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Battle Royal 2 – November, 2002

The crowd sits in the large, contained bleachers of the L2 colony, looking down on an empty city below their protective shell. They chatter quietly among themselves, men, women, and children, of many races; Zeon and Oz forces sitting next to each other, just for one day, to watch the great battle. Of course, both Treize and Char sit in their own protective bubbles, to seal themselves away from a threat. They both sit, watching patiently, waiting for the battle to begin. In the separate corners of the arena, each of the pilots are talking and boasting loudly over their intercoms. “I’m gonna kick all your asses today,” Hideo boasts to his adversaries, and he hears a hearty laugh in return. “Yeah, when pigs fly, you dumb fuck,” Kazz retorts, and the other pilots laugh, even Hideo. Kazz turns off his group chat channel and opens up a personal channel with his Kai Klan. “Alright, all of you ready for this? You all know the plan?” he says quickly, and each reply with a “Hell Yeah!” “Alright then, signal in so we can get this going,” Kazz responds, and he closes the channel, flipping a small switch on his control panel. Each of the other pilots does the same, with few lingering on with their conversations. Finally, the last entry flips his switch, and the lights above each Gundam’s cell flash red. They flash three more times, and then bright green, the gates slamming open in response. The Gundam fighters fly out of their cells and dart off into the city, each searching for their own target. The battles begin.

The crowd goes crazy as the first set of opponents reach each other. The Virsago stops in front of the Quin Mantha, and a look of concern crosses Jett’s tranquil façade. “You have to be kidding me, you ugly green behemoth,” he says with a hint of disgust, and he opens his megasonic gun. Kaptain opens his mega particle guns, and aims in the Virsago’s direction, but Jett moves swiftly into the air, and fires a shot down on his opponent. The shot knocks Kaptain back, and Jett swings back in for the kill, jamming his open claws into the Quin Mantha’s cockpit, the Gundam exploding around him. “Too easy,” Jett says with a smile, as the crowd goes wild from the first kill. Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, the Double X finds the F90II I-Type, and Kain fires a quick buster shot at the opposing Gundam. Trake looks in his direction with a quick expression of surprise, but raises his shield in time to block the attack. He flies at his opponent as Kain backs away, quickly firing off head vulcan shots as he retreats, the useless bullets bouncing harmlessly from the I-Type’s shield. Trake brings out his lance and charges the Double X, and Kain stops, bringing up his shield. He swivels it quickly and deflects the lance off to the side with a quick swing, and brings his beam rifle up to the I-type’s chest. He fires a shot, but Trake had turned on his flying shield, just in time to save his life. He flies up high into the sky, and looks down, watching the Double X come up after him. “Stupid fool,” Trake smirks, and he quickly slides the flying shield onto his back. He brings his lancer around, and boosts straight at the Double X, stabbing his lancer down as he moves in at an insane speed. Kain, taken aback, flips sideways suddenly, dodging the attack as he pulls out a hyper beam sword. As Trake stops himself with a quick push of energy, he brings his lance around at the Double X. Kain stands ready, and easily blocks the attack, but Trake does the unexpected, and thrusts his shoulder in and ignites his boosters, pushing past the raised saber and into the Double X’s cockpit. The boosters push him all the way through to the other side, the Gundam splitting in two around him with a deafening explosion. The crowd booms with applause, and Trake moves back into the city, after another target.

Far off in the distance, a little group congregates in a corner of the city. The CX-3 comes around the corner of the street, and meets up with the group, consisting of the entire Kai Klan, save for the dead Quin Mantha. “What the hell took you so long?” Kazz says in annoyance. Sabrina responds, “Well, Kazz, I’d like to see you get here faster from across the city.” The two take a quick look at each other but then turn back to the group. “Alright, here’s the plan: we go out, create massive destruction as a team, and just over terrorize the other entrants, so we can take the top spots. Got it?” Kazz says quietly over the intercom, and each responds with a different affirmation. “Alright, let’s do this!” he says, and the group flies off into the city, Kazz in the lead. They fly down a street single file, and Kazz slams into the Alpha Azieru as it crosses his path. The towering mobile armor swings around slowly to face its opponents, and it begins raining down beam shots on the darting group. The V2B backs up a bit and begins to fire its main cannon, while the other move in with their melee weaponry. The Azieru takes a serious pounding, but keeps on moving, knocking Kais back right and left with its beam shots. Meanwhile, in the artificial sky above the city, the Gaia Gear Alpha flies by, watching down on the mobile armor massacre. He is suddenly jolted when he finds that he has slammed into the Blitz, who was also watching the Kais. The two stand off, but suddenly look down on the large group of contestants below. “You thinkin’ what I’m thinking?” Hideo says slyly, and Chase replies with a quick laugh. The two pull out their busters, and aim down on the large group finishing off the Alpha Azieru. Amine is the only one to notice the power signature, and looks to the sky to see the two Gundams charging their immense weapons. “Oh shit!” he yells, and he flies away from the group as the weapons fire. The remainder of the Kai Klan looks up in horror as the powerful beam blasts vaporize them. Amine boosts his Buster Gundam out of the blast range in the nick of time, and hides behind a few buildings, watching his friends die in a blaze of energy. A tear begins to form in his eye, but he quickly rubs it away, and looks up at the two Gundams in the sky above as they put away their busters and pull out more conventional mid-range weaponry. Hideo dashes back, firing off round after round of mega beam rifle shots, but Chase blocks with his pile driver shield. Chase raises the shield and fires a few lancer darts, Hideo quickly dashing to the side to dodge the projectiles. Amine watches on in amazement as the two continue to fight, firing off missiles and beam shots at each other, when suddenly his Gundam is knocked to the ground. Amine turns to see the F90 V-Type standing over him, a VSBR in his hand. “Your time is up, sucka!” Shiro cackles, and the rifle lights up. Amine flips out of the way quickly as the concentrated beam pierces the ground next to him. “What the…” Shiro yells as the Buster knocks his legs out from under him. Amine quickly ignites his booster and lands on top of his opponent. “No, I think it’s your turn to die, punk,” Amine says nonchalantly, and he fires a gun launcher shot into the Gundam’s head. He rips open the cockpit, sticks the launcher inside, and fires another shot, the Gundam exploding from the destructive blast. Amine turns his head to the sky, watching as the two airborne adversaries clash again; sword on saber, one clash after another, with bright flashes of energy lighting up the colony. He quickly attaches his gun launcher onto his high-energy rifle, snapping them in with a metallic clank. He aims to the sky as the two reach each other again, and stand off. Hideo turns away and says, “This is over now. You have no chance to win.” Chase laughs heartily, retorting with “Yeah right,” and he pulls his saber up again to strike. But Hideo, his NewType powers reacting, spins quickly through the air and brings his sword up through the Blitz’s arm. It falls lifelessly to the ground below, the saber falling with it. Chase begins to back off just as Hideo strikes again and misses, and Chase brings his shield back around, stabbing it into the GGA’s arm. Hideo screams as he backs off, releasing his arm from the Blitz’s pile driver, and slashes with the sword in his other arm. Chase brings his shield up to block again, and the sword makes a large crease in the thick metal. Hideo slashes again and again, Blitz blocking each slice. Finally Hideo raises his sword into the air and turns up the power, bringing it back around onto the Blitz’s shield. The shield cracks and splits, the sword passing through the Blitz’s arm and across his chest. Chase backs off, but Hideo sees it coming, and brings his sword back to his front, stabbing it through the Blitz’s cockpit. He slices upwards through the cockpit, the chest, and finally splitting the head in half, and he spins around as he lowers his sword, the Blitz exploding behind him. He puts the sword away, and is about to fly off, when he senses danger from below, and looks down just in time to see the Buster fire his immense cannon straight at him. The blast strikes his own cockpit, and he is incinerated in the blast, the rest of the Gundam exploding soon after. “That’s what you get for killing my Klan,” Amine says defiantly, and he turns away down the street to hunt some more, the crowd watching in awe.

Zander rounds a corner, and stops immediately in front of a large hole in the city streets, letting out a gasp of surprise. He looks down in, and is suddenly knocked forward by a quick slam. He falls down to the sewers below, and lands feet first in the stinking liquids of the pipes. He looks up to see the Physalis, standing on the edge of the crater. “Well, well, long time no see, eh Jesse?” Zander says mockingly, and Jesse responds quickly, “Hell, I’m just gonna kill you now, ok?” The Physalis jumps down into the crater and slices with his saber, but Zander raises a beam zanber and blocks the slice. Jesse pulls out his other saber to attack, but Zander kicks it away into the sludge below. Jesse backs off, and stabs forward at his opponent. Zander parries the blow, and the next one, then slices quickly at his opponent’s chest. The hit connects, and slices the armor open across the Physalis’ body. Jesse attacks again, but the quick-moving CX-2 agilely sidesteps the attack, and Zander slices again, breaking the Physalis’ saber at the hilt. Jesse backs up quickly as he pulls out his shield and atomic bazooka, flying off deep into the sewers. Zander waits for a second, whistling, giving his opponent a head start. Suddenly, just as he is about to chase after his foe, he hears an explosion in the distance, and sees a ring of energy come flying straight at his head. He raises his zanber in surprise, barely stopping the energy weapon. He sees the Nobel come running down the corridor at a lightning pace, and he laughs. “Wow, what a funny looking suit you got there!” Zander says comically, and the Nobel quickly dives down, grabbing the beam hoop from where it fell as she slides under the CX-2’s legs. Chun Li quickly flips up to her feet and spins around, slicing the CX-2 in the back. Zander flies forward a bit and turns, facing his adversary. She chucks the beam hoop at him, and he blocks it again, knocking it into the slimy residue beneath his feet. He jets forward with a slice, but Chun Li dodges off to the side, bringing her fist up into the CX-2’s head. Zander slices in her direction and catches her as she flips, slicing off a piece of leg armor. Chun Li whips out her beam ribbon, and retaliates with a quick flick, stunning Zander momentarily. She moves in and whips it again, but Zander swings his zanber into it, the ribbon coiling around the sword. Zander pulls it away and slices it in half, the useless weapon now falling to the ground below him. With one fluid motion he moves forward and slices the helpless Nobel across the chest twice, then stabs at the weakened point. He pierces the cockpit, hears a scream over the intercom, and pushes forward further, watching as the Gundam explodes before his eyes. He boosts up to the ceiling of the sewers and slices a large hole, flying back up into the street, and sees the Airmaster attempting to fight back the I-Type with his beam sword, barely blocking Trake’s lance attacks. He blocks another, but Trake stabs his shield at the Airmaster, splitting its shoulder armor, revealing the strong mechanical joint. He fires the built-in machinecannons, and listens as the bullets clang the delicate metalworkings inside, severing connectors and disabling the arm. Zander sets up his zanbuster as he listens to Cero’s screams of anger, watching as he attacks relentlessly with his sword, now with Trake on the defensive. Cero raises his sword into the air, but Trake, his heart missing a beat, stabs his lancer forwards at the same time, his attack connecting just a split second before his opponent’s. He stabs it through, barely piercing the cockpit, and disabling his opponent’s vision. The sword comes down on his Gundam, and slices the shield arm at the joint, the giant shield falling to the ground with a thud. Trake stabs forward a bit more, and cremates Cero, the Gundam exploding from the strain. Trake, breathing heavily, turns to his left just in time to see the CX-2 fire its zanbuster at him from down the street. The shot hits his upper body, knocking off the head and sending the Gundam into a building, Trake on the street, nearly disabled. Zander walks over, aims the zanbuster at the cockpit, and fires, obliterating the pilot and his Gundam. Zander disconnects his weapons and puts them away, flying up into the sky to search again.

Shaun fights on with his Heavyarms Gundam, his giant beam gatling running low on ammo. He looks down the street at his opponent, the FAZZ, as he readies his large hyper mega cannon, steadying it on his shoulder. He watches as the barrel lights up with energy, and sweat begins to drip down his forehead. “Shit,” he says under his breath, and he releases his gatling shield, boosting up into the sky with ease from his sudden weight release. The cannon fires before Kozak can raise it at his opponent, and the energy wave flies uselessly down the street, crushing buildings and cracking the ground below it. Kozak drops the empty weapon reluctantly, and slowly flies up into the sky after his opponent. He opens a few missile pods and lets them fly, a few striking the H-Arms, but Shaun raises his heat rod to block the rest. Kozak brings out a hyper beam saber and slices, and Shaun retaliates with his heat rod. The two clash a few times, each blocking the other’s attacks. They clash again, holding their ground, then boost back and stand off, each breathing heavily. “It seems we’re an even match,” Shaun says with a chuckle, and Kozak responds, “Yeah, looks like it.” Shaun flies forward and flicks the heat rod at the FAZZ’s head, but Kozak moves to the left at the last moment. Shaun laughs triumphantly as his army knife flips out from his inner arm, disconnecting the FAZZ’s head. Kozak screams in anger, and brings his fist back around into the H-Arms. Shaun ignores the punch and pushes the FAZZ forwards, flipping it around and knifing its booster. The Gundam falls to the ground, lifeless, and creates a huge crater where it lands. Shaun coils his heat rod on his arm, brings out his army knife all the way, and flies down at an amazing speed, his arm raised to stab. He swings it down as he lands on his knees beside the FAZZ, cutting into the thick armor plating and breaking off in the generator, causing the whole Gundam to explode. It knocks the H-Arms onto its back, and Shaun gets himself up. He runs back to pick up his gatling shield when suddenly he hears a building behind him crumble loudly, and he turns to find the Buster Gundam, its large cannon raised in his direction, firing its immense beam. Shaun lets his Gundam fall backwards, attempting to dodge, but the blast skims his chest, breaking open his cockpit and destroying his Gundam’s main camera. The H-Arms falls to the ground as the Buster Gundam walks over to him from down the street. “You cheap…bastard,” Shaun spurts, and Amine simply smiles and says, “Whatever it takes to win.” He unlatches the cannon and pulls off the gun launcher, then raises it to the H-Arms’ open cockpit. As Shaun tries to escape, Amine fires the launcher, and the Gundam explodes, sending Shaun flying into a nearby building. Shaun attempts to get back up, but he falls over on the ground and goes unconscious.

Shaun awakens to the sounds of fighting going on outside the building, and walks over to the window, clutching his head. He looks out to see the Buster taking potshots at the Hydra from down the street, still standing where he was when Shaun’s H-Arms was destroyed. Suddenly Shaun smirks, and he turns on his boosters as he jumps out the window. He flies over to the Buster Gundam as it kneels and fires, and he climbs inside a coolant vent. Pulling out his pistol, he continues forward through the cramped vent, glad for the cold protection of his suit. He crawls along and finds the cockpit vent, with Amine sitting at the cockpit, his eyes focused on the screens in front of him. Shaun kicks out the vent, and Amine looks over suddenly, surprised, and watches as he is killed by Shaun’s pistol. The bullet passes through his head and into the console behind him, the electronics sparking with fury from the damage. Shaun lets loose, and fires his pistol like crazy, destroying everything. He finds the consoles’ power cable and shoots it, the cockpit suddenly going dark. Shaun feels around the walls for the vent as the Gundam slides forwards. He finds it and pulls himself in, then begins to climb his way out when he sees the Hydra standing above the Gundam, holding his buster gun to its cockpit. He watches as the trigger is pulled, and hears the giant generator behind him in the Gundam’s core explode, and he is suddenly incinerated in a gulf of flame. Jimmy smiles and cracks his neck, turning his Gundam around to find the Nightingale at the other end of the street, right where he had been standing before. “Well hey there bro! How’s it going?” Jimmy says, unexpectedly. Ayo ignores him, and simply walks down the street. Jimmy raises his buster gun to attack, but is knocked forwards suddenly by a blast from behind. He turns to see the Nightingale’s funnels floating in the sky behind him. He raises his EMF shield to deflect their attacks, and shoots them out of the sky one by one. After destroying the last one, he turns to find the Nightingale right next to him. He shrieks with terror as Ayo grabs the EMF shield in his free hand and crumples it as if it were paper. Jimmy shakes off the terror and shoots at the Nightingale, Ayo knocked back from the solid blast. The two fly back and begin firing at each other, shot after shot, dodging, blocking, and fighting to the death.


Zander chucks his scissor anchor at the badly damaged Virsago Gundam, latching it around its head. Jett tries to fight back, blasting at the CX-2 to free himself, but his attacks are in vain. Zander swings the Virsago around by the neck, and tugs on it one last time, severing the head. The now headless Gundam is sent flying into the city below, smashing through numerous buildings and landing on the ground below the battle between the Nightingale and the Hydra. Zander pulls out his remaining zanber, and turns on his rocket booster. His Gundam flies in at the target at an ungodly rate, bringing his zanber around for the finishing stab. He disables the booster and swings the zanber just as he reaches the Virsago, and he sonic boom emanates throughout the city, disturbing the battle between Ayo and Jimmy. They both look down as Zander stabs his zanber into the Virsago as he lands, the ground forming a crater below him as the energy presses it down. The Virsago is crushed from the force of the blast, and is obliterated by the powerful zanber strike of his opponent. The Gundam explodes from the stress, and Zander jets out of the crater, putting away his zanber. “Another one bites the dust,” he says with a grin, and he laughs. The other two stare on in disbelief, but Jimmy notices his opponent’s lack of concentration, and moves in with his saber. The beam weapon glows orange with power as he strikes Ayo off guard, slicing off his shield arm. Ayo screams with terror and surprise, and turns to find his opponent readying a final blow. Quickly, he fires his beam rifle into the Hydra Gundam, knocking Jimmy back a bit. Ayo slams the gun into the Hydra’s chest and pulls the trigger…but nothing happens. “OH SHIT!” he yells in anger, and Jimmy laughs as he lobs off the Nightingale’s head. Ayo casts aside his useless weapon and boosts forwards, knocking the Hydra off balance and the saber from his hand. Ayo pulls out his machinegun and begins to fire wildly, with few shots hitting his target. Suddenly Ayo senses danger from below, and screams wildly as his Gundam is disemboweled by a zanbuster shot from the still minimally damaged CX-2. Jimmy looks down at his final opponent, and asks, “Do I know you? You seem familiar…” Zander laughs, and replies, “Private Zander of the Oz military. And you are…2nd Lieutenant Jimmy of the Hydra, correct? Well, it’s a pleasure to be defeating you in battle, sir.” Jimmy grunts with disgust, and moves his damaged Hydra in for an attack, raising his buster gun. He fires off shot after shot, Zander dodging as he fires his own beam weaponry at the Hydra. They fight wildly, fighting for the glory and fame of being the number one fighter in the great battle. The crowd is screaming and chanting with the battle, some for the Hydra, some for the CX-2. But all watch in amazement at the battle unfolding before their eyes. Jimmy fires numerous shots as he lands, grabbing his saber in his free hand and throwing it in its holder. He boosts in and fires another shot, but Zander raises his brand marker to block. He fires off his own buster gun, and Jimmy side strafes as he boosts across the ground. He reaches the CX-2 and flies up into the sky, raining down shots on his opponent. Zander is struck by many, shredding armor off of many places, but he is able to raise his shield before he takes too much damage. He boosts up after his rival, but cannot catch up. He gets an idea, and flips open the safety and presses the big red button. Suddenly his Gundam’s giant booster goes into overdrive, and he catches fast on the Hydra. Jimmy continues to fire shots, but finally his gun runs out of ammo, and he throws it aside, scared for his life. He flips his legs in and goes into high output mode, but the CX-2 continues to gain on his position. He decides to stop and hold his ground, pulling out his saber and opening up his shoulder claw’s beam cannons. The CX-2 continues moving as Jimmy waits, but the CX-2 doesn’t stop, and rams into the Hydra with his beam marker’s exposed triangle of energy. It scrapes the Hydra’s chest armor as Zander passes by and turns off his booster, high above the L2 battle arena. He looks down on the Hydra, and fires a buster shot. Jimmy quickly dodges sideways, and fires a few beam cannon shots at Zander, who blocks with his shield. The shield runs out of energy, and Zander tosses it aside as he pulls out his zanber. He flies in at the Hydra, and the two go at it, slicing wildly. The crowd watches, cheering, rooting, and whistling for the competitors. One strikes, and the crowd goes crazy. Zander slices, and Jimmy blocks, raising his tail cannons to fire. But Zander flips down underneath the Hydra, slicing his leg clean off at the joint. Jimmy yells in anger and fires his other cannon to fire at the CX-2, knocking Zander off balance and sending his beam zanber to the ground below. Jimmy flips around and brings his beam saber down double handed on the CX-2. Zander quickly pulls out both heat daggers, and blocks the saber in two places. He pushes it away as he flips around, getting himself on an even level with his adversary. The two stand off, Hydra holding his beam saber, Crossbone X-2 holding its heat daggers. Jimmy watches his opponent closely, waiting for movement. The crowd goes silent, just watching for the next move. Without warning Zander flicks a heat dagger at the Hydra, and Jimmy watches, as if in slow motion, as the dagger flies at him, and he raises his saber to block. The saber passes right through the dagger, splitting it into millions of pieces. The crowd goes wild with excitement, watching as Zander brings out a scissor anchor and begins to swing it around his head. Jimmy rushes in and brings his saber around for a slice, but Zander swings the anchor right into the Hydra’s saber, sending it flying into the city below. Jimmy retaliates with a kick, sending the CX-2 back as he opens a shoulder claw. But as he falls, Zander whips the anchor at the Hydra, latching it right onto the shoulder claw. He pulls it with him as he flies back, but the cannon fires at him, butchering his hand and cutting the chain loose. Zander stops himself from falling, and turns to boost back to the ground. Jimmy follows after him quickly, but Zander starts up his booster again, and Jimmy decides to take his time. He closes his eyes as he goes, and thinks out a battle plan. He grins when he thinks of one, but suddenly his Gundam is knocked around from a blast, and Jimmy opens his eyes to see the CX-2, its long beam rifle aimed straight at his Gundam. He opens up his shoulder claw, but Zander sees it coming, and takes a quick shot at the opening claw, cracking it at the joint. It hangs from a single wire, dangling in the air shortly, then falling to the cold streets below. Jimmy looks up and realizes he has only one remaining weapon, and he begins to whimper hysterically, scared for his life. He closes his eyes quickly and regains control, just in time to dodge a shot from the CX-2. Zander tosses away the rifle and flies at the unsuspecting Hydra. Jimmy quickly dashes back, but Zander connects with a punch, then another, and a kick. Jimmy spins and flips back, and tries to regain control. He rights himself, and looks on at the CX-2 as it swings its last scissor anchor straight at his Gundam. Jimmy raises his arm to block it, but it latches onto the Hydra’s waist, holding tight. Jimmy screams with terror and opens up his shoulder cannon, but he is jolted forwards by a strong tug from the other end, and Zander smiles as he raises his shotlancer and stabs it up into the Hydra as he comes closer. Jimmy gasps with amazement at his defeat, and watches as he is thrown down from the lancer. Zander throws away his scissor anchor’s chain to let the Hydra fall, and pulls out his readied zanbuster, charges it to maximum, and fires the defining blow. Jimmy screams with pain and anguish, as his Gundam explodes into a fiery blaze and falls in pieces to the ground below. Zander puts away his lancer, and spins his zanbuster around in his fingers, raising it to his lips as if to blow the smoke away. He holsters it, and looks over as the enclosed bleachers are revealed in the wall of the colony, the crowd insane with applause and cheering. He gives one, quick wave, then slams his fist into the air in triumph. He had won.

1st Place: Crossbone X-2
2nd Place: Hydra Gundam
3rd Place: Nightingale
4th Place: Virsago
5th Place: Buster Gundam