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New Updates and News for anyone who cares

06/05/2001 - AAAH! One more final left!! (^^) Sorry bout the 2 month delay here. (><'') I'll try my best to get things running smoothly again since its going to be summer with all that free time...well almost. ^_^ So hang tight!

04/14/2001 - Updated the Link to Me page with update banners, and buttons. Alos added more peeps to the ICQ & AOL 2 page.
** I know the Message Board isn't working. Sorry peeps I'll try my best to get a new one soon. **

03/03/2001 - Added a second page to the ICQ & AOL List. Added some more fanfics and a vidfic. Added some linkies. ^^

01/20/2001 - Revamped the Multimedia page! I got lots of video clips up to check them out! The episode clips are up and Endless Waltz clips are coming soon! Check em out!

01/15/2001 - Added more ppl to the ICQ page. Got the mp3s working!!! whoohoo!!!!!!!! Lets see for how long...

01/06/2001 - Updated the ICQ page again, tried unsuccessfully to get the mp3s working. -_-;;

01/05/2001 - Hoo rah! The first update of 2001! ^_^ yay! Wow anywayz, I know I've been behind...ok waaaay behind on my updating but with the start of school again and all then finals. ugh. But its winter break now so I'm trying my best to update as much as I can.
- Added more peeps in the ICQ&AOL Buddy List page
- Added more Fan Art
- Added some more Poems in the Fan Fic section.
- Added 2 New Yaoi Fanfics in the Fan Fic section.

8/14/2000 - Added about 20 people to the ICQ & AOL Buddy List, might have added some peeps twice...oh well. Added some Gundam Poems in the fanfic section. Won some awards too. ^_^

7/21/2000 - Added more Fan Fics, a vidfic and one more yaoi fic. ^_^

7/12/2000 - Nuttin much here. Just added some more peeps in the ICQ & AOL Buddy List

6/30/2000 - Added the Chibi Adoption Agency Go adopt your own Chibis today!

6/29/2000 - Added a new survey in the Vote! section.

6/28/2000 - Added more seiyyu's on the Seiyuu page

6/24/2000 - Fixed the Fan Art page. Added lyrics to Second Impression and Last Impression in the Lyrics

6/23/2000 - As some of you may know I have been away, CITing for a summer camp. ugh. But today finally I have time to update!! The new multimedia server is at (Thank you XOOM!) and the Duo Speaks section is up and the Gundam Endless Waltz game thingy is up. and stuffs. i'm working on it.
The SKINS page is up, the pics aren't working but you can still download them. hehe. to lazy.
Added lots more MP3S and MIDIS
Added more movies!! GUNDAM MOVIES!! actually just clips. 2 GW Commercials and 2 Episode Openings!

6/18/2000 - I...hate...bizland...they...SUCK!!!!! As you all may have known already bizland's server is shutdown, which means that none of the multimedia stuffs is working. this sux... Hopefully i can get them up to another server quick. ^_^ I'll try my best!

6/16/2000 - Added more cute Fan Art
Also added the Seiyuu's page and the Episode List

6/15/2000 - New Fic! Check it out in the Yaoi Fan Fics section.

6/14/2000 - Added a Winamp Skins section in the Multimedia. Its got alot of skins so check it out!

6/7/2000 - Added a new fic in the Non Yaoi Fic section. Hooked on Phonix! Its really cute check it out.

5/20/2000 - Added a new fic in the YAOI Fan Fic section. I wrote it!

5/29/2000 - Added some more Yaoi pics to the Yaoi section.

5/27/2000 - Sorry I haven't been updating ppl! I went on vacation, well anywayz. I've added more comics and manga stuffs in the Eye Candy section! Check it out!

5/22/2000 - Added one more Yaoi to the Fan Fic Page. ^^

5/20/2000 - Updated the Gundam page. Its got more pics in it! Front, back, and cockpit pics too!

5/17/2000 - Updated the Duo Quotes page. Lots more new quotes!

5/15/2000 - Added more Yaoi Pics in the Yaoi section. They are really cute! ^_^

5/10/2000 - Added more pics! Go to Eye Candy to check them out! Added Deathscythe pics and more Duo pics.

5/9/2000 - Added the new CD Info page. Check it out! Its got the Gundam CD's and their playlists.

5/8/2000 - NEW! Put up the Yaoi Page All you 1x2 luvers here ya go!
Also added some more peeps to the ICQ & AOL Buddy List page.

5/7/2000 - Put up the Duo Speaks! page. Go there to hear his voice!

5/3/2000 - Added the new Fan Fiction section! Check it out and Send me your fanfics!

5/2/2000 - Got a new Anime Guestbook! Please Sign it! Its really nifty and kewl. ^_^
Added more peeps to the ICQ & AOL Buddy List.

4/30/2000 - Fixed the thumbnails and the links in the Eye Candy
Adopted more kawaii things! Check them out in Adopted Things.

4/29/2000 - Revamped the links and stuffs. Now they look kewlies. Also changed the whole site font to Comic Sans MS
Made a new nifty cursor thingy on the main page.
Fixed some MP3's in the Multimedia! YAY! Now Endless Duel, ZSNES, White Reflection, Kitto Ok!, and Wild Wing work.
Added new Backround! Yay!
Wow lots of updates today! Did a little something something with the How Obsessed are You?" page.

4/28/2000 - Fixed the comic links in the Eye Candy page and updated all the email links to my New Email
Added the the Free Cards where you can send Free personalized Duo cards! Its real nifty check it out!
New Duo counter on the main page! Isn't it cute?^^

4/27/200 - Did a little something something with the Eye Candy page. Added more peeps to the ICQ & AOL Buddy List :D

4/26/200 - Added more fanart in the Fan Art section. ^_^

4/25/2000 - Added the Wallpaper section in the Multimedia section.

4/24/2000 - I revamped the little navigation thingy on the bottom of every page.

4/23/2000 - I got the ICQ & AOL Buddy List page up! Be sure to Email Meif you want to be in the list! ^_~
YAY! I also got the Duo Quotes page up! Enjoy!

4/22/2000 - Hooray! The Fanart page is finally up!!! Don't forget to send me your fanart! I will give you total credit!!
Added music to the Home Page!

4/21/2000 - Added 2 new surveys! Check them out in Vote!

| Home | Updates | Suggestions & Ideas | About Duo | Eye Candy | The Gundam | Duo Quotes | Words to Describe Duo | Multimedia | Chibi Adoption Agency | How Obsessed are You? | Fan Art | Fan Fics | Message Board | Chat Room | Vote! | Adopted Things | ICQ & AOL Buddy List | Links | Credits | Link to Me | Webrings | About Me | (Read) Anime Guestbook (Sign) | Email Me! |