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Sailor Moon #7

Usagi: The villains who gave fake glass shoes to the girls dreaming of being Cinderella!

Usagi: By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will punish you.

episode #7
"Usagi's Hard Lesson! The Way of Stardom is Tough"

Usagi: If I gotta run this hard, I'd be worn out even before getting to school. Forget about studying.

Usagi: Here's Mika's recommended to worn out people. If it's her recommendation, I should try it.
Naru: I'm gonna be late!

Usagi: Ou. What was that for?!

Usagi: That hurt.
Naru: But if it weren't for that wack, you could've been late. Be grateful.

Umino: At last, I have Mikan-chan's poster.
Usagi: Did you steal that from the pharmacy?
Umino: No. I got them through a connection on BBS net. If you'd like, I still have some left, so I can sell them at a reasonable price.
Naru: I don't want any.
Umino: As you know, Mikan Shiratori is alumni of this Juban jr.high. 17 years old. Making appearance on eight commercials right now. Current earning is 2 million.
Usagi: No way! 2 mil?! How many cakes can I buy with that money?
etc: Wasn't she scouted on the street?
etc: That's her luck, I guess.
Naru: Yeah, with luck...
etc: we can go that far.
etc: Those scouts got some eye not to notice us.
Umino: If I may be flank, they were abled, so they didn't touch you.
etc: WHAT?!
Umino: The star from Juban jr.high that'll follow Mikan Shiratori would be..

Umino: Usagi-san, it's you.

Usagi: I'm the star!

Jadeite: This energy would be useful.

Usagi: What duet with you?
Naru: And we break into the show biz.

Usagi: I'll do it.
Naru: That's not my point. I mean, we can try to sell our song. And become bigger star than Mikan-chan.

Usagi: Star?
Naru: That's right.
Usagi: Let's do it!
Luna: You don't have time for that...
Naru: Nothing will stand in our way!
Usagi: Within a day, we'll be Cinderella.
Naru: Here we go!

Shingo: Will you quit making the noise?

Usagi: Oh deal with it!
Naru: You're insulting the future star!
Shingo: Bye.
Naru: Let's try again.

Naru: That hurts! You're damn clumsy!
Usagi: You too!
Naru: You always blame it on people!
Usagi: You too!
Naru: Then, we'll head separate path to Cinderella.
Usagi: Fine with me. As of now, we're rivals.

Usagi: But now what can I do?

mom: Very funny.
dad: Great show, isn't it? Say Luna, why don't you do some tricks?

Usagi: I'll take that idea! Our home will be swamped with reporters soon.

dad: Is she getting fever?
mom: That's the way she usually is.
Shingo: That's better than average day.

Usagi: Apologize!

Luna: Why do I have to do this?
Usagi: Stop complaining and try again. Apologize!

Umino: Greetings. Upon invitation of Naru-san, I Gurio Umino has come here.
Naru: Forget greeting. Come in.

Naru: We can't ask more from Umino.
Umino: Why do I have to dress this way? I have to get back to studying.
Naru: Now now. You need to go see working part of society.
Umino: Working part of society?
Naru: That's what Usagi said. Only if Umino knew more about the real world, he'd be more attractive.
Umino: She said so? I'll do anything!
Naru: Beauty and beast pair. We could get some attention. Umino: My life has changed.
Naru: I see...

Mikan: Somebody, help!

etc: You.. and you.. and you.. can become second Mikan Shiratori! You're Cinderella.
Mikan: Hello, everybody. This's Mikan Shiratori! How are you feeling today? We're looking for a star like me.
etc: That's real Mikan-chan.
etc: She is.
Mikan: Everybody, apply to the Cinderella Caravan. etc: I will.
etc: I wanna be a star.
etc: I wanna be.. I wanna be..

etc: Did you hear about the Cinderella Caravan?
Usagi: What's that?
etc: You're slow on news.
Usagi: I'm busy with lots of things!
etc: They're holding a caravan to find second Mikan Shiratori.
etc: Mikan-chan herself's coming, so it's not a hoax.

Usagi: I'll get it.
Naru: Hey, I'm the one who'll get it, right Umino?
Umino: That's right, Naru.
Naru: Don't do that stuff now.
Umino: I'm just practicing.

Mikan: What do you want to be?
etc: Star!
etc: Are you supposed to be in school? Mikan-chan, what're you doing skipping the work? This's not on the schedule.
Mikan: You can be star, too.
etc: Star?

etc: One hand stance!
etc: V shape balance!
Mikan: That's nice trick!
etc: We're star!

Usagi: Today's the time to show what you practiced.

Luna: Forget it.
Usagi: You can't do that now.
Luna: I thought you needed something to change mood, but..
Usagi: Hey, you're being nice.
Luna: But you aren't doing this just for fun. You're serious about it.
Usagi: That's not true.
Luna: It is.
Usagi: No way.
Luna: Then, don't audition for the Cinderella Caravan.

Luna: You've got no time to play around. You know what you're supposed to be doing? You are giving up, aren't you?

Luna: Let's go home. We have no time for this, really.

Usagi: Luna, you mean cat!

Usagi: No way you'd understand this innocent dream of girls!

Mamoru: Hi.

Usagi: not this guy again.
Mamoru: I saw the dumpling head moving. You weren't thinking of going to the Cinderella Caravan, were you?

Mamoru: With your hair-do, I guess you could go for a comedy.
Usagi: You gotta be kidding. Why should I be going there? Get out of my way! I'm going home! nosy guy.


Mikan: Congratulations, you're star.

Mikan: Congratulations, you're star.

Naru: Alright!
Umino: That's our skill.
Mikan: For those who passed, I'd like you to come to the show in Sunshine Plaza next Sunday. From that moment, you'll be star!

Usagi: What's the..

etc: Is it really?
etc: It is. How's this one?

Usagi: Naru-chan, morning.
Naru: There.

Naru: There.

Umino: Did everybody get a tape? oh, Usagi-san, throw this.
Naru: Everybody, we'll be giving away our autographs.
Usagi: Come on, it's time for class.
etc: The way to stardom is tough.
etc: We got no time for class.
Umino: Throw the tapes!

Umino: You mustn't injure star's face.
Usagi: Something's weird.

Luna: Weird, isn't it?

Luna: It's the same everywhere. People think they're star and just threw away all the work and study.
Usagi: Is it the demon?
Luna: Everybody who went to the Cinderella Caravan's acting that way.
Usagi: Then, I had a close call.
Luna: You may thank me for that.
Usagi: Or I might have missed the opportunity to become a star.
Luna: Still talking about that?
Naru: Come to Sunshine Plaza next Sunday. There's going to be our concert.
Umino: There's still some tickets left.
etc: What do you mean?
etc: It's our show that's gonna be there.

Usagi: Everybody thinks they're the star.

Usagi: Funny. There's no audience.

Mikan: Everybody ready? Now everybody's show begin. Can you hear the audiences' applause?

etc: Let's give our best shot, Yumiko.

Naru: At last..
Umino: My heart is...

etc: Here we go, Yumiko.

etc: One hand stance!
etc: V shape balance!

Mikan: Now I'll have your energy.

Jadeite: Soon, I may present fresh energy to Our Great Ruler.

Usagi: What's that?
Luna: Strange, isn't it?

Derella: You saw me.

Luna: Now, transform to Sailor Moon.
Usagi: Do I hafta get back there?
Luna: Everybody's in trouble!

Usagi: Alright.

Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Derella: That's...
Usagi: The villains who gave fake glass shoes to the girls dreaming of being Cinderella!
Derella: Who is that?
Usagi: I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice.

Usagi: Sailor Moon! By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!
Derella: What?!
Usagi: So you weren't Mikan-chan after all.

Derella: You will not escape.

Derella: Where did she go?

Usagi: Luna, where are you?

Usagi: Where is she when I need her?

Derella: There you are.

Usagi: What's this?!

Usagi: What's going on?

Usagi: I can't move.

Derella: You may die that way.

Derella: That's.. Who is there?

Kamen: You are in the spot light, Sailor Moon.

Kamen: Fight on.
Derella: How dare you interfere!
Luna: Sailor Moon, now.

Derella: Stop!

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

etc: What are we doing here?

etc: Where are we?
etc: Kuri-chan, when did you pick that dialect up?
etc: Don't know.

Usagi: I'm tired.
Luna: That's what you get for fooling around.
Usagi: OK, I heard you.
Luna: That's not good enough. Apologize!

Usagi: I became friend with genius girl! She's Ami Mizuno-chan. Now, I can get her to teach me the highlights of the exams.
Luna: Now, that's very typical thinking of you.
Usagi: What?
Luna: Careful, Usagi-chan. I feel strange energy out of her.
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Is the Genius Girl A Demon? Brainwashing Cram School."
The moon light carries the message of love.