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Sailor Moon #12

Usagi: It's so unfair to rob the energy of love! What abut the girls who can't find any boyfriend? By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will punish you!

Sailor Moon

-Op "Moon Light Legend"
Too bad I'm not so honest to myself.
I can say everything in my dream.
The logic circuit is overloading.
I want see you now.
Just about ready to cry, moonlight.
Can't phone, midnight.
'Cause I'm too naive. What can I do?
My heart is kaleidoscope.
Guided by moonlights, we meet over and over.
Counting the number of sparkles in zodiacs to see where the love is going.
We were born on the same planet.
Miracle romance.
I believe in it.
Miracle romance.

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. Grade 8. 14 years old. Cancer, with blood type O. Birth stone is peal. I guess I'm a bit bumbling and cry baby. One day, I got a transform broach from a weird talking cat Luna, and became Sailor Warrior. And now she tells me I have to fight the bad guys. I really don't know about that. Oh well. Things should work, I bet.

episode #12
"I Want Boyfriend, Too. Trap of Cruise Ship!"

Jadeite: Those cursed wenches.

Tetis: Of all people, Jadeite-sama is having hands full with such little girl?
Jadeite: Tetis?
Tetis: I'm quite honored that you remembered me.
Jadeite: What are you doing here? After all, you're under direct command of Queen Beryl.
Tetis: You have not changed at all. No matter how hard I devote myself to you, you still treat me coldly.

Jadeite: I have no time for your idiocy. Get out of my face.
Tetis: Now now. I have came upon the most efficient way to extract energy.
Jadeite: What?
Tetis: Finally, I have you attention.

Tetis: I named it "Romantic Cruise Plan."

etc: Sea at night. There's nothing but you and your loved one. At night like this, you could talk anything on your mind. Romantic Cruise for lovers. The first sail will leave for the maiden voyage tomorrow.

Usagi: That sound so wonderful.

Usagi: Don't you wish you could board one of these?
Naru: But it's book all the way to next month.
Gurio: The Romantic Cruise? Isn't that wonderful? Carries up to 666. Cruising from Tokyo to Yokohama aboard this, anybody would be in love..
Usagi: Not with you, I bet.
Gurio: Usagi-san, by any chance, did you want to board this? I see. Too bad.
Usagi: Umino, don't tell me that..
Naru: You had a ticket..
Gurio: Sure, but I gave it to a lady in my neighborhood.
Usagi: How could you waste your ticket like that?
Gurio: But we're still junior high students. We mustn't be out playing around late at night.
Naru: Why does he have to be morally correct once in a blue moon?
Gurio: I think the prize for the lottery draw of the shopping area was this thing...

Usagi: This time for sure...

Usagi: Not again.
etc: Tissue papers for participation..

Usagi: I tried ten times to get the first prize.
Ray: Cruise for pair? You're trying to get this?
Usagi: Aren't you interested?
Ray: Of course not. We have no time to be concerned with things like that.

Ray: May I?
etc: Sure, go ahead.

Usagi: She looks so tense..

etc: Congratulations! First Prize!

Ray: Alright!
Usagi: You're doing exactly opposite of what you said.

Usagi: Didn't you say you aren't interested?
Ray: And why should I give it to you?
Usagi: How about we go together? It's gonna be romantic.
Ray: Isn't this supposed to be for couples?
Usagi: But do you have a boyfriend?
Ray: Shuddup.
Usagi: See? You don't have any.
Ray: I have couple of them. Unlike you.
Luna: Why don't you two cut it out?

Ami: What's going on?
Luna: The usual argument.

Usagi: Ami-chan, Ray-chan's so cruel.
Ray: Ami-chan, glad to see you. Can you come over?
Ami: What is it?
Ray: Just come with me.

Usagi: I bet she's got no boyfriend! Hey, our talk isn't over yet!
Ray: It already is.

Ami: Me, with you?
Ray: There.
Ami: What about Usagi-chan? She wanted to go so badly.
Ray: Forget it. She wouldn't fit into romantic mood.
Ami: But..
Ray: Your world view will expand when you look lots of places. Let's go. I'm looking for wonderful man like Tuxedo Mask-sama.
Usagi: I knew it. She's got no date.

Ray: Will you go with me? come on.
Ami: sure.

Usagi: So, they want to have fun by themselves. I'm not gonna give up.
Luna: Only if she'd be this active in other occasion..

Usagi: Here we go.
Luna: How are you going to sneak aboard?

Usagi: You gave me this for times like this, didn't you?
Luna: Not that, Usagi-chan! You're supposed to use that for works of justice.
Usagi: Take it easy.

Usagi: Moon prism power, turn me into camera man!

Usagi: Now, Luna-chan, get in there.

Tetis: Captain Jadeite. The young preys are coming aboard.
Jadeite: Very nice work, Tetis. It is hard to believe that this ship is a ghost ship, powered by your magic of sea water.
Tetis: With my magic, it is nothing, really.
Jadeite: Let your loves blossom, you fools.

etc: All set to sail.
Jadeite: Very well. Prepare to sail.

Ray: How could they look like they're having fun with this much roll?
Ami: I've been looking around, but we're the only ones without any date.
Ray: That's right. They called this a Love Boat, I never thought it was literal.
Ami: No chance of getting date tonight for you.

Luna: Where are we?
Usagi: Engine room, I guess.
Luna: No way. An engine room can't be this quiet.
Usagi: Then, the ship must've stopped.
Luna: That's strange. It's moving at full speed.
Usagi: You worry too much. They must've got latest model of engine. But still, where could Ray-chan and Ami-chan be?

Jadeite: What are you doing there?


Jadeite: Are you media people? I appreciate it if you wouldn't step in this far into the ship.
Usagi: What a handsome man.
Luna: What is this strong aura?!
Jadeite: It is dangerous to stay here.
Usagi: I was separated from my staff.
Jadeite: I see. You must be troubled.
Usagi: Would you mind helping me look for them?
Jadeite: Certainly. What is it about this woman that I find troublesome?
Usagi: Look who I found right off the bat.

Ray: I got a great plan.
Ami: What is it?
Ray: With this many couples, I bet there'd be some that end up breaking up.
Ami: So?
Ray: Why don't we scoop up those men?
Ami: I should've been studying at home.

Jadeite: I wish I could ask through PA, but it may disrupt the romantic mood of other passengers.
Usagi: You're absolutely right. I'm satisfied with him.
Jadeite: Why do I get this strange feeling? How could I be feeling alert about a girl like this?
Usagi: Hey, what's this hot gaze of his?

Tetis: Captain, it's almost time.
Jadeite: I see. I'm sorry, but I have to go.
Usagi: I see.

Usagi: Damn it! Just when I'm having good time.
Luna: Usagi-chan, this could be trouble. This ship is filled with the demons' presence.

Jadeite: At last.
Tetis: The energy of love will reach peak soon. When it does, I'll extract energy out all 600 passengers. What do you think of my plan?
Jadeite: If you succeed, I'll commend you for that?
Tetis: It is 99 percent success. Will you pay more attention to me when we succeed?
Jadeite: I'll think about it.

Usagi: What could they be talking about?
Luna: They've gotta be demons!
Usagi: But he's that handsome.
Luna: Usagi-chan, you...

Usagi: They're gone.
Luna: They're up to no good again.

Ami: Shouldn't you eat little quieter?
Ray: Who cares. If there's no romance, we'll go for food. I'll eat all I can.

Tetis: Ladies and gentlemen, please be at the reception hall. We'll be holding a wonderful show.

Ray: Let's go take a look.
Ami: Sure, it should be better than being here.

Usagi: They said reception hall.
Luna: They gotta be there.

Tetis: Welcome everybody.

Tetis: We present you the most romantic show on Earth.

etc: What a gimmick.
etc: Very nice show.

Ray: It's the demon. No doubt about it.

Usagi: Where's the reception hall?

Tetis: Dream on till you reach the kingdom to come.

Tetis: You.
Jadeite: Now that was little mistake. What you took away was energy of love. The magic was useless to those girls without any love.
Tetis: Why did you come by yourselves?
Ray: We've got our own problems!

Tetis: Little pests. My servants, get them.

Ray: How's that?

Ami: It's useless.

Ami: We can't change now. They'll know our identity.
Ray: Now, we're in trouble.

Jadeite: Futile resistance.
Tetis: There was a little exception, but we have gathered large amount of energy. I am sure Her Majesty Queen Beryl would be pleased.
Jadeite: True.

Luna: There it is.
Usagi: I know.

Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Usagi: Hold it there!

Tetis: Sailor Moon?

Usagi: I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon!

Tetis: Stop, you impudent.

Usagi: How dare you target lovers to rob their energy. Don't you feel sorry for those two girls without boyfriend?

Usagi: By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!

Tetis: At last, Sailor Moon. I will deal with you.

Luna: Watch out, Sailor Moon. She a demon with ability to control sea water.

Tetis: Take this!

Jadeite: Keep it up, Tetis.

Ray: Fire Soul!
Ami: Hurry, Sailor Mars.
Ray: Sure. I'll return this humiliation by hundred times.

Tetis: Die!

Ami: Shabon.. Spray..

Ray: Fire.. Soul!

Ami: Now, Sailor Moon.

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Jadeite: I have underestimated you as little girls, but you have improved since I saw you last time.
Usagi: Jadeite, prepare to meet your fate.
Ray: I'm really mad about this.
Ami: Both of you, be careful.

Jadeite: It is a waste of effort. This will finish you off.

Usagi: Where did he go?
Ray: Did he escape?
Ami: Can't be.

Jadeite: Your majesty Queen Beryl.
Beryl: You have used my precious demon Tetis and let her die.
Jadeite: That is not true. Tetis carried out this plan.
Beryl: I will hear your explanation in the court. Prepare for the consequence if you can not convince me.

Beryl: Curse Sailor Moon. I will make you pay for this.

Usagi: There goes the romantic cruise.
Ray: I'm not going to give up. Next time there's a ship like this, I'll come with date.
Usagi: I would do the same.
Ray: Not a chance.
Usagi: Oh yeah?
Luna: They never get tired, do they?
Ami: Really. Better get back to studying.

Demon Tetis:
Mika Ito
(A-ko in Project A-ko)

-ed "Heart Moving"
We were together in dream, weren't we?
As the stars looked on.

When we were just friend, we didn't mind too much.
We could talk casually.

But there were moments when I only saw you.
I want be prettier now this instant.
When you fall in love, something change.
Close your eyes, and make certain.
Keep the rise on heart beat secret and I wish I can just show you my feeling.

Usagi: My god. Jadeite declared war on us.
Luna: Now, time for the final battle.
Usagi: Yeah. We'll beat all those bad guys for the sake of the world.
Luna: Now, you're talking.
Usagi: So, Ray-chan, Ami-chan, good luck with fight.
Luna: Usagi-chan...
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Girls Unite! The Last of Jadeite" The Moon Light carries the message of love.