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Sailor Moon #17

opening song
"Moon Light Legend"

Too bad I'm not so honest to myself.
I can say everything in my dream.
The logic circuit is overloading.
I want see you now.
Just about ready to cry, moonlight.
Can't phone, midnight.
'Cause I'm too naive. What can I do?
My heart is kaleidoscope.
Guided by moonlights, we meet over and over.
Counting the number of sparkles in zodiacs to see where the love is going.
We were born on the same planet.
Miracle romance.
I believe in it.
Miracle romance.

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. I'm super heroine. I transform using a broach and beat up the bad guys! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! And my friends are; kind hearted genius girl, Ami Mizuno-chan and a bit short tempered psychic girl, Ray Hino-chan. They're so mature that I might lose out. But I guess I gotta do it.

episode #17
"Model is Usagi? Focus of Demon Camera"

Usagi: Lunch time!

etc: Wow, what a pretty picture.
Naru: And the photographer is only a junior high student.
etc: He's gotta be a genius that he won Japan Photographer's award.
Naru: Young genius photographer, Kijin Shibakawa was...
Usagi: No way! Student of Gohongi Boy's School?!

Ami: X minus Y multiplied by pie is...
Usagi: Look, he's student of Gohongi Boy's School, the one near TA Girls' School that Ray-chan go.
Ami: I know.
Usagi: So, there's no time to sit back! Let's go seethe celebrity!
Ami: I have go to juku.
Usagi: You study all the time. What do you think is the point of being young?
Ami: Study hard. That's the important part of being young.
Usagi: Forget it.

etc: So, how do you feel about winning Japan Photographer's Award?
etc: I'm happy.
etc: Are you going to keep on taking scenic pictures?

Usagi: There he is. He's Kijin Shinokawa-san!

Ray: Cut it out.

Ray: Don't act like a groupie.
Usagi: What's wrong with asking for autograph of celebrity?
Ray: What do you know about art?

Ray: I'm just telling you that stop yiping just because there's a celebrity near you.
Usagi: It's none of your business who I get autograph from.
etc: Excuse me, would you stop?

etc: The sunset change constantly.

etc: Now.

Nephrite: Be careful.
etc: Sure, thank you.

Nephrite: I'm your fan. Keep on taking good pictures.

Nephrite: Stars know everything. The devil's star Sirius shining in dark night.

Nephrite: Kijin Shinokawa that you have directed me is at the height of energy. By taking picture of young women, his energy will build up further.

etc: My creativity is rising! Art is explosion. I wanna take shots of girls!

Usagi: "Do you want to be model for Kijin Shinokawa?" Sure, I wanna.
Luna: Usagi-chan, here's the new communicator.
Usagi: I'm gonna be a model!
Luna: I already gave one to Ray-chan and Ami-chan.
Usagi: Then,I'll tell Ami-chan that I'm gonna be model.

Ami: What is it,Usagi-chan?
Usagi: I'm thinking of applying to be a model.
Ami: You mustn't use the communicator just for that. Besides, I'm busy working on math problem.
Usagi: She hang up. Fine,I'll tell Ray-chan.

Ray: I'm just telling you that stop yiping just because there's a celebrity near you.

Usagi: What's the point tell her if I know she's gonna harass me?

Shingo: Model with that face?
Usagi: What do you mean?
Shingo: Forget it. It takes more than just looking pretty to be a model. You gotta be smart, too.
Usagi: I'm gonna study hard.
Shingo: Dummy Usagi, you'd be..
Shingo: "Come again." You gonna get thrown out on the primary photo selection.
Usagi: Mom, look what Shingo said!
mom: I think Shingo-chan is right.
Usagi: my family's cold blooded. I've got cruel brother and mom!

Motoki: Cheer up, Usagi-chan. Always have courage to challenge. That's what's important.
Usagi: You're only one on my side!
Mamoru: Motoki's right. I'm sure you won't make it though. Participation is what counts.
Usagi: You stay out of this!
Mamoru: Everybody's got wrong idea. They figure if they look pretty, that's all there is to it. The real beauty of girls doesn't depend on appearance only.
Usagi: Then what is it?
Mamoru: The content. Generous heart, and courage to carry through what you started doing.
Usagi: Guts for girls?
Mamoru: That's right. Mind you, you don't have any.
Usagi: Gee, too bad!
Mamoru: This Kijin Shinokawa guy's gotta be second or third rate photographer if he just want to take girls.
Usagi: I don't wanna even see your face!

Motoki: Mamoru, she's mature lady already. Don't treat her like a child.
Mamoru: I know, but every time I talk to her,we always end up quarreling.

Mamoru: I guess we aren't made for each other.

Shingo: What are you doing?
Usagi: nothing really.
Shingo: Waiting for the mail to see if you made it through the first selection?

Shingo: You dummy.I told you, you wouldn't make it.
Usagi: shuddup. Go away.
etc: Usagi-chan, a mail for you.
Usagi: Finally!
Shingo: I bet you blew it.
Usagi: I made it! I made it through the first selection! See? they'll hold a session at New Nihon Hotel tomorrow, so I'm supposed to be there. Well?

Luna: Usagi-chan, what are you doing?
Usagi: Training to be model.

Usagi: Don't talk to me.

Usagi: I better practice song, too.

Luna: She sucks...
Usagi: Should I go for this? I'm supposed to bring bathing clothes,too.

Usagi: It should be in this drawer.

Usagi: It's got moth holes all over.

Usagi: So many people.

etc: Art is explosion! Everybody, stand by in your assigned ready room. I don't want to be disturbed,so don't look in the session site. Come at the designated time.

Luna: I have bad feeling about this.
Usagi: Why?
Luna: His attitude changed so much.
Usagi: Artists are always eccentric.
Luna: No matter how I think about it, it's gotta be fluke that you were selected.
Usagi: You Luna!
Naru: Oh, Usagi?
Haruna: Oh,they picked you, too?
Usagi: Naru-chan and Haruna-sensei, too?

Usagi: Smiling face is important for models.

Haruna: I must've put on weight.
Naru: Usagi,put on your bathing suits, too.

Naru: You didn't bring any?
Usagi: I already had it on.

Naru: Then take them off.

Naru: Wow, that's cute.
Usagi: I plugged all holes with ribbons.

Luna: It's still bugging me.

etc: Art is explosion! When I feel it coming, press it and take them. I'm genius photographer!

Luna: What's going on? The girls are..


Luna: Listen, Usagi-chan. The girls Kijin Shinokawa took pictures of disappeared.
Usagi: Wake up.
Luna: I'm serious. This must be a plot of Dark Kingdom. Get in contact with Ami-chan and Ray-chan.
Usagi: Quiet. I've got no time for that.
Luna: I see. Then, I'll show everybody about your bathing suit.
Usagi: OK, got it.
Naru: What did you get?
Usagi: Nothing at all.
Haruna: I gained weight after all.

Usagi: Ami-chan, there's a photo session at New Nihon Hotel. Can you come over and see me modeling?
Luna: What're you talking about? Something's going on here. Come over with Ray-chan immediately.
Naru: Usagi, it's our turn.
Haruna: I gained weight after all.
Usagi: Here I go!
Luna: Wait up.

Usagi: Stop that!

Usagi: Luna, you're dead now. Stop!

Usagi: Hold it, Luna!

Usagi: I'm not gonna be in the picture.

etc: I'm genius.

Usagi: They disappeared?
Luna: Told you.
Usagi: It's an emergency. Let's go, Luna.

Usagi: What did you do with everybody?
etc: Art is an explosion. I wanna take girls!
Usagi: You're wrong.
etc: What?
Usagi: You're just a second or third rate photographer if you just want to take girls.
Luna: She's plagiarizing Mamoru-san..
Usagi: Aren't you photographer that knows what is beautiful? Wake up.
etc: Stay out!

Luna: Are you OK, Usagi-chan?

Luna: Now, change to Sailor Moon.
Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Usagi: The true beauty of girls don't lie on the surface!

Usagi: Generous heart, and courage to love justice. etc: You're...

Usagi: I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! Demon possessing Kijin-sama, show yourself.

etc: Another beautiful subject!

Usagi: You're controlled by a demon. Your energy of passion will be.. absorbed by the demon.

Usagi: Are you OK?

Cameran: Sailor Moon, Cameran has took all of Kijin's energy.

Cameran: Take this!

Usagi: No way.
Luna: Watch out. If Cameran's beam hits you, you'll be trapped in a photo.
Usagi: I don't wanna!

Luna: Watch out!

Usagi: Where's she?
Cameran: Right here.
Usagi: Luna, Kijin-san. You. You won't get away with this!
Cameran: Sailor Moon, now I'll take your picture. Take my zap attack.
two: Hold it!

Ami: Shabon..

Ami: Spray!

Ray: I'll seal off your power, demon.

Ray: Evil spirit, begone!

Cameran: That's nothing. It won't work on me.

Usagi: What's going on?

Cameran: Now join them.

Luna: Watch out. If Cameran's beam hits you, you'll be trapped in a photo.
Usagi: If that camera takes picture, it'll be trapped? Alright.
Cameran: No use struggling now.

Cameran: What?

Cameran: I cannot be trapped in camera.

Usagi: Demon Cameran, I won't let you go.

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Usagi: I swear I'll never go to photo session.

Nephrite: The devil's star disappeared.
Zoisite: Nephrite, it appears your plan has failed.
Nephrite: Who it that?

Nephrite: Is that Zoisite?
Zoisite: I'm sure Queen Beryl would find your fight interesting.
Nephrite: Whatever happened to the Silver Crystal that you were to find in order to resurrect Our Great Ruler?

Nephrite: Carry through your own duty before you start looking into somebody else's duty. There are inexhaustible source of energy.

dad: Where's Usagi?
mom: She's still in her room.
Shingo: She must've made fool of herself at the photo session. She blew so badly that she can't even show herself to her family.
etc: I decided not to take pictures for the time being.
etc: Why is that?
etc: When will you return to pictures?
etc: I was told that the true beauty of girls don't lie on the surface. It's generous heart, and courage to love justice. When I fully understand that within me, I'll return to photography again.
etc: Told? Who did?
etc: A very wonderful girl.
mom: I wish Usagi would be such a girl.
dad: Really.
Shingo: Not a chance with dummy Usagi

Usagi: Remember Shingo's friend named Mika-chan?
Luna: Yeah, she's good at making dolls, isn't she?
Usagi: She's been acting strangely. She's making dolls as if she's possessed by something.
Could this be...
Luna: I can't take supernatural stuff..
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Shingo's Love! Sorrow French Doll" The moon light carries the message of love.