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Sailor Moon #24

Usagi: There are loves that girls can't turn their back on. There's a love that they believe in at any cost. Girls always are whole hearted. Anybody who try to mess the two up, by the name of Moon, I'll punish you!

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. I'm super heroine. I transform using a broach and beat up the bad guys! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! And my friends are; kind hearted genius girl, Ami Mizuno-chan and a bit short tempered psychic girl, Ray Hino-chan. They're so mature that I might lose out. But I guess I gotta do it.

episode #24
"Naru-chan's Tear! Death of Nephrite for Love"

Usagi: Naru-chan, you really should give up about him.
Naru: I can't. It doesn't matter if he's bad man. I love him.
Usagi: Good god..
Naru: Usagi, are you in love with anybody?
Usagi: Well, sort of..
Naru: Then you should know how I feel.

Nephrite: Naru Ohsaka. Why did the Dark Crystal respond to the girl? Is it the energy of love?

Naru: I'll protect Sanjoin-sama.

Naru: 'Cause I love you.

Nephrite: How pointless. Sailor Moon knew her name. She may know the true identity of Sailor Moon. Just you wait, Sailor Moon.
Zoisite: There it is. The Dark Crystal that shows the path to the Silver Crystal.

Nephrite: The Dark Crystal is responding again. To her.

Nephrite: Could the Silver Crystal be inside human body?

Nephrite: There isn't. The Silver Crystal is not inside this girl.

Nephrite: Masato Sanjoin is my disguise. My true name is Nephrite. I don't want to lie to you.

Nephrite: Listen to me there. Naru: Yes.

Nephrite: You're wonderful girl. Thanks to you, I found out what true love is. There is no love in the evil society I am in now. Everybody try to betray each other, and kill for their own advantage. I always thought that was natural. But your love awakened me. I am thinking of fighting along side Sailor Moon. If you know anything about Sailor Moon, I'd like to know.
Naru: I'm sorry. I don't know anything.
Nephrite: Can't you trust me?
Naru: Yes I do. But I really don't know.
Nephrite: I see. That's too bad.

Naru: Wait!

Nephrite: If she knows the true identity of Sailor Moon, she surely will get in contact with her.

Zoisite: My goodness. How silly he is. He fell in love with human female?

Zoisite: Well, you heard him.
etc: What a foolish man.
etc: Let us take him now.
Zoisite: Just wait. Nephrite is fierce warrior. I don't want make careless moves and get hurt. Take the girl as hostage and lure him out.
etc: Understood.

Naru: How would I know where Sailor Moon is?

mom: Usagi, phone for you.

Usagi: Who the heck is it at this late at night?

Usagi: Hello?

Usagi: Hello?
Naru: Usagi, sorry I called you this late.
Usagi: Naru-chan?! What's up?
Naru: I thought you're the only one I can talk to.
Usagi: What happened?
Naru: Sanjoin-sama's looking for Sailor Moon. He's in trouble. But there's nothing I can do.
Usagi: What about Sanjoin-san?

Usagi: You're crying?
Naru: I'm sorry. Forget it.
Usagi: But..
Naru: It's OK. Now that I talked to you, Usagi, I feel much better. Thanks.
Usagi: really?

Luna: I bet Nephrite's approaching to Naru-chan!

Luna: You're slow! I'll go ahead!
Usagi: I'm not a cat!
Luna: Hurry!
Usagi: Got it!

Usagi: What's this?!

Usagi: I know. It's the demons. Where are you?! Show yourself!

Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Nephrite: You have revealed yourself, Sailor Moon.

Nephrite: Sailor Moon's true identity is Usagi Tsukino. Now I know.
Usagi: No way.

Usagi: Please! Don't tell anybody that I'm Sailor Moon!
Nephrite: There is no need to hide.
Usagi: That's not really true. Please?
Nephrite: Not to be concerned. You will die here!

Usagi: I don't wanna!

Usagi: somebody..
Nephrite: Say your prayers.

Kamen: Defeat does not suit beautiful Sailor Moon. I will fight you.
Usagi: Tuxedo Mask-sama!

Naru: Help, Nephrite-sama.
Nephrite: That's..
Kamen: What is it, Nephrite?
Nephrite: This fight have to wait. Sailor Moon, now I know your true identity. From now on, I can attack you anytime. Remember that.

Usagi: Now what do I do? He knows who I am.
Kamen: Don't despair even if your identity is revealed. Farewell.

Luna: My god. Gotta contact the Sailor Warriors.

Nephrite: Hand over the Dark Crystal in exchange for the girl? So, it's Zoisite's underling. Fool. Why should I care what happens to a girl?


etc: Come, Nephrite.
etc: Are you certain he'd come? For the sake of mere human.
etc: If he does not, we will take her life.
etc: Poor girl. Look how terrified she is.

etc: Die!

etc: Got him?

Nephrite: I will not hand over the Dark Crystal. Tell that to Zoisite.

Naru: Nephrite-sama, thank you.
Nephrite: No need to thank me. I don't know myself why I rescued you. Besides, I have been deceiving you all the time. I may continue to deceive you from now on too.
Naru: I don't care. As long as you're with me, you can lie to me. Oh god. You're hurt.
Nephrite: That's nothing.
Naru: It's not OK. You got this for my sake. Those scary ladies might come after us. Over here.

Naru: Take off your shirt.

Naru: On the 3rd street..

Naru: There's a shop that serve really delicious chocolate parfait.

Naru: Yes. Do you like it?
Nephrite: Sure, I do.
Naru: That's not true.

Naru: You can lie for generosity.

Nephrite: Thank you.
Naru: I always wished if I can eat the parfait with you. That's my little dream.
Nephrite: Sure. We should.
Naru: Really?
Nephrite: Do you think I'm lying?
Naru: No. I feel so happy.

Naru: Oh yeah. Do you get day off on Sundays in evil society too?

Naru: I see you smiling.

Naru: Funny. Why am I crying?..

etc: We have you. The thorn will drain your energy till you die.

etc: What a miserable end.
etc: If you don't want the girl to get killed, hand over the Dark Crystal.
Nephrite: Alright. Run.
Naru: No.
Nephrite: RUN!
Naru: No!
Nephrite: You fool! Run!
Naru: No!

etc: How could a mere human pull it out?

Nephrite: Hurry. Run while you can.

Nephrite: It's OK. You've done enough.

Nephrite: What?

etc: Impossible.

Naru: Nephrite-sama, don't die.

etc: Then, I'll finish both of you off.

etc: Die!

Nephrite: Are you OK?

Zoisite: Well done. I have the Dark Crystal. Aren't you lucky you get to die with the girl you love? Torment them as you like.
Nephrite: You weasel.

etc: Meet your fate!
Nephrite: Run.
Naru: No.

Usagi: Hold it!

Usagi: How could you try to mess up couple in love?!
etc: Sailor Warriors?
Usagi: By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!
Ami: Cool your head down with water.
Ray: By the name of Mars, I'll lynch you!
etc: We'll start with you! Die!

Ami: Shabon..

Ami: Spray!

Ami: Get them!
etc: What? Where are they?

Ray: Fire..

Usagi: Moon Tiara..

Ray: Soul!

Usagi: Action!

Nephrite: Sailor Moon.
Usagi: Yes?
Nephrite: Looks like nobody will know your true identity.

Usagi: Don't die.

Nephrite: I'm sorry. I don't think we'll be eating chocolate parfait.

Naru: Don't.

Nephrite: I had to lie to the end. I'm sorry.

Nephrite: I'm glad I met you.

Naru: No. Don't. You promised.. you'd go eat chocolate parfait with me.

Naru: Noo!

Naru: You can't do this!

Usagi: Luna, this's new friend. Makoto Kino-chan. Call her Mako-chan.
Luna: She's so huge.
Usagi: She saved me from those goons. She's so tough.
Luna: What's the use of super heroine depending on other people?
Usagi: But The guy Mako-chan likes is being chased by demon.
Luna: Another enemy, Usagi-chan?
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Power Girl in Love, Jupiter-chan"
The moon light carries the message of love.