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Sailor Moon #4

Usagi: Stepping over the girls' dream of being slim. The enemy of women won't go unpunished. By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will punish you!

opening song
"Moon Light Legend"

Too bad I'm not so honest to myself.
I can say everything in my dream.
The logic circuit is overloading.
I want see you now.
Just about ready to cry, moonlight.
Can't phone, midnight.
'Cause I'm too naive. What can I do?
My heart is kaleidoscope.
Guided by moonlights, we meet over and over.
Counting the number of sparkles in zodiacs to see where the love is going.
We were born on the same planet.
Miracle romance.
I believe in it.
Miracle romance.

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. Grade 8. 14 years old. Cancer, with blood type O. Birth stone is peal. I guess I'm a bit bumbling and cry baby. One day, I got a transform broach from a weird talking cat Luna, and became Sailor Warrior. And now she tells me I have to fight the bad guys. I really don't know about that. Oh well. Things should work, I bet.

"Usagi's Lesson! How to be Slim."

Usagi: I gained weight!
dad: Don't worry about it. When you're young, it's better to be a bit overweight.
mom: Really.
Shingo: Besides, you eat like pig.
dad: Also, she doesn't do too much exercise.
mom: AND she study very little and eat a lot.
all: No wonder you gained weight.
Usagi: How could you say that?

Luna: It's no use crying. Eat moderately.

Luna: Exercise regularly.

Usagi: What are you drawing?
Luna: Usagi in half year.

Usagi: Luna, die!!

Naru: What's wrong?
Usagi: Nothing really.

Umino: If you already ate your lunch, here's something for you. It's delicious.

Naru: I see. You're on diet.

etc: I know how you feel. I tried so many times.
all: I can understand that.
etc: Say Usagi, try swimming. It does burn lots of calories.
Naru: She's not good swimmer.
etc: I see.
etc: Fastening or pineapple diet doesn't work too long. I tried so many ways.
all: I can understand that.
etc: The ideal way is to fall in love and lose weight.
etc: Have you ever fell in love?

all: I can understand that.
etc: See?.. What do you mean?!
etc: Never mind. The appearance is by birth.
etc: You're the last person I wanted to hear that from.
etc: Oh yeah?

Naru: Speaking of diet, Haruna-sensei got thinner all of a sudden.
Usagi: How come?
Naru: Don't know.

Haruna: Good morning, everybody.

Usagi: Doesn't look that way.
Umino: It's hard to tell with clothes on. Take a look. This's before and this's after.

Umino: And this's in two days.
Naru: Umino, where did you get the photo from?
Umino: That's cooperate secret.

Naru: Were you..
Umino: What is it?
Naru: Where did you get the photo from? Tell us.
Usagi: Speak up!

two: Stop!!

Umino: I shouldn't have told them.
Usagi: Tell me.

Umino: I will. I followed Haruda and took picture at..
Usagi: That's not my point. Where's this fitness club?

Usagi: So, this's the fitness club Haruda is in.
Naru: Isn't fitness club expensive to join?
etc: Look, that Rie Goto-chan, the actress.
etc: She's so cute.
etc: A kilo in a day, 5 kilo in two days, and in three days, you're beautiful. Everybody, join workout in Este Shaprin. We're holding a open house, one day membership for free.
Usagi: Free?
etc: Can't get any cheaper. Let's go!

Jadeite: Here comes another sitting duck. There's nothing better than free.

Usagi: Good thing I brought my PE strip.
etc: Now, I'll get slim.

Jadeite: Welcome to our club.

Usagi: Wow.
Naru: Handsome..

Jadeite: I'm instructor of the club.

Usagi: We're first timer..
Jadeite: This way please.

etc: One more time.

etc: Now ten percent faster.

Jadeite: One sweat for two kilo, two sweats for five kilo, and three sweats will make you beautiful. Now keep it up.

Naru: Where's Usagi?
etc: She was on rowing machine till a while ago.

Jadeite: You over there. If you don't work hard, you wouldn't be beautiful. You're born beautiful.
etc: Sure! I'm gonna be beautiful!

Jadeite: That's all for today. You did well. To finish everything, you will take our specialty, "Shape Ray."

Usagi: I'm exhausted.

Usagi: It's so hard to be slim.

Usagi: I'm starving.

Jadeite: Step in there, please.

Jadeite: 10 kilo for rounder ladies, even for slim ladies, it'll take off at least 3 kilo.
Naru: I see. That explains how Haruda lost so much weight in a day.
etc: I'll go in.
etc: Me too.

Jadeite: Energy of young girls.

Beryl: Jadeite.
Jadeite: At your presence, your majesty Beryl.
Beryl: Jadeite, how goes the plan?
Jadeite: Not to be concerned. We are accumulating energy of youth smoothly.
Beryl: I see. Carry on with your plan.
Jadeite: Those foolish women yawn to lose weight for no reason. This plan is sure to be successful.

Naru: I feel so tired.
Jadeite: You ladies became so beautiful.
etc: Alright.
Jadeite: If you'd like to be more beautiful, come again tomorrow.
etc: Yes.

Jadeite: Her's more energy of young women who would grind away their life force to be slim.


Usagi: How could they leave me behind? Some friend they are. I'm so hungry.

Usagi: You have tasty bun there...

etc: Mom, help!
Usagi: How could I lose myself to a bun?

Usagi: But still, I'm hungry. I bet Sailor V-chan wouldn't have to be on diet to stay slim.
Motoki: Watch out. What's wrong, Usagi-chan?

Motoki: Are you feeling sick?
Usagi: Yes..
Motoki: Do you want to go to a hospital?
Usagi: No, I'd rather go to a restaurant.

Usagi: I haven't eaten since last night. I'm starving.

Usagi: This isn't dream to be in his arm.

Motoki: Usagi-chan, are you OK?

Motoki: Usagi-chan, don't worry. I'll make you healthy again with my energy of love.
Usagi: Energy of love?
Motoki: That's right.

Usagi: I'm so glad I lived to this day.

Motoki: Usagi-chan, wake up!
Usagi: Warm energy..

Motoki: I'm glad you're awake. What did you mean you haven't eaten since last night?
Usagi: Well...
Motoki: Your mom wouldn't feed you because your exam mark was bad?
Usagi: No. I wanted to be on diet.

Usagi: Is it that funny?
Motoki: I'm sorry, but I don't think you need diet. Instead, you should put on some more weight.

Motoki: I think chubby girls are cuter than stick and bone thin girls.
Usagi: Really?

Usagi: Alright!

Usagi: Delicious. Meat bun is it after all. Sure, I'm young. I should be at least little chubby.
Mamoru: Hey, look, dumpling eating bun.
Usagi: None of your business!

Mamoru: If you eat that much, you'll become real dumpling.
Usagi: Shuddup.

Mamoru: Thanks for the bun. Now you got one less bun to gain weight.

Usagi: Sarcast.
Luna: But he's right.

Luna: One bun a kilo, twos bun five kilo and three buns makes you pig.

Usagi: Who cares. Motoki-onisan says I'm cuter that way.
Luna: I think you got him wrong.
Usagi: What do you mean?
Luna: He said he likes chubby. Not fat.

Luna: Anyway, there's a big problem.
Usagi: It is a big problem. What do I do? one, two, three, four.. I ate SIX meat buns?!
Luna: Something's wrong with Haruna-sensei. She's suddenly got so thin.
Usagi: Three, four, five, six.. No way..
Luna: And it's not just Haruna-sensei. Lots of other girls who went that fitness club became skinny all of a sudden. Are you listening?!
Usagi: I know. The Shaprin!

Usagi: That's the only place that can save me from piggy body!

Luna: Usagi, it could be hideout of the bad guys!

Usagi: I'm gonna get thin!
Luna: Forget it. She's not gonna listen.

Luna: That's.. Haruna-sensei. She's really skinny now. Where's she going?

Luna: Stair case here?

Luna: What could that be?

Jadeite: She already reached the limit. Today's the last extraction. She'll wilt and die.

Luna: Oh god.

Usagi: What are you doing?!

Usagi: Now you're dead meat!

Usagi: Luna, where are ya?!

Luna: Usagi, Haruna-sensei's gonna die!
Usagi: You'll die first!

Luna: Quiet. Listen to me. Any funny move and your face will take it. Move it or Haruna-sensei will die. Change to Sailor Moon.
Usagi: But what's going on here?
Luna: Do what I say or...
Usagi: I will.. but I really don't know what's going on.

Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Jadeite: We're almost at the target level.
Usagi: Release Haruna-sensei now!
Jadeite: What?
Usagi: Stepping over the girls' dream of being slim. The enemy of women won't go unpunished.
Jadeite: So, it's you after all.
Usagi: I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice.

Usagi: Sailor Moon! By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!
Jadeite: You are no threat to me. Get her.

Usagi: I'm surrounded!

Jadeite: Squash her.

Usagi: Luna, do something.

Luna: Those men are controlled by rings on their head. Destroy the rings.

Usagi: But I'm scared!
Luna: If you fight, you might lose weight.
Usagi: What did you say?
Luna: If you fight, you might lose weight.
Usagi: Lose weight?!

Usagi: One sweat for two kilo, two sweats for five kilo, and three sweats will make me beautiful. The girl trying to lose weight is mighty!

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Usagi: Now go back to good boys.

etc: What are we doing here?

Usagi: I bet I lost a kilo.

Beryl: Jadeite, quite impressive job collecting this much energy. This plan can be considered success.
Jadeite: I am honored, your majesty Beryl. I shall deal with Sailor Moon eventually.

Usagi: I feel so good.
mom: Usagi, I'm just dropping off towels

mom: Is Haruna-sensei OK now?
Usagi: She's been away for a week, but now she's back.
mom: That was such a trouble, wasn't it?
Shingo: Mom, you shouldn't try some strange diet.
mom: You're right. Usagi should be careful, too.
Shingo: That's not gonna happen with sis.

Shingo: See?
Usagi: I gained more weight! After all those workouts! Why?!

-ed "Heart Moving"
We were together in dream, weren't we?
As the stars looked on.

When we were just friend, we didn't mind too much.
We could talk casually.

But there were moments when I only saw you.
I want be prettier now this instant.
When you fall in love, something change.
Close your eyes, and make certain.
Keep the rise on heart beat secret and I wish I can just
show you my feeling. Sailor Moon #4

Usagi: Stepping over the girls' dream of being slim. The enemy of women won't go unpunished. By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will punish you!