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ICQ & AOL Buddy List

ICQ & AOL Buddy List

There were soo many people I had to start a second page!center>

If you would like me to add you to this list Email me.
Please include your:
Real Name
Nick Name **optional**
Screen Name or ICQ number (or both!)
Interests (doesn't have to be Gundam)
Location **optional**
Email address
Short description **optional**

^_^ Hope you make new friends today!

Please use correct Capitalization, Puncuation, and Spelling! And no ALL CAPITAL LETTERS PLEASE, it gets super annoying to read. Thanx

Note: If anyone sends me info that is IN ALL CAPS, it will not be posted and will be deleted. Thank you.

If you would like to be removed from the list please email me your name and I will do so.


Name: Julie
Nick Name: Jewels, Lady Strange Theres more but can't remember.
Screen Name: Sailorgundania!
Age: 14
Interests: Art, Horsebackriding, Boxing, storys about Duo mostly [duh!] and Duo,Duo, and oh yeah Duo.
Email Adress:
Description: Well let's see you all know I'm a Duo fanatic and I have somewhat long hair. I have the same mischievous look in my eyes like Duo. I'm fairly tall and I'm a tomboy. That is pretty much it. [you wouldn't want to know to much would you?]

Real name: Courtney Cole
Nickname: Monaki, KF, LoopyC
AIM screename: Monaki chan
Age: 17
Interests: Anime, Acting, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book series, music, nintendo, lots of other stuff
Location: Michigan USA
Email address:,,

Name: Tony
Nick Names: Dyuo
Screen Name: EWaltzDuoMaxwell
Age: 15
Interest: Alternative rock, J-pop, Anime ( mainly Gundam Wing and Dragonball Z ) 1x2/2x1 addict ! ^_^ Video games, chattin and Dyuo !
Location: CA
E-mail: ( Im online more that I should be u.u;;; )
Description: Ya wanna get ta know me eh ? ::smirks:: IM me and ask then !

Name: Jenni
Nick Name: ummm i dont really have one
Screen Name: Snowgirl20002006
Age: 10-20 ask an I'll tell u
Interests: Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, DBZ, Salior Moon, any other anime, horses, duo, duo and did i say duo? internet, phone, friends, music ( especialy gundam wing music)
Location: a very boring town in the middle of nowhere
Short description: quiet (not on im though), ummm like trowa at school i like scaring people! anyways i absolutly hate relena and hilde and dorthy i mean jez quatre and trowa not quatre and dorthy ugh! i tend to get hyper and i talk way to much and i am a major klutz exactly like serena! plwese talk i dont have any one to talk to bout gw and duo im ready to burst! ok well ahem short description oops o well! im me

Real Name: Francis Maxwell *Gets blissful look*
Nickname: Frani the Nani
Screen name: Moonshinigami14
Age: 13
Interests: G.W, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Sailor Moon, Poetry, Music, Being lazy (if my mom would let me)
Location: u don't wanna know
E-mail address:
Short descirption: funny, crazy, Duo addicted, talkative, braid girl (thatz what my friends call me anyway cauze I'm always wearin' my hair in a Braid), love to talk over the phone, devil in an angel's disguise (ask my best friend), IM me if u wanna know more.

Real Name: Angelica rienhart
Nick Name: angel of death
Screen Name:
Age: 16
Interests: snowboarding,friends,alota fun,Duo (*hehe*)
Location: denver
Email address:
Short description: nice,fun to be around,and alot of things youll have to inquire to me to know thank you.

Real name: Paige *not page*
Nick Name: Tiger
Age: 13
Interests: soccer, swimming, Duo.. Duo.. Duo!! Talking on aol, hanging out with my friends and annoying my friend *who is a bi* to death *thattss ME!!
Description: I'm of course a girl *duh*, I love to talk to other obsessed fans especially the OFDM *obsessed Fangirls of Duo Maxwell* fangirls.. they are so nice! Im about 5'6 and love to swim and roller blade. Anyone im me or e-mail me. ^_^

Real name: Terra Maxwell
Nickname: Pixie
Screen Name: Animeangel82187
Age: 16
Interests: all anime!!!!
E-mail address:

Real Name: Miranda King
Nick Name: Z-chan or Sid
Screen Name: ¤ * Tecka * ¤
ICQ number: 86554317
Age: 13
Interests: Gundam Wing, any other anime, sports - most things
Location: Canada
Email address:
Short description: Ask me later . . .

Real Name: Misty
Nick Name: Death's Angel (people sumetimes call me an anime freak!)
Screen Name: Death's Angel
ICQ number: 102753435
Age: 14
Interests: Gundam Wing, *HEERO* (oh yeah!), Anime, Music, Duo, singing, Heero (of course), Perfect Soldier, Quatre, Duo, Lot'z other Japanese Anime, poetry, quotes, fanfics, picz of yummy guyz (namely the gundam pilotz) and anythin else i can think of
Location: Alberta
Email address:
Short description: I LUV anime! People call me an anime freak, but oh well! I exist only for anime!!!! Ok, i'm a bit on the talkative side, but i can be quiet 2! I'm chinese! Tries 2 learn Japanese (hehehe)! I'm short (boo!) Duo & Heero is the best yaoi couple! Heero & Relena best normal couple! If u wanna talk, add me and i'll talk!

Real Name : Jennifer
Nick Name: Jennie
Screen Name: JennieStarwind
Age 17
Interests: Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, DBZ, Tenchi, Sailor Moon, Team Rocket, Hey Arnold, cartoons in general.
Location: USA
Email address
Short description: I'm a major anime fan, and I collect tons of anime stuff. I'm always searching ebay for that "perfect" addition to my collection and I love to talk.

Real Name: Bonnie Hook
Screen name: rinoa2233
ICQ: 113508430
Nickname: moriganna, shinigimai goddess
Interests: ...trowa.. i mean gundam wing. sailormoon, digimon, DBZ, Ronin Warriors, reading and um walking
Email Adress:
Short Description: im nice. i have a temper. my friends call me maxwell cuz i can babble about nothing for hours. i like to write alot and um.......... i can be really annoying if i want to be. thats about it.

Name: Migno
Nick Name: Sasami Maxwell
Screen Name: Nongimls
Age: 13
Interest: DUO and GundamWing, telephone

Real Name: Zak Maxwell
Nickname: the Fuzen Shinigami
Screen Name: Dragoon Saiyan, Fuzen Shinigami
Age: Ask me
Interests: DUO DUO DUO!!!!!, Waving a giant Duo flag, any Gundam, DBZ, Martial Arts (ask what kind), Quoting Duo, and... uh... MORE DUO!!!!!
E-mail Address: Description: that ain't non of your business buddy.

Nick Name:Noin
Screen Name:MtnFlower10
Interests: watching GW, swimming, and talking
Age: 12
E-mail Address:

Real Name: Natisha Patel
Nick Name: Nisha, Doughnut Brain
Screenname: Gujuzgirl and GujuRani913
Age: About to turn 15
Interests: Anime, playing piano and viola, watching movies (especially Hindi Movies), reading, music, dancing, daydreaming, sleeping, etc.
Email address: or
Short Description: My friends think I have a personality like Duo and Zechs. Honestly! But, IM me if you wanna find out more!

Real Name: Celeste Alonzo
Nick Name: Sairentosuto-n Anrui, Some call me Sarah
Interests: Any thing dealing with GW, basically anything positive
Description: I'm nice only..when I want to be. Just playing. I'm silly every now and then, but school work comes first in order for me to have a future

Name: Tim
Nick name: Tenchi Boy
Screen Name: gundumdeathsite, tenchifan560, harrieman560
Age: 12
Interests: tenchi universe/dragon ballz/gundam wing/scooby doo
Email Address:

real name: Nick
Nickname: Tiger
Screen name: Ronfar78
Age: 13
Interests: Egypt, Gundam, drawing, playing video games
Email Address: or

Real name: Samantha Red
Nickname: Samantha Maxwell, Sailor Moon,
Screen name: Bluelioness02
Age: 13
Interests: Gundam Wing ( ya think), Sailor Moon,
E-mail Address:
Short description: What's there to say? I talk a lot, though

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