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Sailor Moon #13

Usagi: Jadeite, don't you look down on girls. We don't always cry around. You'll pay for all those crimes. By the name of Moon, I'll punish you.

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. I'm super heroine. I transform using a broach and beat up the bad guys! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! And my friends are; kind hearted genius girl, Ami Mizuno-chan and a bit short tempered psychic girl, Ray Hino-chan. They're so mature that I might lose out. But I guess I gotta do it.

episode #13
"Girls Unite! The Last of Jadeite"

Beryl: Jadeite, you have gathered considerable amount of energy on Earth. However, you also made numerous mistakes. Furthermore, despite the fact that we have pests by the name of Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars, you have failed to eliminate them.
Jadeite: But your majesty Queen Beryl..
Beryl: I will hear no excuses.

Beryl: Kill Sailor Warriors. If you fail again, you will be given "the Punishment of Eternal Sleep."
etc: How terrifying.
Beryl: Those who are put to "the Punishment of Eternal Sleep" will be sealed off into the edge of shadow and will never come back. Remember that.

Usagi: Cygnus, Sagittarius.. Libra.. Motoki-onisan..
Tuxedo Mask.. What a double timer I am. I'm in love with two man at once. I'm very sinful girl.
Luna: It's only you. Usagi's love is just like a song in ocean. It's bound to disperse.
Usagi: It's so hard to be in love. But what if Tuxedo Mask is Motoki-onisan..
Motoki: I love you, Usagi-chan.
Usagi: I feel so happy.

Usagi: What's that?
Jadeite: I am Jadeite. Now hear this, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars.. Come to F runway of Haneda Airport tomorrow night at one. If you do not come...

Luna: How could he..
Jadeite: That was only an illusion, but if you do not come, I will burn off Tokyo.

Luna: I'm sure he'd turn Tokyo into inferno as he said. What do we do?
Ray: Let's go. We can't just ignore his challenge.
Ami: But that means we're walking right into his trap.
Ray: Even if that's the case, we should go.
Luna: What do you think?
Ray: We should fight the evil, right?

Ami: Think carefully.
Usagi: I'm scared. I don't wanna go.

etc: The police believe the image seen last night was a practical joke with poor taste by projecting image in sky. However, they are increasing the security of the airport tonight just in case.

Luna: We can't have all those people there. They could get hurt.
Usagi: Maybe we shouldn't go either.
Luna: Usagi!
Usagi: I'm just kidding.
Naru: What do you think, Usagi?
etc: It's gotta be trick, right?
Umino: Certainly not. It must be an alien. An alien is giving warning to Earth humans.
Naru: Umino, you've been reading too much sci fi comics.
etc: But it sounds fun. Let's go Haneda Airport tonight.
Haruna: Jr.high students shouldn't be out that late at night!
Usagi: That's right! Don't go.
Naru: How come?
Usagi: 'Cause, it's too dangerous.
etc: How come it's dangerous?
Umino: Usagi-san, do you know something?
Usagi: No I don't! If you got time to do that, you should study at home.
Haruna: Tsukino-san... I wonder what made you talk normal. You don't have fever, do you? Is there something that's bothering you? I can be some help for you.
Usagi: Come on! What's wrong with me talking normal?! You can't do that!

Usagi: Isn't she cruel?
Motoki: But I agree with your teacher. You don't look attractive talking normal. I prefer a girl with character.

Usagi: Yahoo! Motoki-onisan said nice thing to me!

Mamoru: Ow!

Usagi: I'm sorry.
two: You!
Mamoru: Not your shoes again. Were you aiming for me?
Usagi: You watch where you're going!
Mamoru: What a snob. Can't you talk like normal girl?
Usagi: No I can't. There's a man who told me he prefers girl that's not normal.
Mamoru: That's dumb. He's gotta be scum.
Usagi: He's way better than you!
Mamoru: Like gathers alike. Garbage in trash can. Dumpling head deserves a scum.
Usagi: How could you. I can stand you insulting me. But I can't stand you insulting Motoki-onisan!

Mamoru: h.. hey..

Usagi: You can't do that!
Mamoru: Sorry about that. I gotta rush. Here's your shoe back. See ya.

Jadeite: We have no need of you. Sleep for now.

Jadeite: Now come, Sailor Warriors.

Ray: Your name meaning bunny, is that hoax?
Usagi: Shuddup.
Ami: We've got no time to fight amongst ourselves.

Usagi: So, it's not running anymore.
Ray: Gotta take taxi then..

Luna: What's going on?
Ray: Invitation from the enemy, huh? Fine with me.
two: Wait!

Ami: The door is..

Luna: I feel like we're walking into the enemy trap.

Usagi: So many officers.

Ray: Everything looks OK so far.

Ami: Stay put.

Ray: What?

Usagi: No way!

Usagi: Why are police officers after us?!

Ray: This way! Hurry!
Usagi: I can't stand it! I lost faith in Japanese Government! Wait up!


Ami: Strange. It doesn't make sense.

Ami: Mercury Power, Make Up!

Ami: Fine, then me too. Mars Power, Make Up!

Usagi: I'm the last? Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Ami: What? They aren't humans. They're just clay dolls!

Ray: The no need to hesitate. Fire..

Ray: Soul!

Ray: Got them.
Luna: They were clay dolls after all.
Usagi: Sailor Mars, you're awesome.
Ray: It's nothing.

Jadeite: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars, now I know your true identity!
Usagi: Yikes, he did?

Jadeite: Flowers only have short life with full of hardship. You will die tonight.
Usagi: There's a saying that pretty women don't live long. So, I'm going to die early.
Ray: What makes you think you're pretty woman?
Usagi: At least better than you.
Ray: Like how?
Usagi: Around here.
Ray: Very funny. Monkeys look better than you.
Usagi: Shuddup!
Ami: We've got no time to quarrel.
Usagi: Sorry.
Ami: We've got a mission to do. We can't die.
Jadeite: Poor lambs, meet your fate.

Usagi: We'll get ran over!
Usagi Run!

Usagi: Form there, too. Do something!

Ray: Alright, Fire Soul should do.
Luna: No! Don't you know how much jet aircraft costs?! It'll take more than your whole life to pay for it!
Ray: That much?
Ami: Then, we only got one choice.

Ami: Run!

Usagi: Getting ran over by car is fine, I don't wanna get flat by airplane! It's too embarrassing! It's dead end!

Luna: Yikes.

Jadeite: Now, you are done.

Ray: The air plane stopped?

Kamen: Is it enjoyable to molest girls?
Jadeite: We meet again, Tuxedo Mask. You will die also.
Kamen: Villain who plays trick on innocent people with your magic. You will pay for it.

all: Tuxedo Mask!

Jadeite: Die!

Ray: Where's Tuxedo Mask-sama?
Usagi: What happened to him?

Jadeite: Your only hope, Tuxedo Mask is dead. Cry and scream. Can you not do anything without men? What a silly women.

Ray: Only fossil geezer would think men are better than women now.
Ami: The idea of looking down on women is the remnant from the feudal society.
Usagi: We're all equal!
all: We must fight against arrogant man, Jadeite! Jadeite: Fools. Taste my power!

Usagi: Not again!
Ray: This way.

Luna: Don't get distracted by the airplanes. You're fighting Jadeite controlling the airplane.
Ray: Luna's right.
Ami: Join our force..
Usagi: And beat Jadeite.
Ray: You got it. Now you be decoy and run. Usagi: Why?!

Ami: Shabon..

Ami: Spray!

Usagi: You can't do that!

Jadeite: Where are the other two?
Ami: Right here.
Jadeite: Here is one for you.

Jadeite: No use running. Die!

Jadeite: Why? Why are they after me?!

Usagi: Don't you underestimate girls. Crying isn't the only thing we do.
Jadeite: Why? Why can't I concentrate?
Ray: Because your mind is evil.
Ami: You are the fool, for falling into your own trap.
Usagi: For all those deeds you committed, you'll pay for them. By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Jadeite: Your majesty Queen Beryl.
Beryl: You fool! How dare you come back in failure.
Jadeite: Your majesty Queen Beryl, I have discovered the identities of Sailor Warriors.
Beryl: Do not disgrace yourself with excuses. Now sleep eternally.

Beryl: Dispose the body.

Beryl: You will be in charge of the operation.
Nephrite: Useless Jadeite. Let me handle the matter.

Usagi: Tuxedo Mask-sama...

Luna: It's no use standing her. Let's give up.
Usagi: I don't wanna.
Kamen: I thank you for your concern.

Usagi: You were alive?
Kamen: I cannot die that easily.
Ami: Why do you always come to our aid?
Usagi: I can tell. You love me, don't you?
Ray: Who are you?
Kamen: I cannot reveal myself yet. Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, value the friendship. Farewell.

Usagi: Luna, let's play tennis.
Luna: Now, what's up?
Usagi: I saw this coach named Masato Sanjoin. He's so neat!
Luna: Usagi-chan, watch out. There's something going on.
Usagi: He's very tall, has long hair and really handsome.
Luna: I feel demonic power that surpass Jadeite's.
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "New Challenge, Nephrite's Crest of Demon" The moon light carries the message of love.