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Sailor Moon #19

Usagi: That stupid demon that played around with innocent girls' hearts! It never deserves to wear tuxedo! By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will punish you!

opening song
"Moon Light Legend"

Too bad I'm not so honest to myself.
I can say everything in my dream.
The logic circuit is overloading.
I want see you now.
Just about ready to cry, moonlight.
Can't phone, midnight.
'Cause I'm too naive. What can I do?
My heart is kaleidoscope.
Guided by moonlights, we meet over and over.
Counting the number of sparkles in zodiacs
To see where the love is going.
We were born on the same planet.
Miracle romance.
I believe in it.
Miracle romance.

translation by Tuxedo Kamen

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. I'm super heroine. I transform using a broach and beat up the bad guys! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! And my friends are; kind hearted genius girl, Ami Mizuno-chan and a bit short tempered psychic girl, Ray Hino-chan. They're so mature that I might lose out. But I guess I gotta do it.

episode #19
"Usagi Touched! Tuxedo Mask's Love Letter"

Nephrite: Star knows everything. The Leo that shines in south of sky. Remlus that symbolize its powerful foreleg. Indicate the weakness of our hated enemy Sailor Moon.

Kamen: Farewell, beautiful warriors.

Nephrite: I have the weakness of Sailor Moon.

Zoisite: Nephrite, Her Majesty Beryl wishes to see you.

Beryl: It appears your plans to collect human energy is not proceeding well.
Nephrite: Universe was not made in one day.
Beryl: I will not hear any excuse. If you do not defeat Sailor Moon, you will join Jadeite into Eternal Sleep!

Zoisite: Isn't that terrifying punishment?
Nephrite: I am one of the Dark Kingdom Quartet. I have already formulated a way to defeat Sailor Warriors.
Zoisite: As I recall, Jadeite said similar thing. Can you do it?
Nephrite: I will swear that I will lure out Sailor Moon and terminate her.
Beryl: Very well.
Nephrite: I have already formulated the plan.

Usagi: How come? From Tuxedo Mask-sama? "I love you more than anybody else. Come to MS Department Store in Shinjuku tomorrow night." Alright!
Luna: How come Tuxedo Mask sent you love letter?
Usagi: Can't you see?.. He must... Love me so much.
Luna: It's weird though. How did he know you're Sailor Moon?
Usagi: Love will triumph! Love has power to solve all the mysteries! Tuxedo Mask-sama's love must've saw through my secret!
Luna: Sure, Tuxedo Mask helped you out all the time, but we still don't know if he's on our side or enemy. You have to be careful.

Usagi: No way!
Naru: But it's true. I got love letter from this man named Tuxedo Mask.
etc: Me too.
etc: Me too.
Naru: Who is this Tuxedo Mask?
etc: Don't know.
Naru: I wish it was him...

Haruna: Everybody, you mustn't be deceived by a hoax love letter. Girls must have decency. OK?
etc: Yes!
Haruna: The letter is a temptation by bad people. Don't you ever go to MS Department Store in Shinjuku. OK?
etc: Yes!
Haruna: Good.

Haruna: He's gotta be kidding. How come I didn't get the letter?!
Luna: Right? Don't you think something's strange?
Ami: You're right. We should talk to Ray-chan as well.

Mamoru: Love letters from Tuxedo Mask?
Motoki: Lots of girls got the letter.
Mamoru: Is it some sort of advertisement?
Motoki: Beats me. But could be.

Motoki: Hi, Usagi-chan.

Motoki: What's wrong with you? You look depressed.
Mamoru: I see. Lots of girls got love letter from a guy named Tuxedo Mask, but you didn't. Is that why?
Usagi: That's not true! I got one, too!
Motoki: Then how come you've been sighing?
Usagi: It's terrible! How could Tuxedo Mask-sama send out love letter not just to me, but to all others.

Ami: You're sick?
Ray: I caught cold. I have high fever. I got the letter from Tuxedo Mask-sama, but I can't go. That sucks..
Ami: I'll stay with you.
Ray: Thank you.

Nephrite: She will come. Sailor Moon who's in love with Tuxedo Mask will surely come tonight. this place will be Sailor Moon's grave.
Naru: Sanjoin-sama. It's me... I'm Naru Ohsaka in Juban Jr.High's tennis club.
Nephrite: Oh yes. Looking for something?
Naru: Yes. May I ask you something? Could you be Tuxedo Mask?
Nephrite: What made you say that?
Naru: I was hoping if you were...
Nephrite: Has she found out that I have sent the love letters? Could she be Sailor Moon?
Naru: I'm sorry to ask you strange question.
Nephrite: Naru-chan.
Naru: Yes?
Nephrite: I think you're the prettiest in Juban Jr.High.

Nephrite: I was interested in you all the time. See you tonight.
Naru: Tonight? Is he...

Naru: I knew it.

Nephrite: I think you're the prettiest in Juban Jr.High. I was interested in you all the time. See you tonight.
Usagi: How could he? How come he sent out love letter to all those girls? I don't get it. I'll go ask him personally.

Usagi: Things to remember before date, 1) Wear clean underwear, and clean clothes.
Things to remember before date, 2) put on perfume that is not too offensive.
Things to remember before date, 3) complete oral hygiene just in case.
Things to remember before date, 4) light pink for lipstick.

Usagi: Naah. Too embarrassing.

Naru: Tuxedo Mask-sama?

Naru: Tuxedo Mask-sama.. or rather Masato Sanjoin-sama, where are you?
Nephrite: I am here. I welcome you.
Naru: That voice.. It is you after all, Masato Sanjoin-sama.

Nephrite: You could tell just by voice.
Naru: I can tell by your voice, the way you move. You must be Masato Sanjoin-sama.
Nephrite: Do you love him that much?
Naru: I have been captive of love ever since you gave me those words.

Nephrite: Sailor Moon, show yourself. Reveal your alter ego!


Usagi: I should've reported to Ami-chan and Ray-chan.

Ami: Where are you right now?
Usagi: Sorry, Ami-chan. I'm over in Shinjuku.
Ray: How dare she sneak out and date with Tuxedo Mask-sama?!

Nephrite: Well? Transform to Sailor Moon!
Naru: What are you talking about?
Nephrite: Are you not Sailor Moon?

Naru: I love you.

Nephrite: What an energy...

Usagi: Why is Tuxedo Mask-sama doing that?

Usagi: He's not Tuxedo Mask-sama. Naru-chan, just you wait. Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Mamoru: Not again. My head...

Nephrite: She was not Sailor Moon, but now I have unexpectedly huge energy.
Usagi: Let go of Naru-chan!
Nephrite: Who is that?

Usagi: Demon that played around with innocent girls' hearts doesn't deserves to wear tuxedo!
Nephrite: Then you are..
Usagi: I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice.

Usagi: Sailor Moon! By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!
Nephrite: How did you discover that I was not Tuxedo Mask?
Usagi: Intuition of a girl in love!

Nephrite: Here. Take this thing.

Usagi: You're Masato Sanjoin-san..
Nephrite: I am one of Dark Kingdom Quartet, Nephrite.

Nephrite: I have assumed the name of Tuxedo Mask to have you here.

Nephrite: The Leo that shines in south of sky. Remlus, grant me power!

Nephrite: It will tear you away.
Usagi: No thanks!

Nephrite: Who is that?
Kamen: Have you sent love letters under my name to lure out Sailor Moon? You will pay for this.
Usagi: Wow, you're the real one, aren't you?

Kamen: Sailor Moon, run.
Usagi: Sure, the real Tuxedo Mask-sama.
Nephrite: Fool. Did you think you have anywhere to run?
Kamen: Come.
Nephrite: Go!

Usagi: Tuxedo Mask-sama, watch out!

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Usagi: No way! It's not the usual one.
Kamen: Sailor Moon, get into the elevator!

Nephrite: Now I have you.
Kamen: It was a trap?
Usagi: What do you mean?
Nephrite: This elevator will climb all the way up to the roof. Care to guess what will happen then?
Usagi: What's gonna happen?
Nephrite: The elevator will be pulled by the gravity and fall. Your bodies will be as flat as a pan cake.
Usagi: I don't wanna be pan cake!

Kamen: We must do something.

Usagi: How could I feel so romantic when we're in danger?

Kamen: Sailor Moon.
Usagi: A kiss?
Kamen: What are you doing? We will escape.
Usagi: sure!

Kamen: We have reached the top. We will jump.

Nephrite: I won!

Usagi: We won't make it.
Kamen: You mustn't give up. We will escape eventually. Talk to me so that you may divert your attention.
Usagi: sure.. let's see.. How come you come and rescue me all the time?
Kamen: Blood in me compel me to come to your rescue you.

Kamen: I have a foothold. Can you climb up to my back?
Usagi: sure.. I can tell that you love me. Sorry I'm talking silly.. let's see... who are you? I can guess though. You must be Motoki-onisan. another stupid question.
Kamen: Sailor Moon.
Usagi: Yes?
Kamen: I feel that I had a contact with you in long past. It is residing in the edge of the memory, but I cannot remember.

Usagi: We're falling!
Kamen: Remain calm.
Usagi: What is your hobby? Your favorite food? I'm so dummy. All those stupid questions! I can't believe myself!

Ray: Tuxedo Mask-sama.
Ami: Look what you can get into if you don't tell us.
Usagi: Sorry.
Ray: That was close one.

Usagi: Thanks for saving me.
Ray: Remember, I got a cold. And you sneak behind my back and cuddle up to Tuxedo Mask-sama.
Usagi: That's not true.
Ami: Stop fighting.
Ray: What? Ray-chan's on Sailor Moon's side?
Ami: That's not the point. I just want to take Naru-chan to hospital.
Kamen: Work together in harmony. Farewell.
two: Wait!

Kamen: I can't stand girls' quarrel.
Zoisite: Your Majesty Queen Beryl. Nephrite boasted that he would terminate Sailor moon. Yet he failed to do so. He deserves the Eternal Sleep.

Beryl: The energy he brought back was quite powerful. You will not be punished this time.
Zoisite: But...

Beryl: Punishment can be done anytime. Zoisite, if you have time to worry about his business, find Silver Crystal!

Nephrite: Anybody would be absorbed into one thing and emanate tremendous energy once in their life time. This girl named Naru. I have never thought she would have such a powerful energy. She is in love with my disguise, Masato Sanzenin.

Nephrite: What a silly girl.

-ed "Heart Moving"
We were together in dream, weren't we?
As the stars looked on.

When we were just friend, we didn't mind too much.
We could talk casually.

But there were moments when I only saw you.
I want be prettier now this instant.
When you fall in love, something change.
Close your eyes, and make certain.
Keep the rise on heart beat secret and I wish I can just show you my feeling.

Usagi: Blue sky! White cloud! Brilliant ocean is beaconing us!
Luna: We're here for training.
Usagi: I know that. But in private beach, I bet handsome boys are.. What is this shack lodge?! Next on Sailor Moon, "Oh Summer, Sea, Holiday! And Ghosts, too"
The moon light carries the message of love.