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Sailor Moon #6

Usagi: They can't use music for evil plots! They can't take away the right for men to fall in love! Even Bach, the father of music, is furious. By the name of moon, Sailor Moon will punish you!

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. Grade 8. 14 years old. Cancer, with blood type O. Birth stone is peal. I guess I'm a bit bumbling and cry baby. One day, I got a transform broach from a weird talking cat Luna, and became Sailor Warrior. And now she tells me I have to fight the bad guys. I really don't know about that. Oh well. Things should work, I bet.

episode #6
"Protect the Song of Love! Usagi is Cupid"

Beryl: It robbed the plant's energy. The music did?
Jadeite: The music is imbedded with subliminal sound. Any human who hears this music will meet the same fate as the plant.

Beryl: Very interesting. Proceed.

Jadeite: Kyulene.

Jadeite: Place this subliminal sound to the musics that humans hear.
Kyulene: As you wish.

Usagi: Naru-chan, it's really nice music.
Naru: Isn't it? this's my favorite.
Usagi: This's jazz, isn't it? You're so mature.
Naru: That's right. Anything you don't understand, ask me.
Usagi: Sure..

Usagi: Yuhsuke Amade?
Naru: Cool name, isn't he? I bet he's really solemn man. I wish I can date with him.
Usagi: Not me.
Luna: He'd turn you down.

Amade: Today, I'll tell her.

Kyulene: Any music played on this deck will carry demon virus. Any music recorded in this studio will contain the subliminal sound.

Akiko: There it is. I can't believe I left it here. Yu-chan would be mad at me.

etc: Akiko-san, Amade-san is here. He's waiting at the main floor lobby.
Akiko: I'll be right over. Why does he have to bother to come in this rain?

Akiko: You're all wet. You came without umbrella? You were thinking of new piece, weren't you?

Akiko: Here the demo tape you gave me. That was really good. Can we start discussing about the recording next week?
Amade: Today's your birthday, isn't it?
Akiko: Now that you mention it..
etc: Akiko-san..

etc: We got a problem with mixer.
Akiko: Again? Sorry. I have to go. It's all nighter again. There. You can use my
umbrella. It's the pink one at the door.

Akiko: And come up with the title for the piece by next week. OK?

Amade: Read carefully. It's already there. Waltz for Akiko.

Usagi: What an annoying rain.
Naru: Rain in spring is always long.
Usagi: Guess I have no choice.
Naru: See you tomorrow.
Usagi: Sure, bye.

Usagi: I'll play a game or two.
Luna: You aren't supposed to be in arcade late at night.
Usagi: Come on, I'll just one credit.

Luna: Watch out!

Usagi: My new dress is all wet.

Usagi: Hey you!

Amade: Spare me! Don't kill me! Please!
Usagi: Hey come on. I wouldn't kill you.

Usagi: Somebody is after you?
Amade: I know you wouldn't believe me, but..
Usagi: What is it?
Amade: A monster is after me.
Usagi: Monster?

Amade: It must've been trick of my eyes. I'm sorry. I must've bored you. I'm working at a live house just over there.
Usagi: Live house?
Amade: Oh yeah, I better pay for you laundry bill. I don't have money on me. Can you phone me to this number?
Usagi: Yuhsuke Amade?

Usagi: Yuhsuke Amade?!
Amade: Bye.
Usagi: He's the Yuhsuke Amade of that CD?
Luna: Anyway, he must be chased by the demon. We can't leave him alone.
Usagi: Sure! It's also a good chance to know about the adult world. I gotta help him!
Luna: Does she really understand the situation?..

Jadeite: You incompetent. Have you not retrieved the tape yet?
Kyulene: Forgive me. He slipped by me when I almost had him.
Jadeite: I am not asking for explanation. The operation will proceed as planned. If you should fail to recover the tape, you will pay for it by your life.


Usagi: So, this's the live house.
Luna: I don't think they'd let kids in.
Usagi: Aren't you forgetting something? Moon Power, turn me into cool musician!

Usagi: Well? Now do I look mature enough? But I don't think they'd let cats in.

Usagi: There he is.

Usagi: Stay still. You're supposed be part of accessory.
etc: Are you ready to order?
Usagi: I'll have cream soda.
etc: I am sorry. We do not carry that.
Usagi: I see. Forget it then.

Usagi: He looks really cool when he's playing piano.

Luna: Usagi-chan.
Usagi: He's gone.

etc: Amade-san, I'll drive you home. Please go ahead and wait for me at the parking lot. The engine's already running.

Amade: This was meant for her. She's probably a bit dull.

Usagi: That's his voice.
Luna: Hurry.

Kyulene: You gave me quite a chase. Prepare to die.

Usagi: Mister, are you OK?
Amade: My tape. I want it back.
Usagi: Waltz for Akiko?
Luna: The demon must be trying to use the tape for evil plot.

Usagi: Excuse me, mister. You're driving too dangerously!
Amade: I won't let anybody have that tape. Not to even a monster.
Usagi: Why are you that determined?
Amade: That wasn't an ordinary demo tape.
Usagi: It was made for Akiko-san, right?
Amade: How did you know?
Usagi: Hey, I'm mature enough. Do you think I didn't pick that up?
Amade: It's one sided love. Isn't that funny? At my age.
Usagi: Who cares about age? You have the right to be in love, too.
Amade: Thank you. But why are you chasing the monster with me?
Usagi: Because I'm on the side of those in love. I'm super heroine of justice.
Amade: I see.
Usagi: There it is. The rain stopped, so we can see it with the street lights.
Amade: OK.

Amade: So, it landed on this building?
Usagi: I'm positive.

Amade: My god. Akiko-san is in there.

Kyulene: I'll have you asleep for awhile. When you wake up and resume recording, all music will contain the subliminal sounds.

Usagi: Hold it right there.

Kyulene: Hand me over the tape.

Amade: That's not my tape.

Kyulene: Hand me over the tape.

Luna: Are you OK?
Usagi: Of course not!

Kyulene: Hand me the tape or she'll take it.

Usagi: Dirty scum!
Kyulene: I want it now!

Usagi: Alright.

Luna: Now, you plan is over. Give it up.

Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Usagi: I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for the sake of love and justice.

Usagi: Sailor Moon! You will not use music for evil plots! Even the father of music Haydn is furious.
Luna: Bach is the father of music.

Usagi: How would she know the difference?! At any rate, by the name of Moon, I'll punish you!

Luna: Yikes. That's a type of supersonic wave.
Usagi: Sonic wave? I see, so it's a sound.
Kyulene: Die!

Usagi: How does it feel to be struck by your own sonic wave doubled in strength?
Luna: Usagi-chan, now.

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Akiko: You are so foolish. What if you hurt your hands? Then your music career would've been over.
Amade: I know that. But if anything happened to you, my life would've been over.

Usagi: I envy Akiko-san. To be loved by man like Amade-san whole heartedly.

Naru: Did you hear about this? Yuhsuke Amade got married.
Usagi: Yeah, I heard.
Naru: What a shock. I was after him you know?
Usagi: Sure, he's gentle, brave..
Naru: Hey, you sound as if you know him.
Usagi: We do, don't we , mister?

Usagi: Luna, shake hand. And turn.
Luna: Come on, I'm not a dog.
Usagi: If we win in the idol caravan that's coming soon, we can be star. But I'm just cute and no talent..
Luna: As if she does..
Usagi: How does Cuty Usagi sound for stage name?

Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Usagi's Hard Lesson! The Way of Stardom is Tough."
The moon light carries the message of love.