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Battle Royal 1 - October, 2002

It's a typical colony day, Men, Women and Children gather to enjoy each other's company, except one thing, this is the abandoned portion of L2 and today is the highly anticipated Battle Royal. Held occasionally simply for sport, it is a brutal competition that seeks strength wisdom and power. There are 17 participating pilots this year and each has a chance at the 3 places of pilot Victors, each will do his best and perhaps lose his worst. This years prizes are very enticing and fighters will put it all on the line, we're in for an impressive display of superb skills at this event.

Two pilots lean against opposite walls amidst the pilot entrance in the arena, one is standing tall and the other is looking down, both have their eyes closed and are imagining what victory will taste like. The loudspeaker comes on and announces "Entering pilots are: Jett Raines of the Virsago and Raven of the Nu." The speaker fades out as it finishes it's announcement. "That battle at Side 3 was more beneficial than we could have ever fathomed, Amine." Amine opens his eyes and looks at his comrade, "You speak as if we've already won, Kazz." Kazz smiles still closing his eyes, a toothpick hangs from his swollen lip, still healing from his previous battle. "The only pilots who stand in our way have been rendered helpless and unable to join us in this event." He finally opens his eyes and smirks locking eyes with Amine, Amine smiles back and closes his eyes again, they both chuckle. Just then 2 pilots walk through the entrance smelling of burnt metal, one stops and coughs, throwing both pilots a dirty look after hearing their conversation. Neither pilot catches it and both, eyes closed, remain unaware of the third pilot entering. He walks suspiciously close to the wall and knocks Amine over as he passes, Amine finally opens his eyes and looks up, "What the hell?" The pilot smiles and continues walking, the other two while still in sight are ahead of him and he makes no hurry to catch them. "Kazz, that was…" "I'm well aware, it's not a surprise that they'd be here." Kazz and Amine run in the entrance, both with a sudden disappointed sinking feeling wearing down each step. The loudspeaker comes on again: "Entering pilots are: Shaun O'Neill of the Heavyarms O, Hideo Kojima of the Gaia Gear Alpha, and Kozak Kagemusha of the FAZZ." Fireworks light up the sky announcing that the fight is nearly ready to begin, as onlookers gaze 2 gigantic ships arrive with a prestige only large-scale militaries can uphold. Out of the first comes Char, leader of the Zeon organization, a single apprentice follows him. Char stops at the entrance for the stadium Guests of Honor, "Today the glory of Zeon will be amplified, fortified and realized." He continues on his cape flowing behind him catches the attention of the passengers of the second ship. The leader is Treize walking with the same grandeur with an assembly of 2 servants and an officer accompanying him on this occasion. "Zeon will not embarrass us for this event, we will settle this ambivalent enmity." Treize slowly proceeds, his men marching at his rear, "Our pilots have much providence in this battle, our victory is inevitable." A servant says as he follows holding an Oz symbol waving it high in the air. Treize smiles as he walks in with such décor surrounding his pride it seems he has already won this arduous battle.

About half an hour later, the pilots are all ready. At the last minute the announcer comes up once more, "It seems we have a few last minute arrivals, please excuse them, it may take a few minutes to get them settled, please be patient." A com window comes up in the Buster gundam, with Kazz's impatient face on it, "What the hell is this, I wanna get this going." "Calm down," Amine says, "Its probably the girls, don't worry about it." "Yea whatever… you remember the plan right?" Amine rolls his eyes slightly, "Yea I remember, this is gonna be bad you know, did you really have to pick a fight with him?" Kazz gives a stern look and just closes the link. A com link pops up in the cockpits of all the Oz suits at once, with Treize's arrogant smile on it. "After the way I've acted today, you guys better take all three top spots or people are going to think I'm disappointed." He gives a little laugh, looking at all the people that have come to watch what they can of the Battle Royal from the large screens set up. "All these people have come to watch, don't let them down. Win, lose or draw, give them a good show. Over the coming weeks and months we may do much to destroy any regularity the people of this universe have had. At least give them one last good time, before we flip their worlds upside down, I beg you." "Sir!" They all reply at once. The com closes in all suits but that of Chase's Blitz, "By the way Chase, I hope you enjoy your new toy." The com link closes and Blitz shifts his left arm, with his new Twin Buster in hand. "Its pretty heavy, but I think it's worth it," he says with a smile. Shaun of the Heavyarms opens a link between himself, Hideo, and Chase. "Chase, you sure you're going after Kazz?" "Yea, I am. You guys don't have to stand with me ya know, after what happened at Side 3 I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to go through with this with me." "Oh shut up," Hideo says with a grin. "Yea, what are friends for?" Shaun asks rhetorically, "Come on, its time to start soon, lets get a move on." Chase stares blankly as the screen closes. "Yea… friends…" he says, his voice trailing off. "And we are ready to go!" the announcer proclaims happily, "Let the first Battle Royal begin!" As he says this the gates open for each individual hanger, each randomly placed throughout the city like battlefield. The first two to meet up are Hideo and Jimmy, the Gaia Gear Alpha and Hydra respectively. "Jimmy, you wanna help me hunt down…" "Nope," he says interrupting and igniting his beam saber, "I want a piece of you buddy boy." Hideo smiles, "Alright, but we're gonna hafta make this quick, after all, I have a hot date." He smiles and ignites his beam saber. The two make runs back and forth at each other as the Strike Gundam in Aile mode flies over head. He jets for a pre-specified point in the battle arena and shows up there to find Buster, Super, and Dragon. “Everyone ready?” Kazz asks. “Oh our fearless leader is here to save the day,” Outer says sarcastically. Before Kazz can respond the warning chimes go off in all the suits, they look to see Chase and his Blitz Gundam streaking towards them down an empty road. With his astounding speed he flies right through the group of them, knocking them a little off balance. They all turn and watch him go by, wondering what's going on. He pulls up into the sky and spins as the warning chimes go off once more. They turn to see a huge blast coming down the street at Strike and Dragon. Kazz in his Aile mode are able to blast off and dodge it, but the blast strikes Dragon and wipes out his limbs. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” Amine screams. They all look down the street to see the Virsago hunched over, with its megasonic gun hissing with latent energy. The Super and Buster take off after Blitz, and Kazz eyes Virsago, “I’ll kill you for that.” Suddenly the building next to Jett’s Virsago shatters and the barrel of a beam weapon comes out of the dust and up to the chest of Virsago. Jett pulls an arm out of the ground and claws at the gun, as it fires. When the dust clears, the Virsago is all but gone, and the Nightingale stands there holding a barrel-less mega beam rifle. Kazz chuckles, “good job.” Across the area, many small battles have broken out. The Hydra and GGA are still going at it all out, and nearby the Dark and Nobel gundams have squared off. Nobel takes off into the air, firing her vulcans down onto Kain and his Dark gundam. He aims up and fires his beam cannon and vulcans in defense, knocking Chun Li out of the sky. On the other side of the city, the God and Rising Gundams have locked in a test if strength. Natako breaks it and pulls back, “Erupting…” Serena reads the obvious move and returns the favor, “Rising…” Natako smiles, “Burning…” “FINGER!” Serena screams as she smashes her hand into God Gundams chest. Natako stands there, his energized hand poised for attack, unable to move. The gundam explodes, leaving the Rising Gundam the victor. Back between Hideo and Jimmy, the GGA is starting to pull ahead. The two continue to duel with swords, but Jimmy has begun getting sloppy. “What's the matter Jimmy, getting a little tired?” Hideo quips as he smashes the Hydra to the ground with his shoulder. It goes through the street and into the sewers. Just a few seconds later a blast comes out of a building a block behind the GGA and hits him in the back. He turns to see the Hydra burst out of the building with its buster ready to fire. “Damn you and all your speed,” Hideo complains. A few blocks down, the Fazz and Kozak are handing the Aegis its arse on a silver platter. “What's the matter Vash, you haven't even hit me yet!” Kozak laughs as he flies around the sky crazily, firing shot after shot down on the helpless suit. Vash tries his anti-air vulcans, but at this point the battle has become futile. After landing several deadening blows with his double beam rifle early in the battle, the Aegis has lost most of its speed and maneuverability, and is basically a sitting duck. “Sorry buddy, but I’ve grown tired of this, time to end it.” Kozak lands on a building and aims down with his large hyper mega cannon as it powers up. “Buh byes.” The blast leaves a large crater, with very little debris left. “What a waste of a good suit, I think I’ll go see if there are any battles on the other side of the arena.” He takes off, passing by the Nu and Turn X to find another battle. Sabrina and Raven have been going at it for a while, and Raven has begun losing his control of the system. Sabrina dodges him coming at her and gets behind him. She puts her bazooka to his back and fires, sending him flying into an apartment building. She laughs and turns her back, prepared to take off in search of another opponent when the building rubble explodes and reveals the Nu gundam with all his fin funnels armed. “This battle is NOT over damn you!” he screams, clearly driven by the system. He slams her to the ground and laughs maniacally as his fins tear her apart. “So Ayo, you think we should step in and help them take care of this Chase bastard?” Kazz asks with a grin. Ayo smiles, “why not?” The two go to take off Kazz gets smashed from behind. Ayo spins and takes fire from the ground. He pulls up his shield to block the shots then snaps to attention, “Wait, I remember this…” He moves the shield to see the Heavyarms Gundam firing his beam gattling at him. “I’ll kill you for what you did to Side 3!” He flies down towards the H-arms and gets slammed into right before he hits him. “What the hell was that?” he asks as he picks himself up, shaking off the dizziness. He looks up to see the GGA getting up at the same time, “Hey buddy,” Hideo says happily releasing all his funnels. Ayo laughs and does the same, “I been waiting a long time for this, for the glory of Zeon!” The two lock into combat as Kazz steadies his Strike Gundam and squares off with Shaun and his H-arms. “You and me once again?” Kazz says with a grin. Shaun’s sly grin, “Oh yea, lets finish this once and for all.” They lock in combat as Chase finishes off his business in the sky. He lost his twin buster, but is more then enough for the Super and Buster Gundams. He fires his anchor into the Super, and spins to find Buster and his connected gun launcher and high energy rifle powering up. He points his pile driver shield down firing his high power beam rifle at Buster. He does enough structural damage to the building that it begins to fall as Amine fires, allowing Chase to dodge the shot. He sees the Super out of the corner of his eye and spins, slamming the point of the pile driver into Ryou’s cockpit, killing him instantly. He fires the high power beam rifle to shake the suit lose, then turns his attention over to Buster. But seeing H-arms and Strike going at it, he decides he wants a piece of Kazz before there’s nothing left. “So sorry to run like this, but I want a piece of your good buddy Kazz, but don’t worry,” Chase says cockily, “I’ll come back and finish you off.” He takes off towards the others battling, with an angry Amine following close behind. Shaun slams into Kazz, then wraps his heat rod around his foot to keep him from flying off. “Now I’ll finish thi… what's that?” He and Kazz look up to see the Crossbone X-2 up in the sky, hovering above everything. “Shaun! Check out the energy level!” Hideo screams, his battle with Ayo being halted as well. “He's gonna fire the nuke in the colony!” Ayo screams in disbelief. Kazz uses this chance to pull free of the heat rod and take off away from the CX-2’s range. Chase stops to watch Kazz fly by, and then realizes why. “We can’t let him fire in the colony, he’ll ruin the entire thing!” Hideo calls out. Checking his radar, Shaun realizes that all the gundams are in the nukes blast range. “If he fires that he’ll kill everyone except himself, and win the match. He’ll screw up the colony and win the battle royal on a shit move like that,” Shaun says, taking aim with his beam gattling. “Chase, you got the speed, get the hell outta here just in case he gets the nuke off, that way you can avenge our deaths.” He laughs as he says it, but Chase is stone faced. “I’m not leaving you guys again, not like last time.” But suddenly something hits Chase and he takes off in the opposite direction. “Wow, you got him to listen,” Hideo says with a chuckle as he sends his funnels along with Ayo’s straight up at the CX-2. Shaun realizes that Chase has stopped, “What are you doing damn it, get out of here.” The Blitz spins around with his twin buster in hand. “No,” he says, for the first time there is no arrogance or emotion in his voice. He takes aim with his twin buster and fires at the CX-2 at the same time that Zander fires his nuke. There is a flash, and when Chase opens his eyes again, his suit is lodged among some wreckage of the colony. He looks around and realizes he is in space. He looks up towards the colony and sees a large chunk of it, where the arena had been, completely gone. Sudden images of what happened right before the blast come back to him in a rush, and then images of what happened at Side 3. “No! NO! I let them down again! They're dead again and I couldn’t help them!” Chase slams his fists on the controls and lowers his head. “Chin up kid, its not your fault that that punk fired the nuke. Who could have known someone would do something like that in an exhibition match?” The voice of Kazz is clear over the radio; there is nothing but silence in the deadness of space. “Hey, you alive over there kid?” Chase raises his head slowly, his eyes burning with rage. Without word he boosts at the Strike gundam and puts his shoulder right in its chest, slamming it into a chunk of debris. He keeps his verniers going full bore, slowly crushing Strike’s torso. He pulls back suddenly, and fires the anchor at his head, pinning it to the hunk of debris. He takes aim with his high-powered beam rifle and fires several shots into him. Finally Kazz is able to break free and grabs the anchor cable. He whips him around and fires his vulcans at him, “Look punk, you needa calm down, you wouldn’t have fought this hard if your buddies weren't dead AGAIN.” Chase snaps again and goes all out, ripping back the chord for the anchor and taking breaking down his twin buster into two parts. He fires off several shots, Kazz dodges all of them with his extra speed from the Aile set up. He dodges one then hits something. He turns to see the FAZZ gundam. Kozak puts a hand on the side of Strike’s torso and ignites the beam saber in his hand, piercing the gundam. He pulls the saber out of its side and tosses the lifeless gundam off to the side. “What you say we finish this here and now, eh?” Kozak asks grimly. Chase nods and ignites his beam saber, and the two go at it. Blitz is faster, but has much more damage. The two dash in and out, attack after attack relentlessly, neither letting up. The people watch on, many upset over what they witnessed, but are compelled to continue watching. From across the stands, Char and Treize look at each other, knowing that each has a man in the fight still. Both well aware of the events they are about to set in motion. The enemy is no more then 50 feet away, but neither would dare soil the purity of the battle. The two pilots continue on, not for their militaries, not for money, fame or prizes. They fight for the sake of battle, for the victory that makes it all worth it, or for the loss that makes you come back 10 times stronger then you were before. Kozak fights on, realizing the damage sustained by the Blitz gundam. Its still fast, but the joints are hurting badly, from putting up with the energy from the blast. He comes down with his beam saber which Chase blocks with his own. Kozak continues to force it down, putting more and more pressure on the elbow until it buckles. Chase pulls back and takes aim with his twin buster. A click, but no shot, out of energy. Fazz moves in a bit but Blitz hurls the twin buster at him. Kozak blocks it and looks back to see Blitz’s lancer darts flying at him. He raises his arm in defense, but loses the arm in the process. He shakes it off but then catches the anchor coming at him from the corner of his eye. He snaps back and dodges it, cutting the chord with his beam saber. Knowing that his enemy is out of weapons, Kozak powers down his beam saber. “Its over, ok?” Chase doesn’t respond, his suit remains motionless. “You know I wont let it end like this,” Chase says, his head down, “You want to end this, you’ll have to kill me.” Kozak smiles and shakes his head, “I can’t kill you, it wouldn’t be right. The people have seen more then enough killing today, we may be on different sides, but I'm not gonna kill you.”

Blitz gets second
Strike gets third