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Sailor Moon #25

Usagi: Hold it! A human turned into a demon?! How am I supposed to punish him? The first time ever in my life as Sailor Moon. Got no time for this! What's the heck. By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. I'm super heroine. I transform using a broach and beat up the bad guys! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! And my friends are: kind hearted genius girl, Ami Mizuno-chan and a bit short tempered psychic girl, Ray Hino-chan. They're so mature that I might lose out. But I guess I gotta do it.

episode #25
"Power Girl in Love, Jupiter-chan"

Beryl: Awaken from your sleep, Our Great Ruler.

Beryl: I offer you the blessing of energy. Awaken, Our Great Ruler.

Metalia: The human energy has awaken me from the long sleep.

Beryl: I have longed for this day.
Metalia: However, the depth of sleep still beacons to my mind. You must find the Silver Crystal. I must have the Silver Crystal to return completely.
Beryl: Yet, we have no clue to its whereabout.
Metalia: When the Great Seven Demons accompanied by the Rainbow Crystals come back to the world, the Silver Crystal will show itself.

Usagi: I'm late!
Luna: Stop! You forgot this!
Usagi: Sorry, can you bring it over to school?

Usagi: I'm sorry..

etc: You broke my leg bone!

etc: Hey, how are you gonna pay up for this, missy?

Makoto: Knock it off.
etc: What?
Makoto: I saw all of it.

Makoto: Trying to swindle by bumping into a girl? You stink.
etc: Say what?
etc: Hey, don't push us.

etc: You bitch!

Usagi: holy..

Makoto: Are you OK?
Usagi: Yeah!

Makoto: Careful.

Usagi: Rose earrings? That's so pretty.

Beryl: When the Great Seven Demons accompanied by the Rainbow Crystals come back to the world, the Silver Crystal will show itself.
Kunzite: As I recall, our Great Seven Demons were sealed off by our hated enemy.

Beryl: The legendary Great Seven Demons..

Beryl: Curse of our hated enemy. They have sealed the Great Seven Demons into the seven fragments of the Silver Crystal. And sent them to Earth. Those seven fragments are called Rainbow Crystals.
Kunzite: Rainbow Crystals..
Zoisite: And what became of the Great Seven Demons?
Kunzite: They have reincarnated as humans and lost memory as the demons.
Zoisite: I see. If we remove the Rainbow Crystal from the reincarnated humans, we will have the Silver Crystal..
Beryl: Furthermore, our best warriors, Seven Great Demons will return as well.

Beryl: I have modified it to respond only to the Rainbow Crystal. Zoisite: I thank you.

Zoisite: One of the Rainbow Crystal is within this man.

etc: Move it! We'll lose the spot!
Usagi: Lunch time! My tummy's singing. It's the girl with rose earrings.

Gurio: Usagi-san.

Usagi: Don't pop out of nowhere!
Gurio: She transferred into Class 6 today. Her name's Makoto Kino. She's so strong.. The rumor goes that she was booted out of the previous school for fighting. You shouldn't get too close to her. Or you'll...

Usagi: She's got cute and delicious lunch. And the bag's cute too. Wow, what a delicious looking rice ball. Makoto: Who's there?

Usagi: Hi there.
Makoto: It's you. You're in this school too.
Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino!
Makoto: Why don't come over?
vUsagi: Thank you for saving me.

Makoto: Would you like one?
Usagi: But I only eat little..

Usagi: Thank you! delicious..

Makoto: Glad you're here. I don't know why, but everybody seems to be avoiding me.
Usagi: Say, Mako-chan.. Sorry, can I call you Mako-chan?
Makoto: sure.
Usagi: Your mom's real genius cook.
Makoto: I made them myself.
Usagi: Oh wow! Can you teach me?! Or can you make some?
Umino: Usagi-san's genius on making friends.

Usagi: Say, Mako-chan, how come you aren't in our school uniform?
Makoto: This one feels better.

Usagi: Is Motoki-onisan away today?
Makoto: Who's that? Lemme guess..

Makoto: Your brother?

Usagi: Nope. Motoki-onisan is..

Ami: I knew you'd be here.
Usagi: What's up?
Ami: That girl's bugging Luna.
Usagi: That girl? Mako-chan?
Luna: yeah.
Usagi: You're overreacting, Luna.

Makoto: Damnit, I died.
Usagi: Mako-chan.
Makoto: What's up?
Usagi: I wanna introduce you to my friends. She transferred to Juban Jr.High today, Makoto Kino-chan.
Makoto: Nice to meet you.
two: Nice to meet you.
Usagi: And they're smart Ami-chan and nasty Ray-chan.
Ray: Say who's nasty?
Usagi: You are.
Ray: I didn't catch that. Say who?
Usagi: YOU ARE!
Ray: What year, what day, what hour, what minute, what second was I nasty?!
Usagi: You just talked nasty!
Makoto: Gosh you two are good friends.
two: No way!
Ray: She always picks a fight whenever we run into each other!
Usagi: Who did?
Ray: You did!
Makoto: The more you fight, the closer you are to each other.
Ami: She's got them for this one.

Makoto: You're cute.

Usagi: The crescent bold spot cat is Luna. She's staying at our house.

etc: Holy smokes.

Usagi: What's going on?

Usagi: Oh wow.

etc: Did you see him?

etc: He's Crane Joe.
Usagi: Crane? What's that?
etc: He's genius crane game player. Any arcade he visits will lose every single doll they have left.
Usagi: Isn't he neat, Mako-chan?..
Makoto: He's exactly like him..
Usagi: Mako-chan?..

Makoto: Sempai..
Usagi: Hello? Mako-chan?

Usagi: What's wrong with her?

Zoisite: I found you.

etc: What's the...
Zoisite: It'll take only a minute.

etc: Stop!


etc: Stop!
Makoto: Hold it.

Makoto: Why don't you pick on somebody of your kind?

Zoisite: If you dare to interfere me, you will be sorry.

Zoisite: What are you doing?
Makoto: Not bad.
Zoisite: How barbaric.

Zoisite: How dare you injure my face.

Usagi: Mako-chan! What? A fight?

Makoto: Stop!
Usagi: What's going on?

Makoto: Are you OK?
Usagi: What happened, Mako-chan?

etc: Let go of me! Don't get close to me!

Usagi: Is that all he's got to say? What a jerk. Mako-chan? What's going on?
Luna: I felt something.
Usagi: Felt what?
Luna: I felt evil aura from the man she was fighting. He might be with the Dark Kingdom.
Usagi: No way.. That means.. Mako-chan's in trouble.
Luna: Wait up!

etc: How long are you going to follow me?
Makoto: But looks like somebody's after you. So, I'll be your body guard.
etc: I don't remember getting anybody's way.
Makoto: I bet the arcade owners are little ticked that you ripped them off with the crane game.
etc: Impossible.
Makoto: Tell me any trick with the game.
etc: You can't do it.

Makoto: What's wrong?

etc: Welcome!

etc: I want to have coffee by myself.

Usagi: What a jerk.
Makoto: That's the good part.

Makoto: He's just like my lost love sempai.
Usagi: She's totally in girl-in-love mode..

Makoto: You don't have to stick around with me.
Usagi: It's OK.

Usagi: He wants you to come. Good going.
Makoto: What do I do?..
Usagi: What else do you think you can do? Go on!

Makoto: Wait!
Usagi: I won't. And good luck.

etc: Have a seat.

etc: Don't get me wrong. I just can't stand being watched from outside all the time.

etc: It's because of a psychic power that I'm good at the crane game.
Makoto: Psychic power?
etc: I have this strange power since I was kid.

etc: Get it? Nobody can do it. That's why I said you can't do it.

Makoto: You know? Isn't that kind of cheating?
etc: I don't care. Why not put my power to the best use?
Makoto: You think so?
Zoisite: May I help you?
Makoto: Large curry rice.. No, I'll have milk tea.

etc: Help!

Luna: It's him!

Usagi: You gonna just leave her behind?
etc: I don't care! She just followed me!
Usagi: Say what? You call yourself guy?!
etc: None of my business! Besides, I can't stand huge girl like her!

Luna: He's with the Dark Kingdom after all.
Usagi: Are you OK, Mako-chan?

Makoto: It's the same all over again.
Usagi: Mako-chan?
Makoto: Damnit!

etc: spare me..
Zoisite: There is no need to run. You are one of us.
etc: One of you?
Zoisite: I will have the Rainbow Crystal.

Zoisite: This must be it.
Usagi: Hold it!

Zoisite: You are little too late, Sailor Moon.
Usagi: Who the heck are you?
Zoisite: Let me introduce myself. One of Dark Kingdom Four General, Zoisite. Now, you will take care of her, demon Gesen.
Luna: He disappeared?

Usagi: He turned into demon?!

Makoto: What do you think you're doing my idol, Sailor Moon?!

Luna: The mark is..

Usagi: Awesome..

Makoto: Watch out!

Usagi: I can't move!

Luna: Wait. You're one of the Sailor Warrior. Makoto: Luna's talking?! Luna: Take this pen, and say, "Jupiter Power, Makeup!" And help Sailor Moon.

Makoto: Jupiter Power, Makeup!

Usagi: Mako-chan's...

Makoto: My Guardian Planet, Jupiter. Bring forth the storm! Call upon the cloud! Let thunder come down upon me!

Makoto: Supreme

Makoto: Thunder!

Usagi: shu-cream sundae?
Makoto: One more time..
Luna: Don't! The demon still has the heart of human. He was originally human.
Usagi: Then, what do we do?

Luna: So, heal the demon.
Usagi: How do we do that?

Luna: That's the Moon Stick. Say, "Moon Healing, Escalation!"

Usagi: Moon Healing, Escalation!


Luna: You are the forth warrior, Sailor Jupiter.

Luna: Sailor Moon, now we have four warriors. You must become the leader and protect the Princess.
Usagi: Me?! Leader?!
Luna: That's right. The Moon Stick is the symbol of the leader.

Makoto: Damnit, damnit!! men are just bunchova....

Makoto: One more time.

Motoki: Hi, Usagi-chan.
Usagi: Oh, Motoki-onisan.
Motoki: I heard the Crane Joe came. I wish I was here.
Usagi: Really?.. Here, lemme introduce to my friend. She's Makoto Kino-chan.
Motoki: Hello.
Makoto: He looks exactly like my lost love sempai.

Usagi: Didn't you say Crane Joe looks like him?
Makoto: His voice sound just like him.

Luna: weird girl...

ending song. (copy and paste, thank you)

Luna: What's bothering you, Usagi-chan?
Usagi: Naru-chan hasn't recovered from the shock.
Luna: Time like this, you should cheer her up.
Usagi: You're right. I know, eating lots of delicious stuff will do! French, ethnic, Chinese..
Luna: Are you really worried about her?..
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Smile, Naru-chan! Usagi's Friendship"
The moon light carries the message of love.