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Sailor Moon #2
Kei Fujioka

Usagi: What's worse than middle aged folks miffed by "young is beautiful" is those who don't care about other people. By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!

opening song
"Moon Light Legend"

Too bad I'm not so honest to myself.
I can say everything in my dream.
The logic circuit is overloading.
I want see you now.
Just about ready to cry, moonlight.
Can't phone, midnight.
'Cause I'm too naive. What can I do?
My heart is kaleidoscope.
Guided by moonlights, we meet over and over.
Counting the number of sparkles in zodiacs to see where the love is going.
We were born on the same planet.
Miracle romance.
I believe in it.
Miracle romance.

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. Grade 8. 14 years old. Cancer, with blood type O. Birth stone is pearl. I guess I'm a bit bumbling and cry baby. One day, I got a transform broach from a weird talking cat Luna, and became a Sailor Warrior. And now she tells me I have to fight the bad guys. I really don't know about that. Oh well. Things should work, I bet.

"You'll Be Punished! The Psychic House is The Lair of Demon"

etc: Hurry..
etc: Wait up.

Naru: He's pretty accurate, isn't he?
etc: TV covered him pretty often, too.
etc: Wow, line up already?
Jadeite: Those silly humans..

Beryl: What? You have not located the Silver Crystal?
etc: No.
Beryl: Hurry. Our Great Leader waits for adequate energy.
etc: It shall be done.
Beryl: Jadeite, you heard them. We have not found Silver Crystal. I require human energy instead.
Jadeite: Your majesty Beryl, I have everything already arranged.

Luna: Get up!

Usagi: I'm choking..
Luna: Stay sharp, or you won't be able to carry out the important mission.

Luna: I'm proud of you.
Usagi: It's already this late?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!

Haruna: Gurio Umino-kun.
Umino: Yes.
Haruna: Kenji Ohta-kun.
etc: Yes.
Haruna: Takayuki Kamikawa-kun.
etc: Yes.
Haruna: Yuji Kimura-kun.
etc: Yes.
Umino: Good morning, Usagi-san.
Haruna: Out you go!

Usagi: How come you came with me?
Umino: That's rather hard to explain..
Usagi: Weird guy.

Naru: What is it?
Umino: I want to date with Usagi-san. I want to start exchange diary, too. I would like to talk with her parents about future, too.
Naru: Forget it.

Naru: I'm sorry. I don't think it's gonna work if you go straight forward.
Umino: Then, I should take her from the back?
Naru: No, I mean why don't you ask fortune teller what you should do.
Umino: Then, I already have the answer.

Umino: This's a fortune telling game that I came up with. According to this, Usagi-san and I are going to get married. Thank you for your support.
Naru: Not that junk! Ask proper one!
Umino: I see.
Naru: New Psychic House opened up in Juban Town. It's supposed to be really good. Why don't give it a try?
Umino: Sure.

Usagi: What happened? There's always a line up.
etc: A rival showed up. There.

Usagi: Now, that's flashy. What's that?
etc: The psychic girl of Juban Town.
Usagi: Is she fortune teller like you?
etc: Sure, everybody love new stuff.
Usagi: Will read my palm?
etc: Thank you, lady. A man loves you. Somebody you see very often.

Usagi: Somebody I see very often? Is that...

Usagi: He's not there yet.

Motoki: Hi, Usagi-chan.

Motoki: Just on time. I'm just starting to work.
Usagi: Hello, Motoki-onisan.
Motoki: Oh yeah. Now got the Sailor-V game. You haven't tried it yet, have you?
Usagi: No.

Motoki: Pretty tough game, isn't it?
Usagi: Sure.
Motoki: Here's how you do it.
Usagi: I'll..
Motoki: It's on me. Now, look carefully. There. You have to get this item here. See?
Usagi: I feel nervous, but I'm so fulfilled.
Motoki: Then, rest is just shooting.

Usagi: Luna, what're you doing here?
Motoki: So, that's the cat's name?
Usagi: Yeah.
Motoki: I see it pretty often. Is it a stray cat?

Usagi: What're you doing? Knock it off! Alright! I'll go home.

Usagi: See you.
Motoki: But you're still halfway through.
Usagi: I'll come by again.
Motoki: I'll be waiting. I feel so uplifted when I see your face.

Usagi: Thanks for ruining the mood!
Luna: You aren't supposed to play around on the way back from school, are you?
Usagi: Not that it's OK..
Luna: As long as you know. Remember what I told you? You've got a mission...

Luna: Where are you going?
Usagi: I'll go ask the fortune teller about Motoki-onisan.

Usagi: Too late.

Usagi: I should ask the sage of Juban Town. But I want to find out soon..
Luna: What're you doing here, Usagi?
Usagi: Don't worry about it. I know, I should decide which one to ask. When it lands face up,I'll ask the sage. The sole and I'll go to the Psychic House.

Mamoru: Ou.
Usagi: Oh boy.

Usagi: That snobby guy again.
Mamoru: That hurts, dumpling head.
Usagi: Can't you say anything else?
Mamoru: If you don't act more elegantly, you wouldn't even have a boyfriend.

Usagi: Thanks for nothing!

Usagi: I feel so lousy.

Umino: Awesome.
Barm: Look into my eyes.

Barm: You're a servant of charming demon. You may act as your desire dictates.
Umino: I will act as my desire dictates.

Barm: Soon, I can extract his energy.


dad: Wait, Usagi!
Usagi: Dad. Back from shopping?
dad: I come home early and I got caught by mom.
Usagi: Aren't you kind man, dad?
dad: After all, mom's looking after all the houseworks. This's at least what I can do.
Usagi: I bet Motoki-onisan is like dad.
dad: By the way Usagi. What are you doing here this late?
Usagi: I'm sorry.
dad: Usagi, what is that cat? It seems to be following us.
Usagi: That's my friend.
dad: You have strange friend.

Naru: Has Umino talked to you?
Usagi: About what?
Naru: Looks like Umino's got a crush on you.

Naru: But he's so naive that he can't tell you.
Umino: Usagi, let's date.

Usagi: What happened to you?
Naru: You could get into trouble wearing that to school.
Umino: Forget that. Let's date today.
Usagi: Listen..
Naru: He became so pushy all of a sudden.

Haruna: Umino-kun, what do you think you're doing?

Haruna: What are you up to?

Umino: This's what I'm up to.

Haruna: I can't take this!
Haruna: Knock it off!

Haruna: What are you doing, Yuji-kun?
etc: Walk quietly in classroom.
Haruna: Say what?!

Usagi: Umino went to the Psychic House?
Naru: Yeah, I told him to go. I think Yuhji-kun went there, too.

etc: Who did that?

etc: They don't have what it takes to be teacher, and look at them.
etc: That's right.

Barm: Rampage more!

Jadeite: Young rebellious energy.

Usagi: What do you think you're doing? What are you up to?
Umino: Hey Usagi.
Usagi: What do ya want?
Umino: Let's kiss.

Usagi: I hate Umino that way!

Umino: Let's go, everybody.

Luna: I sense trace of evil energy.

Naru: Usagi, you're OK now.
Usagi: Now I feel better.

Usagi: Umino went home right after that. What's wrong with him?
Luna: I think the bad guys are up to no good.
Usagi: Then Umino and other guys were..
Luna: They're probably brainwashed.
Usagi: Then, the prime suspect would be the Psychic House.

Usagi: They started acting strange after going to the Psychic House.
Luna: Very good. I'm impressed with your investigation.
Usagi: Can I have new item as a reward?
Luna: Not a chance. Now, let's go.
Usagi: Do I have to fight again? I'm scared.
Luna: Move it!

Luna: Now change to Sailor Moon?
Usagi: Do I have to?
Luna: Yes you do.

Usagi: I forgot. How did it go again?
Luna: "Moon Prism Power, Make Up!"
Usagi: That's the one. Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Barm: Everybody has done a good job. Now I want you to ravage in the town.
Umino: Sure.
etc: Sounds fun.

Usagi: What's worse than middle aged folks miffed by "young is beautiful" is those who don't care about other people.
Barm: Who is that?
Usagi: I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon!

Usagi: By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!

Usagi: Hey, watch it!
Luna: You got no time for that!
Usagi: You're right.

Usagi: Cut it out

Usagi: Get away from me!

Usagi: Get any closer, and you'll be in trouble!

Barm: Another intruder? Who is that?

Usagi: Tuxedo Mask!
Kamen: No matter how hopeless the situation is, you mustn't give up.
Usagi: Sure!
Kamen: Farewell. Till we meet again.
Usagi: Thank you, Tuxedo Mask.

Usagi: That looks so painful.
Luna: Come on, use the Moon Tiara.
Usagi: Oh yeah.

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Jadeite: Barm must have failed.

Usagi: I did it. See you folks.
Umino: What? I flicked up Haruna-sensei's skirt?

Naru: And you tried to force Usagi a kiss. And you broke the windows of teachers' lounge.. Where are you going?

Umino: I am doomed to eternity.
Usagi: Morning.

Umino: About yesterday..
Usagi: Don't worry about it.
Umino: You're right. It's no use worrying. After all, you don't worry about getting bad marks on exams. I should follow your example.
Usagi: I wish I could tell him what I had to go through.. Oops!

-ed "Heart Moving"
We were together in dream, weren't we?
As the stars looked on.

When we were just friend, we didn't mind too much.
We could talk casually.

But there were moments when I only saw you.
I want be prettier now this instant.
When you fall in love, something change.
Close your eyes, and make certain.
Keep the rise on heart beat secret and I wish I can just show you my feeling.

Usagi: Say Luna, did you hear about the love letter program on the radio?
Luna: Some lowbrow you are...
Usagi: I'll send in tons.
Luna: Love letter to who?

Luna: This's going to be long night..
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Mystery of Sleeping Sickness, Defend the Loving Heart of Maidens" The moon light carries the message of love.