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Sailor Moon #23

Usagi: Love: it is gentle. Love: it is pure. And how dare he tries to manipulate such love! By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will bust you for romance fraud!

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. I'm super heroine. I transform using a broach and beat up the bad guys! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! And my friends are: kind hearted genius girl, Ami Mizuno-chan and a bit short tempered psychic girl, Ray Hino-chan. They're so mature that I might lose out. But I guess I gotta do it.

episode #23
"Wishing to a Shooting Star! Naru-chan's Pure Love"

Naru: So, this's love.

Naru: You're such a kid, Usagi.
Usagi: Not really.. Does that mean you're mature?
Naru: Of course. After all, I'm in mature love.

Usagi: Naru-chan, you need a man to be in love.
Naru: Come on. You bet.
Usagi: Then, is it with Umino? Tuxedo Mask and Motoki-onisan are no go, OK? I found them first.
Naru: Told you it's mature love. Fine I'll tell you. He's Sanjoin-sama.

Naru: How come you're so surprised? Sure, he's a little older than me. But as long as there's love, age gap is nothing.
Usagi: Hey.. Anyway, forget about him!
Naru: Forget it. I shouldn't have told you.

Luna: Now, that's a big trouble.

Ray: We have to tell her that Masato Sanjoin is Nephrite.
Ami: Maybe we can wait and see how it turns up.
Usagi: Considering what Naru-chan would have to go through, it's not gonna be easy.
Ray: You'll never know if it'll work or not till you try.
Ami: Hold it, Ray-chan. What do you think, Usagi-chan?
Usagi: I know I have to tell her, but..
Luna: Then what do you wanna do?
Usagi: Leave everything about Naru-chan to me!

Luna: By leaving it to her, things could get even worse.

Beryl: Where has Nephrite gone? No matter how many times I summon him, he does not come!!

etc: Her Majesty Queen Beryl is angered. How terrifying.
Beryl: Curse on Nephrite. He better be prepared to pay for the consequence!

Zoisite: Nephrite is doomed. My sympathy to him.

Nephrite: I have no time to collect energy.

Nephrite: The only choice I have now is to have that in exchange for the Star Chart.

Nephrite: You again. What do you want?
Zoisite: Now, you mustn't treat me so coldly. Her Majesty Queen Beryl is quite furious. She wishes to see you.
Nephrite: So you came to snoop around for Kunzite?
Zoisite: I see that you do not have any decent plans.
Nephrite: It is none of your concern! Be gone!
Zoisite: You scare me. Just a piece of advice. Why not retire before Her Majesty Queen Beryl decides to dispose you?
Nephrite: Silence! I will find the Silver Crystal and make fool out of you!
Zoisite: How dare you. The Silver Crystal is my job.
Nephrite: Who cares whose job is what. First come is the winner. I will redeem myself by finding the Silver Crystal.
Zoisite: Curse on you. You will pay for this.

Nephrite: How could I become so upset with only Zoisite.

Nephrite: Star knows everything.

Nephrite: When the sun makes ominous ninety degree angle between Neptune and Mars, the guidance to the Silver Crystal will appear.

Nephrite: That is.. the Dark Crystal.

Nephrite: So, this will guide me to the Silver Crystal.

Nephrite: It's the girl. So, she has the Silver Crystal?

Zoisite: Kunzite-sama. I feel so humiliated.
Kunzite: Let Nephrite carry on.
Zoisite: But what if he finds the..
Kunzite: If he finds the Silver Crystal, steal it.
Zoisite: Wonderful idea, Kunzite-sama.
Kunzite: Zoisite, have your demon keep an eye on Nephrite.
Zoisite: Yasha, are you there? You heard him.
etc: Yes, as you wish.

Usagi: I can't do it.
Luna: What's wrong with you? You said you'll handle it.
Usagi: What else was I supposed to say? That happens pretty often.
Luna: It's often only with you!
Usagi: What do I do? I know!
Luna: So what are you gonna do?
Usagi: This's the best chance! I'll talk to Motoki-onisan!

Luna: Not that I expected anything out of her..

Usagi: How could he look so sweet! Don't get so close to her. Your Usagi is right here! This's gotta be..
Mamoru: Hi, dumpling head. Hey Motoki, your dumpling's turning into steamed bun, 'cause you aren't looking after her.
Usagi: That's not true. I'm not steamed bun at all.
Motoki: There you are, Usagi-chan. I'm sorry.
Usagi: Good afternoon.
Motoki: It's almost quitting time. Usagi-chan, wanna go grab something to eat?
Usagi: Sure! There's something I needed to talk to you about.
Mamoru: I'll go too. I got time to kill.
Motoki: That's good idea.
Usagi: You're right.

Usagi: My friend Naru-chan fell in love with this bad man. But Naru-chan doesn't know that he is bad.
Motoki: And?
Usagi: Well.. In this situation, what should I do? If I tell her the truth, Naru-chan would be..
Motoki: Maybe you don't have to be in that much of a hurry. Why don't you wait and see how it turns up.
Usagi: He's got the same idea as Ami-chan.
Mamoru: Nothing's gonna change if you just wait. To tell the truth is a form of courage.
Motoki: Mamoru's right. If you tell Naru-chan the truth, she might get mad, but as a friend, you have to tell her.

Usagi: Sure! Now that I got that thing worked out, I'm getting hungry. Excuse me, can I have a fruit pafe, assorted sandwich, strawberry cake, and juice!
Mamoru: Motoki, how much do you have on you?
Motoki: Enough..
Usagi: Come on, I'll pay the bill. Oh, and can I get pizza too?

Usagi: Courage. Yeah, it's the courage.

Naru: Yes? Oh, Usagi. What's up?
Usagi: I'll tell you this with courage. Masato Sanjoin is a bad man. And he's not human.. I mean, he's really bad man. So, don't get close to him. So just give up about him. Get it?
Naru: But I'm..
Usagi: Bye. Forget about him, OK?

Luna: So, you told her?
Usagi: Yeah, finally I told her with courage.
Luna: And did Naru-chan agree?

Luna: Don't tell me you just told her and left..

Luna: I don't believe this. What was the use of telling her?
Usagi: I'm sure she understood me.

Luna: I should've gone with you.

Naru: Usagi said so.. but he's still wonderful after all.

mom: Naru-chan, phone for you. From Mr.Sanjoin.
Naru: So he loves me too.

Naru: Yes, the Sankaku Park in the neighborhood, right? Yes, I'll be right over.

Naru: I'll be out for a bit.
mom: Now?


Nephrite: I'm sorry to ask you out this late at night.
Naru: It's OK. I'm so glad you did.
Nephrite: I wanted to say good bye to you.
Naru: I see. So have I been bothering you?
Nephrite: Certainly not. In fact, I don't want you to get into trouble.

Nephrite: I've been threatened by these bad people. I don't want you to get involved. Good bye. I'm glad I've met you.
Naru: Wait. If there's anything I can do, tell me. Nephrite: Only if there's the Silver Crystal.
Naru: What is the Silver Crystal?
Nephrite: If I give them the Silver Crystal, I'm free man. Oh, sorry. Forget what I said.
Naru: Silver Crystal?

Naru: Wow, it's so pretty.
mom: This crystal is very rare.
Naru: It's shining in silver.

Naru: So, that's the Silver Crystal. Sanjoin-sama, please wait here. I'll bring it right away.

Naru: This should be the key. It worked.

Naru: This's it.
mom: Who's there? What are you doing there?

mom: Naru-chan, what are you doing there?

Naru: Mom, I'm sorry.

mom: Naru-chan, what happened to you?

Usagi: Luna, we shouldn't do it.
Luna: Come on, we have to check how Naru-chan thinks about this. Besides, it's all your fault, 'cause you didn't do it right.
Usagi: But look... That's Naru-chan's mom. mom: Did you see my daughter?
Usagi: What happened?
mom: She just went out with a jewel in the store.
Usagi: Any idea where she might be?
mom: There was a call from a man named Masato Sanjoin.
Usagi: He's villain! I'll look for her too!

Usagi: He'll pay for taking advantage of Naru-chan's feeling to him!
Luna: Usagi-chan, transform.
Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Usagi: Luna, let's go!

Nephrite: The Dark Crystal is not responding. It is a mere crystal.
Naru: I'm glad I could be some help for Sanjoin-sama.

Nephrite: What? The Dark Crystal is reacting to her? Why? This girl is worth looking into.

Nephrite: I need your help on something. Can you come with me?

Nephrite: Let's go.
Naru: Sure.

Usagi: Hold it right there!

Usagi: If you play with girl's heart anymore, I'll bust you for romance fraud!
Nephrite: Do not interfere with me.
Usagi: I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!
Naru: Sailor Moon, what are you doing here?
Usagi: Naru-chan, don't be deceived. Masato Sajoin is alter ego of Nephrite, a member of evil society Dark Kingdom.
Naru: That's not true! Sanjoin-sama can't be bad man! Right, Sanjoin-sama?

Nephrite: Stars, grant me power.

Luna: Sailor Moon, stay put.
Nephrite: That is all with playing around.

Nephrite: Star Light Attack!

Nephrite: So you have manage to evade. But I will not miss next time.
Ray: Look at you..
Ami: Sailor Moon, come on.

Ray: Sailor Mars, at your presence!
Ami: Sailor Mercury, at your presence!
Nephrite: Now that all three of you are here, I will send all of you to Hell.

Ami: Shabon..

Ami: Spray!

Nephrite: Where are they?
Ray: Fire..

Ray: Soul!

Nephrite: You were still here?

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Nephrite: No!

Nephrite: How could she?!
Naru: I'll protect Sanjoin-sama.

Usagi: Stop, please!

Usagi: I don't believe this. It actually stopped.
Naru: Don't hurt Sanjoin-sama.
Ami: We can't let him get away.
Ray: Get out our way.
Naru: I don't wanna. Even if you kill me.
Nephrite: She's serious about me?
Ami: Why do you want to defend him that much?
Naru: 'Cause I love him.

Naru: I love him so much. Even if that cost my life, I'll defend him.

Nephrite: Does this Dark Crystal react to kind heart? She's willing sacrifice her life to save mine. Is that what humans call love?

etc: Is that the Silver Crystal?

etc: Hand it over to me.

Usagi: Nephrite defended Naru-chan.
Naru: Sanjoin-sama saved me.

etc: How dare you, Nephrite. Do you intend to take side of humans?

etc: Death to traitor!

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

etc: Curse on you.

Usagi: Nephrite, can't you see how Naru-chan feels about you?
Nephrite: I have returned the favor.
Usagi: That's not the problem.
Ami: Don't you have any hearts?
Ray: Forget it. No way he does.
Nephrite: What an airheads. Once I find the Silver Crystal, Dark Kingdom will rule the universe.
Usagi: Silver Crystal? What's that?
Luna: Silver Crystal? I heard that before.
Nephrite: Your time as the super heroines are counted. You may blab about love or justice till then. Farewell.

Usagi: Shooting star, please. If Nephrite really loves Naru-chan, don't let him do evil things.

Usagi: There are loves that girls can't turn their back on.
Luna: But Usagi-chan, Naru-chan's love is too risky.
Usagi: Nephrite, stop doing evil deeds. Naru-chan's believe in you.
Luna: The pure romantic story line. It's gonna be tear jerker.
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Naru-chan's Tear! Death of Nephrite for Love"
The moon light carries the message of love.