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Sailor Moon #14

Sailor Moon #14

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. I'm super heroine. I transform using a broach and beat up the bad guys! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! And my friends are: kind hearted genius girl, Ami Mizuno-chan and a bit short tempered psychic girl, Ray Hino-chan. They're so mature that I might lose out. But I guess I gotta do it.

Sailor Moon #14
"New Challenge, Nephrite's Crest of Demon"

Nephrite: Fool Jadeite. He took such a silly method to extract energy indiscriminately.
Beryl: Then, how would you go about, Nephrite?
Nephrite: I can extract adequate energy from a single human, not mass.
Beryl: Is that true?
Nephrite: Humans are all controlled by the moved of stars, leading different fate. Same could be said about energy. There is a moment in their lives when the energy reaches peak. Thus, I will select the pray whose energy level is reaching peak by reading the stars.
Zoisite: Very confident, are you not?
Nephrite: Zoisite? What brings you here?
Zoisite: Overconfidence will bring your downfall.
Nephrite: Leave. I will enter the human world, and look for their weakness. The will be no interference from anybody.
Zoisite: I can see you begging for help to Her Majesty Beryl. Very scary.
Beryl: Nephrite, you deal with the matter.

etc: There she is!

etc: How are you doing?
etc: How do you feel about the next tournament?
Rui: I don't know.

Rui: I have to begin practice.

Nephrite: Star knows everything.

Nephrite: Heavenly bodies, grant me the mystical power.

Nephrite: Keilon of Sagittarius. It is about to release the arrow into the center of the Galaxy. The pray Sagittarius chose.. Rui Saionji. I will have your energy.

etc: Saionji-sempai. go for it!

Usagi: Alright!
Naru: Big sis Rui, you're awesome!

Usagi: I didn't know.
Naru: About what?
Usagi: That Rui-sempai is your sister.

Usagi: If you hide things to your friend, you'll be punished.
Naru: You dummy, Usagi.
Usagi: What do you mean?!
Naru: I'm the only kid in the family. Besides, she's got different surname.
Usagi: Right. But you called her big sis.
Naru: Big sis Rui's mother is regular customer of my mom's shop. So, I played with her all the time.

Naru: She's only a year older than me, but I think of her as my real big sister.
Usagi: I see.

etc: He's handsome!

etc: He's businessman.
etc: President of newly formed company, isn't he?

Naru: Oh wow.

Rui: Don't come into the court.
Nephrite: Put more weigh into the ball.

Nephrite: Can I borrow your's?
etc: Sure.

Nephrite: Now, serve.

Nephrite: A fly would land on a serve that slow.

Rui: Who are you?
Nephrite: Masato Sanjoin, a curious coach.

Rui: Thank you.

Nephrite: My demon, reside in the racket. Enhance Rui Saonji's energy to maximum and rob it.

Nephrite: Concentrate on putting your weigh on the ball.
Rui: Yes.

Nephrite: Will somebody receive her serve?
etc: I will.
etc: Hey, you!
etc: First come, first serve.

etc: Wow..

Rui: Thank y...

Nephrite: The more you use the racket, the higher your energy will be.

Rui: I feel good. Usagi: She's awesome!
Naru: Something's wrong with her.

Luna: Codename 0091. Luna speaking. Password: Rabbit on the moon makes rice cake. Come in.
etc: The rice cake is sticky.
Luna: When it's baked, it blew up.
etc: We have discovered the nature of our enemy.
Luna: Really?
etc: Of course.
Luna: sure..
etc: The name of the enemy organization is Dark Kingdom. They are after human energy for a purpose.
Luna: Human energy?

Ray: Dark Kingdom?

Ami: We really should stay sharp.
Ray: Let's just storm in and get it over with.
Ami: We aren't strong enough yet.
Luna: That's right. For now, prepare yourselves by studying or training, OK?
Usagi: I'd say for training, we should try tennis!

Usagi: There's this good looking coach named Masato Sanjoin.

Ray: I see, so you gave up on Tuxedo Mask-sama?
Usagi: I see. This's a hard choice.
Luna: I'm really glad Ami-chan and Ray-chan's around. If it were Usagi-chan alone, the enemy must've drained all the human energy on Earth by now.
Usagi: Say what?!
Ray: I think it's a some sort of mistake that Usagi is one of us.
Usagi: Oh quiet!
Ami: Both of you, you've gone too far.
Usagi: Ami-chan, you're the only one on my side.

Usagi: Then, let's play tennis just with two of us.
Ami: But I've got to go to juku, sorry.
two: See?

Rui: Well? I got you lots of spare rackets.
Get back to the game.

Naru: Big sis Rui wasn't like that before.


Naru: Sorry I called you out suddenly.
Usagi: It's OK. Something bothering you?
Naru: I'm a bit worried about big sis Rui. She's been rough on tennis equipment.. She never did that kind of thing. She changed so much.
Usagi: She must be nervous going into the big game.
Naru: I thought so first. But it's not.

Naru: What happened to her?

Naru: Big sister Rui, what happened? If there's anything I can do for you..
Rui: It has nothing to do with you.
Naru: I'm sorry.

Naru: I can't see why she'd act like that. I wonder if something really bad happened to her, but she wouldn't tell me anything.
Usagi: I see.

Usagi: Say, Naru-chan, let's go see what happened. I'll help you.

Usagi: Cheer up.

Usagi: So, Rui-sempai is at this tennis school? Naru: Yeah, she practice here after school.

Naru: What is it?
Usagi: Nothing at all. I got bad feeling about this. Could it be a demon? Wait a sec. If I can solve the case by myself, I can look down on Luna and Ray-chan.

etc: Are you OK?
etc: What a serve.
Rui: Well? Aren't you two pro? Can't you receive this serve?
etc: We give up.
Rui: Here I go!

Naru: Stop!

Rui: Out of my way!
Naru: No! Stop it, big sister Rui.
Rui: Get out of my way, Naru-chan.
Naru: No!
Usagi: She's worried for you.
Rui: Out!

Nephrite: Energy level peak, go now, Tesni!

Tesni: I have took your energy.
Usagi: It was demon after all. Now, I'll show them.

Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Usagi: Demon can't aim for an ace!

Usagi: How dare you use tennis for evil plots! Navratilova would be mad at you. I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice.

Usagi: Sailor Moon! By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!
Tesni: Silence.

Usagi: What's going on? I look so dumb!

Usagi: I should've come with everybody!
Tesni: What a sight!

Tesni: Who is there?

Usagi: Tuxedo Mask.
Tesni: Do not dare interfere me, or you will join her.
Kamen: That looks very fun. Let's see you try.
Tesni: Fool. See if it is fun.

Usagi: You're awesome!

Usagi: alright.

Usagi: Thank you.
Kamen: Keep your guard up.

Kamen: There she comes.
Usagi: Yes.

Usagi: I can't believe I'm fighting with Tuxedo Mask.
Tesni: Take this!

Kamen: We'll finish her on the next move.
Usagi: sure..

Tesni: Die!

Kamen: Now!

Usagi: Yes.

Usagi: Tuxedo Mask, are you OK?
Kamen: Never mind me. Throw the tiara.

Usagi: Yes.

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Ray: Hey, not bad.
Luna: At least, she's learning.
Usagi: He's gone. Is Tuxedo Mask OK?

Naru: Big sis Rui doesn't remember what she did.
Usagi: At least, she's feeling better.
Naru: Yeah.
Rui: Say, Naru-chan, how about a game?
Naru: Sure, I'll give it a try.

Naru: Go easy on me, will you?
Rui: Oh no I won't. You serve.
Naru: Then, here comes the trick serve.
Usagi: Only if I could play tennis with Tuxedo Mask..

Naru: Sorry, Usagi! Are you OK?!

Luna: Say, Usagi-chan, what are you doing?
Usagi: Shh. Ray-chan's dating.
Luna: And you're spying on them?
Usagi: 'Cause! Damn it, she's holding his hand!
Luna: Envying her, aren't you?
Usagi: Why should I? I'm bored of dating.
Luna: then what are you doing here?
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Usagi Upset! Ray-chan's First Date" The moon light carries the message of love.