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Sailor Moon #10

Usagi: I can't stand it! What I can't stand? Kidnapping girls who pray for romantic relationship! For the sake of peaceful family life and fulfilled love, Sailor Moon will punish you.

-Op "Moon Light Legend"

Too bad I'm not so honest to myself.
I can say everything in my dream.
The logic circuit is overloading.
I want see you now.
Just about ready to cry, moonlight.
Can't phone, midnight.
'Cause I'm too naive. What can I do?
My heart is kaleidoscope.
Guided by moonlights, we meet over and over.
Counting the number of sparkles in zodiacs to see where the love is going.
We were born on the same planet.
Miracle romance.
I believe in it.
Miracle romance.

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. Grade 8. 14 years old. Cancer, with blood type O. Birth stone is peal. I guess I'm a bit bumbling and cry baby. One day, I got a transform broach from a weird talking cat Luna, and became Sailor Warrior. And now she tells me I have to fight the bad guys. I really don't know about that. Oh well. Things should work, I bet.

"Cursed Bus. Coming of Warrior of Fire, Mars"

Beryl: If the pests on Earth should ever find the silver crystal we seek,that would be a grave matter. We, the empire shall have all of them. Whoever stands on the way of the Dark Kingdom will be removed. Have you not found the silver crystals?
Jadeite: Forgive me.
Beryl: You have committed errors already. I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. As you search for the silver crystal, also seek the two warriors and eliminate them.

Usagi: I wonder what happened.

Usagi: Where are you going?
Ami: I'm going to juku.
Usagi: You're going to cram school that you have to take bus?
Ami: If I were to go to a good one, I'd even take plane. I'm a warrior. I'll have to study more and accumulate more knowledge. That way, I can help Luna better.
Luna: I'm very proud of you, Ami-chan. On the other hand, somebody else is..
Usagi: So,when will the bus come?

Usagi: I wonder what's the rush?

etc: Did you hear about this bus line?

etc: The bus loaded with passenger disappeared around six o'clock.
Usagi: What's that? That sounds fun.
Naru: It's not fun at all. Remember the bus stop just ahead? The Sendai Hill Top?
Usagi: Yeah, the one by the five way intersection, right?
Naru: The bus with 50 people or so aboard disappeared around there.
etc: The police was trying to keep it quiet, because they thought it was mass kidnapping. But they made it public and started on the investigation.
Ami: Cursed bus?
Usagi: Remember there's Hikawa Shrine just by the Sendai Hill? The amulet there is famous. Why don't we go buy one of them?
Naru: You know the girl there? She's psychic. Her fortune telling is so accurate.
etc: The amulet works so well.
Usagi: Let's go buy them.
Ami: Usagi-chan, can you get one for me?
Usagi: Why don't you come with us?
Ami: I've got to go to juku. Besides,I have to write very important mock exam. I can't afford to catch cold now.

etc: I wish the romance with a boy would work out.

Jadeite: Pray harder. Fill your heart with strong prayer.

Ray: It's coming.

Ray: Something evil is coming.

grandpa: Hello, pretty ladies. Are you interested in working as a priestess?
etc: We just came to buy the ammulate for successful romance.
grandpa: I know. I was just kidding. Five thirty already? Alright, I'll hold a special prayer for your better love relation.

grandpa: All gods in presence, make the maidens' love come true.

grandpa: You came from far away, didn't you? Why don't draw fortune paper? We also have a amulet for school entrance exams.
etc: Thank you for worrying about our exam.

grandpa: Hello,pretty ladies. Are you interested in working as a priestess?

Ray: Grandpa, will you quit talking to girls?

Ray: There're bad rumors about you in the neighborhood.

Usagi: She look so neat. and she's pretty.

Usagi: So,she's the priestess. I don't mind working as priestess, I guess.

Ray: What is that rising of evil force? So you're the demon.

Ray: You will not commit any deed here! Evil spirit, begone!

Ray: It didn't work?

Jadeite: Ray-sama, I brought the towel and water.
Ray: Leave it there.
Jadeite: Yes.

Luna: I saw him once.

etc: He's so handsome!

Usagi: Where?! Where's the handsome man?!
Luna: What a simpleton..
Naru: Is he your brother?
Ray: My grandpa loves trying to pick up, women or men. Grandpa talked him into work and live here.

etc: You have interesting grandpa.
Ray: Usagi-san, right? I'm sorry.
Usagi: What happened to me?
Ray: There's something wrong. My intuition and prophesy are all off the target these days.
Luna: Prophesy? Is she the princess?
etc: Where's the priest?
Ray: May I help you?
etc: My daughter went to buy your shrine's amulet and hasn't came back. I hear the priest holds special prayer to make people board the bus at six.
Ray: That has nothing to do with this. The five thirty prayer has been tradition of this shrine. The police came early this morning. If you're looking for missing girl, talk to police. My grandpa has nothing to do with that. Get out!
etc: What a rude girl.
Ray: you're being rude yourself. Go away!
Luna: Usagi-chan,I feel something. The enemy might be involved in this. Contact Ami-chan, and have a meeting right away.
Usagi: But Ami-chan is..
Luna: The lives of lots of people are at stake! Call her up from the cram school!!
Usagi: Alright. I got it.

Luna: This's the Sendai Hill.
Usagi: There're so many.
Luna: Really.
Ami: Everybody's go the amulet from Hikawa Shrine.
Usagi: Everybody must be in love.
Ami: It's strange that everybody has so much time to waste when they should be worrying about the secondary school entrance exam.
Usagi: Don't you ever fell in love? In my case..

Ami: I don't think it's appropriate to talk about love without knowing what love is really like.

Ami: There it is. Five fifty nine. That must be the bus.

Luna: Looks like an ordinary bus.

Luna: Get on, Usagi.
Usagi: But..
Ami: Let's go.
Usagi: Noo!

Usagi: I don't wanna!
Ami: Be brave and get on.
Usagi: Forget it. I'm scared!

Ami: There it goes.
Luna: You whimp.

Ami: We have no choice. Let's try again tomorrow.

Luna: That's..

Ami: Blackhole? or 4th dimension? Or temporal rift?

Kigarn: Master Jadeite, today's load is in.
Jadeite: The power of prayer is quite powerful. Extract it slowly.


Ray: There, Phobos, and Demos. Oh, Usagi-chan. What brings you here?

Usagi: I just saw it. I mean the bus disappearing yesterday.
Ray: Are you saying it's my grandpa's fault?

Ray: Police came so many times. I'm getting tired of them.
Usagi: I didn't mean like that. I just thought you might know something.
Ray: I don't know anything.
Usagi: I want to be your friend.
Ray: Just go away.

Usagi: I'll come again. Bye!

Ray: They must be joking.

Ray: Did she drop that?

etc: Can I get amulet?
Jadeite: Which color would you lie?

Ray: Ever since he came,the sales of amulets increased. now we get more people coming also. But..

Ray: Why is it that the bus disappears in front of the shrine?

Ray: Who's there?

Jadeite: Dinner is ready.
Ray: Don't disturb me.
Jadeite: I'm sorry.

Ray: That cold icy eyes. Is it because of those eyes that the prophesy isn't coming through?

Usagi: Say, Luna. Why did you give the pen to Ray-chan?
Luna: There's something I wanted to check.
Usagi: Check what?
Luna: I'll tell you about it later. At any rate, you will get on the six o'clock bus, alright? Usagi: I know, but...
Luna: Don't be scared!
Usagi: But Ami-chan's late. She promised she'd come with us.
Luna: Here comes the bus.

Usagi: Why now?!
Luna: We have no choice. We'll have to by ourselves.
Usagi: What do I do?

Luna: Let's go.

Usagi: I don't wanna! I'm scared!
Luna: Come on, Usagi!
Usagi: Forget it!
Luna: Move it!
Usagi: No way! I don't wanna!

Luna: The bus is leaving.
Usagi: What do I do?

Luna: What are you up to?

Usagi: Moon power, turn me into stewardess!

Usagi: now,I feel safer.
Luna: Why stewardess though?

Usagi: Hold it right there!
Luna: What's going on here?

Usagi: Everybody's...
Luna: This must be..

Usagi: It's my duty to ensure the safety and satisfaction of the passengers! You won't get away with the hijacking!

Ami: I didn't make it.

Ray: What is the source of all? What is the evil?

Ray: So you are the source of all evil.
Jadeite: What are you talking about?
Ray: The fire I trust told me all. You are the cause of the ill events. Show your true self!
Jadeite: Now that you found out, you must go inside also!

Usagi: Where am I?!
Luna: Usagi, calm down.
Usagi: No way i can!

Luna: Usagi, change to Sailor Moon!

Usagi: I can't stand life on the edge! But I'll do it.

Luna: I'm counting on your guts and forgetfulness.

Usagi: I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon!
Kigarn: At last. I have been waiting for you.

Luna: That mark is..

Usagi: Let go of Ray-chan. You won't get away with locking all these people away. By the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!

Kigarn: Such toy means nothing to me.
Usagi: Gotcha!

Usagi: Ray-chan, are you OK?
Ray: Yeah.
Luna: Ray-chan, take out the transform pen.
Ray: The cat talked?
Luna: I'll fill in on that later. Take out the pen you found in the shrine.
Ray: You mean this?
Luna: You can change now. You're the warrior of fire;. Sailor Mars. Say Mars power make up.

Ray: I still don't know what's going, but here goes nothing.

Usagi: Ray-chan is the third fighter?

Ray: What's going on here?

Ray: You evil spirit. I'll exorcise you!

Usagi: What's that?
Luna: The dimensional hole is collapsing because of Ray-chan's fire. We have to get out of here.
Usagi: How?
Luna: I don't know.
Usagi: now what?

Ami: Usagi-chan.. Luna. Everybody, come back safely.

Usagi: It's closing.
Ray: What's that?
Luna: That could be Ami-chan. She must be trying show us the way.
Usagi: IT's gotta be.

Kamen: I am the driver. Hurry.

Usagi: Tuxedo mask. How did you get in here?

Ray: What a man.

Usagi: Alright.

Luna: Let's go, both of you.

Jadeite: So another warrior has appeared. That's worth fighting. Next time, I'll crash them.

Usagi: Thank you, Ami-chan.
Ami: Nicely done, Usagi-chan.

Kamen: Farewell. Till we meet again.

Ray: Where's Tuxedo Mask?
Usagi: Are you interested in him, too?
Ray: You gotta be joking. I just wanted to thank him. And you? Are you in love with him? Mind you, it could be just one sided love..
Usagi: One sided?.. You can't say that!

-ed "Heart Moving"
We were together in dream, weren't we?
As the stars looked on.

When we were just friend, we didn't mind too much.
We could talk casually.

But there were moments when I only saw you.
I want be prettier now this instant.
When you fall in love, something change.
Close your eyes, and make certain.
Keep the rise on heart beat secret and I wish I can just show you my feeling.

Usagi: Say, Luna. Did you see this news?
Luna: What news?
Usagi: There're people missing from the Dream Land. Don't you think it's strange?
Luna: And in reality, you wanna go there to play, right?
Usagi: Of course not. I'll investigate the matter.
Luna: How?
Usagi: By riding jet coaster, ferry's wheel, or merry-go-round.
Luna: That's all rides.