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How To Win Over Roomates
Written by Michelle

Just to let you know, I've developed a plan on how to win people
over to Sailor Moon, whether they like it or not!! *hehe*

1. Always leave a Japanese Sailor Moon CD in your CD player. Preferably playing, or if you have a programable player, set it to play at random times during the day when you know your roomate will be home.
2. Constantly remind your roomate that she looks like one of the Sailor Senshi. ex: "When you talk about your boyfriend like that, you totally remind me of Usagi."
3. Force them into watching a subbed eppisode a day with you. They'll be hooked within a week!!
4. Give them senshi trivia. ex: Everyday ask them a "Did you know what??" question about either the subs, manga, or dubs.
5. Find out if they like Rainbow Brite then remind them that one of the characters in the dubs voices is the same VA as the person who did RB and see if they can guess which one. (We all know it's Mini-Moon, but see if they can figure it out, they'll have to at least watch a couple of eppies before they figure it out, and to make it more interesting, bet them $5 that they can't do it withing 2 eppies or so.)
6. Leave random pics of the senshi (mostly Chibi-Chibi and Chibi-Usa looking so adorable....) in your roomates stuff. How can anyone resist the cute little looks given by Chibi-Chibi??
7. Strap them to a chair and tell them that they can't leave until they've read "The BIG Wish" by Lilac Summers and see if they don't get hooked on fanfic which will eventually lead to them wanting to know more about SM.
8. Leave manga's around the room face up explaining that Naoko-sama is a genius and make them see all the gorgeous drawing's she's done. (Manga rocks!!) Or you could frame some really nice colored manga pics and place them all over your room. Or my fave: Wallpaper your room with manga pics of the senshi, only with one subtle difference, they're heads are replaced with the heads of close friends of yours who love Sailor Moon, or who you think resemble the characters from our beloved anime/manga.