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Sailor Moon #5

Usagi: All those exotic animals are angry. That they aren't toys. By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will punish you!

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. Grade 8. 14 years old. Cancer, with blood type O. Birth stone is peal. I guess I'm a bit bumbling and cry baby. One day, I got a transform broach from a weird talking cat Luna, and became Sailor Warrior. And now she tells me I have to fight the bad guys. I really don't know about that. Oh well. Things should work, I bet.

"The Demonic Scent! Schanerla Steals Love"

Usagi: I'm scared!

Kamen: Usagi-san, I'm always by your side.

Usagi: What's he screaming about this early in the morning?! Shingo: What's cat doing in my bed?!

Shingo: Get away from me!

Shingo: Get that cat out of here. Usagi: Now that reminds me, you can't stand cats, right? There. Shingo: Knock it off! Usagi: There. Well? Promise you won't talk rudely to your beautiful and wise sister. mom: Breakfast! Usagi: Sure.

Shingo: I'm saved. mom: What were you two arguing about?

dad: Didn't you say the cat was your friend? Usagi: Yeah. Her name's Luna. Shingo: She's just like you, so rude. Usagi: Seeing that she was in your bed, I bet she likes you. Shingo: No kidding! She sneaked in there! Usagi: Oh yeah. Now that everybody knows her, can we keep her? Shingo: Forget it. Usagi: Keep her! Shingo: Forget it. Usagi: Keep her!

Shingo: Over my dead body. dad: A cat or two would be fine. mom: You two talk this over.

Usagi: How come you went to Shingo's room? Luna: I've been working all the time.. I was so worn out that I didn't notice. Usagi: Work? Chasing mice? Luna: I was looking for Moon Princess. Usagi: Moon Prin? Luna: Hey.. Usagi: Anyway, see if you can make Shingo like you. See ya. Good luck.

etc: It's so cute. ete: Look, he's licking my finger. Luna: I know. That's what I'll do.

Beryl: Jadeite, have you began another plan to collect energy? Jadeite: Yes, Your Majesty Queen Beryl. Demon Igooana is making preparations. Beryl: Humans have numerous greeds. Just by adding a little stimulus, they will be filled with vast life force, or energy. Jadeite: And we will have them all. Beryl: It is all for Our Great Ruler. Remember that.

Naru: Shingo-kun's scared of cats? Usagi: When he was baby, a cat bit his nose. The trauma is still there. Umino: It's only a cat. In my case, my head was almost snapped off by a gater. Usagi: Why alligator? Umino: I suspect my mother left it open.

Usagi: Don't tell me that gater skin handbag. Umino: It is.

Luna: Oopsie..

Shingo: The cat... Mika: Are you afraid of cats? Shingo: Mika-chan..

Shingo: Only if it was some other animal. Mika: There's one that's perfect for you.

Mika: I heard there's this interesting store opened up. Let's go have a look.

Mika: Is it nice smell? Shingo: Yeah, it's like a perfume. Mika: These animals are making the smell.

etc: Did you like Schanerla?

etc: Schanerla spreads perfume scent from its body. Furthermore, every single one have different scent.

Shingo: I'll take this one.

Mika: I'll take this one. But isn't it expensive? etc: You can pay anytime you want to. Mika: Really? Shingo: Alright.

Shingo: What a nice smell. Mika: Really..

Mika: If Schanerla is around, I don't need anything else.

Usagi: I see. So you blew it. Luna: I don't have to be pet though.. Usagi: You don't sound like usual Luna if you're going to quit just like that. Besides, you always lecture me on all kinds of things, but what's the point of that if you can't do it yourself? Luna: OK...

Usagi: keep it up.

Shingo: Schanerla will be my pet. Get rid of that stupid cat.

Usagi: Shingo hit Luna!!

Luna: I'm OK. Usagi: I'm sorry Shingo did that to you. mom: Usagi, tea is ready. Usagi: Sure.

mom: That animal does have nice smell. Shingo: Right? And it doesn't have to eat. dad: Now that's economical. Usagi: I admit it's cute though. dad: Then, why don't we keep both Schanerla and Luna? mom: Sure. Shingo: I can't stand that.

Shingo: You're so cute.

Usagi: Shingo, you'll be late.

Shingo: I'm not going to school.

Shingo: We'll always be together.


etc: What do you think of my Schanerla? etc: Mine's got better smell. etc: Let's see. Not really. Usagi: So, that Schanerla's pretty popular, isn't it? Naru: It's going like crazy. Usagi: I wonder if it's OK to bring it to school? Here comes Haruda. Everybody, hide them.

Haruna: Now, let's begin. Open the text page 234.

etc: I wanna see my Schanerla! etc: I can't stand it anymore!

etc: He's so pretty. Haruna: What are you doing? I'm confiscating them.

Umino: Are you OK, sensei? etc: I'm going home! etc: Me too.

Usagi: Don't think they're weird? Naru: You're right. I admit it's cute, but that's going too far. Usagi: That reminds me, Shingo's the same.

Usagi: It might has to do with Schanerla. Where are they selling Schanerla. Naru: A place called Perphume. Usagi: Wanna go? Naru: Sorry, gotta go to cram school. Usagi: Fine. I'll go by myself. Naru: Are you sure? By yourself? Usagi: It's sure tough having stupid brother. Naru: Hey, love your brother, don't you?

Usagi: So, this's where Schanerla is..

Usagi: What if I end up being like Shingo? Mamoru: Hey, dumpling head. Usagi: Is that you?!

Usagi: Why do you pop up in front of me all the time?! Mamoru: And likewise to you.

Mamoru: Don't tell me you want to buy Schanerla. Usagi: Why?! Mamoru: Smell of perfume wouldn't go with you. Usagi: Shuddup!

Usagi: Here I am... etc: Good afternoon. Take your time. Usagi: Sure..

Usagi: I should've came with Naru-chan. Hey, they're cute. Luna: Don't get tricked. Usagi: What're you doing here? Luna: I was looking around because this place smelled fishy. Usagi: Is it?

Luna: Don't look into its eyes.

Usagi: They're cute.

etc: That is the cutest of all. It goes well with pretty lady like you.

Usagi: It's so cute. Luna: Usagi-chan, you should return it. Usagi: Get any closer and I'll kick you. Luna: Usagi-chan.. Usagi: I hate you.

Luna: Patience. It's not her fault.

etc: Cute kitty. Luna: I can't leave her like that.

Luna: Finally. Usagi: Luna, what have I been doing?

Usagi: I'm sorry, Luna! Luna: Never mind. I'm worried about Shingo-chan.

Usagi: Shingo, hand me over the Schanerla. Shingo: No!

Shingo: Let go of me!

Usagi: You dummy!

Usagi: I'm sorry. Shingo: Nobody will have my Schanerla! Luna: Usagi-chan, no time to be depressed. Gotta go after him. Usagi: Where do we go? Luna: The pet store, of course. Come on, transform to Sailor Moon. Usagi: What if I look at those Schanerla again? Luna: Stop worrying. You've got important mission to do.

Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

etc: Now hear this. You will spread out the Schanerla.

Usagi: All those exotic animals are angry.

etc: Who is that? Usagi: That they aren't toys. I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will punish etc: You!

Usagi: She's scary..

Usagi: This's when Tuxedo Mask come to my rescue.

Usagi: He's not coming! Luna: Don't depend of other people!

Luna: Come on, use Moon Tiara Action. Usagi: But I can't hit Shingo. Luna: Then, say Moon Tiara Stardust. Usagi: Got it.

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Stardust!

Usagi: Never knew I could use it that way.

etc: You! Luna: This way, Sailor Moon!

Usagi: I can't make it.. Luna: The demon's base of tail is its weakness.

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Shingo: Sailor-V Usagi: Oh boy...

Shingo: Sailor-V, can I get your autograph? I'm your fan! Usagi: I'm Sailor Moon! Shingo: You're cute, too. Doesn't matter. Anyway, can I get your autograph? Usagi: There's a favor I need to ask you, Shingo-kun. Shingo: How did you know my name? Usagi: I know everything. Shingo-kun, take good care of black cat named Luna. I'm sure she'll lead you to happiness. Shingo: Anything you ask!

Shingo: Luna, how about a piece of ham? dad: That's very good. mom: Now we're five member family.

Usagi: this isn't good either.

Usagi: What a nice music. Luna: My goodness, you can understand jazz? Usagi: Oh, I'm so mature. Luna: Mature enough to be crybaby? Usagi: Damn, I wish I could experience adult love! Luna: Not a chance when you get sent out to hallway all the time. Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Protect the Song of Love! Usagi is Cupid." The moon light carries the message of love.