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Chibiusa - The Truth Behind the Horns
Written by Seafoam

It's widely known that Chibiusa is obviously albino. No offense to all the albinos out there, but it's true. How else could she have pink hair and red eyes from a blonde haired blue eyed mum and a black haired (Or raven as most fan fic authors prefer.^_^) blue eyed father? Anyway, it's my particular belief that she is, in fact, an albino rhinocecorous. If you will recall the episode at the end of the R season, whence Artemis and Luna dressed up as Chibiusa. In my veiw, the resemblance was quite remarkable. Now if two talking cats can do it, why can't one clever rhino? It's the only possible explanation for the odd hair styling that 'she' claims her mother makes her wear. I'll believe that one when I saw off those suckers! (Enter evil laugh here.) I realize that her father was abducted by aliens on many occasions, and very well could have been bombarded with many pink hair, red eyed genes that passed on, but I don't actually think the aliens would WANT that. That would be silly! But if they DID do it that way, that would just bring me to know the same truth with just a slightly different story! That would mean Chibiusa would be born that way normally, BUT a maniacal laughing albino rhinocecorous decided to overtake her place as Princess Something or Other and kidnapped her. This 'rhino' would take her to his cave of despair, if rhinoes do indeed live in caves, which they must, so they can eat the pesky bats... anyway, he would take her to his cave of despair and put her in a contraption so terrible I can't even say it. Wait, I lied. Yes I can. He would force her to listen to Brittany Spears until she turned into a real 8 year old girl who was a teeny bopper and in love with N*Sync, if that's how you spell their name... and whatnot. Anyway, then she would be out of the way and he could easily be her. And that's why CNN is satan. Oh, sorry. And that's the truth behind the horns.