothbrush.
B.) All the posters and figurines you could get your hands on. You even act out scenes from the episodes with you friend.
C.) Some stuff...
D.) I'm not wasting my moola on Gundam shiet! I don't even the hell that is!

4. When you are watching Gundam on TV, you...
A.) Whoop, hollar, yell, wake up the elderly people next door as you watch Duo kick some ass.
B.) Smile, clap and cheer him on in a normal talking voice.
C.) Fiddle with the remote as you wait for a scene with Zechs in it.
D.) You dont watch Gundam.

5. When someone says "Duo sux! Heero/Trowa/Quatre/Wufei/Zechs etc. etc. is soo much better!" You respond...
A.) "Yea right you wish!" and presume to beat up the booty of the offender. Then take the nessesary precautions so that he doesn't do it again.
B.) "Wanna prove it?" You whip out your Deathscythe Hell model and demolish his Wing Zero/Heavyarms/Sandrock/Shenlong/Tallgeese etc. beyond repair. "Ha! I told you so!"
C.) Smile, nod, walk away.
D.) Who is Duo? Who is Heero? What the hell?

True or False?
You have a website dedicated to Duo.
You kiss your favorite Duo poster every night.
You have a secret shrine hidden in your closet complete with candles and incense.
You pray at night that someone who looks like Duo will come and sweep you away so that you may run away together.
You have Duo pictures everywhere so that you may gaze upon his lovely face every possible second. In you wallet, binder, locker, keychains, refridgerator, room, mousepad, phone, etc. etc.
You quote Duo whenever you get the chance.
You force your friends to call you "Shingami"

So how did you do?
Give yourself 3 points for every A
Give yourself 2 points for every B
Give yourself 1 point for every C
Give yourself 0 points for every D
Give yourself 1 point for every True

Give yourself 0 points for every False


18 and Up Wowie, ur obsessed alright. Its scaring your plants and the people who have to live with you. Please contact a professional for help (this may cost ya bit considering the condition you are in). Please proceed to do so ASAP because your condition concludes that you are well pass the most advanced stage of Duo loving. Remember ASAP!

11-17 Pretty Obsessed. This is probaby the safest place to be. Not too obsessed but just right! You can like other Gundam characters while liking Duo at the same time and thats a good thing. ^^ You probably have a site dedicated to Duo and a little section on your bedroom wall devoted to him. =)

6-10 Your score is a bit low on the scale but that doesn't mean that you don't like Duo! You just haven't expressed it yet. Maybe you don't want to "waste" you money on posters and stuff. But please! Tell me you own at least one picture?

5-2 Um... hehe *sweatdrop* If you want to learn more about Duo go to the About Duo page.

1-0 What the hell are you doing at my site if you dunno what Gundam is?!?!? *stamps her feet as steam pours out of her ears* You don't deserve to live if you dunno what Gundam is let alone Duo. I dunno what to tell ya.


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