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Vote for your favorite characters, gundams, and stuff.

If you have a idea for a new quiz/survey let me know! I will be adding new quizzes as soon as I can think of some more! ^_^

The bolded ones are the ones I chose and the very last question, the one that is Who are you favorite GW Couples? that one i picked None of the Above. hehehe, i dunno i'm more of a yaoi person...or it may just be that i despise relena hmm. <=== dont flame me for this, i have my reasons. ^_^

My Survey
Who is your favorite GWing Guy Character?

Whish is your favorite Gundam?

and more ....
Current Results

My Survey
Best Hair?

Best Fashion Sense?

and more ....
Current Results

My Survey
Whic GWing Guy looks the cutest in SD/Chibi form?

Which GWing Gurl looks cutest in SD/Chibi form?

and more ....
Current Results

My Survey
What do you think about Heero?

What do you think of Duo?

and more ....
Current Results

My Survey
If you could be any GWing GUY character who would you be? This question applies to the guys, skip it if your a girl and dont want to answer

If you could be any GWing GIRL who would you be? This question applies to the girls, skip it if your a guy and dont want to answer

and more ....
Current Results

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